Ch.27: Cheer Accidents

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(A/N) Hey guys. About one of the chapters about Snowball dying. I forgot to put that in a chapter. She got hit by a car. I'm sorry I forgot so here is chapter 27.


Anna's P.O.V.

It's been about a year since me and Heather went to cheer. We were gonna practice with the team. The boys were coming with us. It was 10 am right now. I put on my zebra yoga shorts with a white shirt that said cheer in zebra print. I grabbed my white puma's and grabbed a black adidas bag and put extra shoes and clothes with my phone and a few water bottles. I went downstairs amd ate toast.

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up aroun 10:30 am. I got up and put on a cheer outfit I love from the bring it on in it to win it movie. I loved the jets so I bought one. It was blue, black, and white. I put it on and put my hair in a pony tail. My bangs were in my face but my pony tail didn't help so I just left it. My hair is baby blue. I love it. It also goes with my jets uniform. I put on my puma's and grabbed my black adidas bag and walked to the kitchen and Anna was in there. I put my bag on the floor and made toast.

"Good mornting." I said.

"Good mornting. Oh lord. The white version of Madea is coming." Anna said laughing. We both started laughing.

"Are the boys up?" I asked.

"Yeah. They are in the game room." Anna said pointing to the hall way. I walked down the hall and peeked in the room.

"Boys. What are you all doing?" I asked looking at them all.

"We are playing the x-box as you can see Louis and Liam are battling on dance central 2." Zayn said pointing to Louis and Liam. I looked at them and they can't dance.

"Well me and Anna have to leave for practice after you guys are finished." I said with a serious tone. Harry, Niall, and Zayn got up and walked out.

"Louis. Liam. Hurry up. We have to leave soon." I yelled at them.

"Okay." They both said. I walked back to the kitchen to eat my toast. Niall was eating it.

"NIALL JAMES HORAN. I KNOW YOU DID NOT EAT MY TOAST I COOKED FOR ME!" I yelled getting mad. All the boys looked at me and I heard Louis and Liam walk in. Niall stared at me with a scared expression.

"Th-This is yours?" Niall asked. I nodded with my hands in fists.

"Heather calm down." Harry said standing a few feet in front of me. I started running towards Niall to get my toast. Someone caught me but I managed to escape their grip. I ran after him again. He tripped and fell. I jumped on his back and got my toast. There was only a bite taken out of it. I got up and went to the kitchen to eat to delicious toast. All the the boys and Anna were staring at me.

"Did you kill Niall?" Liam asked.

"No. He tripped and fell and I jumped on his back and got my toast back." I said eating another piece of my toast. Niall came back a few minutes later. He went and sat by Anna. He put his head on her shoulder.

"Oh quit being a sad person Niall." Louis said.

"I don't have any toast." Niall said sadly. I got a piece of toast and put it on the toaster. It finished and I put butter on it and gave it to Niall.

"Here Niall. I made you toast." I said. He lit up and took the toast and ate it. Now everyone was happy. We got our stuff and left to practice.

*10 minutes later*

We walked to practice. We went in. Anna and I went to practice. We started stretching and Anna looked like she was in pain. I got up and walked over to her. I sat next to her.

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