Ch.41: Talking It Out

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(A/N): Hey guys! I have been in such a writing mood these past few days. Here is chapter 41. Can you believe it. 41 chapters.


*5 months later*

Heather's P.O.V.

It's been 5 months and me and Harry are friends now. He still wants to meet up one day and talk but I'm just not ready to. I was in my room laying in bed. I was going walking with Ashton today. I got up and took a shower and straightened my hair. I put on a white tank top with a black maxi skirt with double slits. I put on black toms and went to the living room and sat down. Sarah, Calum, Luke, And Mikey were staring at me smiling. Sarah and Calum started dating.

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" I asked.

"No reason." Sarah said.

"Sure." I mumbled.

"Ashton is outside waiting." Luke said.

"Now you tell me." I said getting up and going outside.

"Hi Heather." Ashton said.

"Hi Ash. Where are we going." I asked.

"A certain person wanted to take you somewhere and talk." Ashton said.

"I'm not dressed for that." I said.

"Oh relax. It's a sandwich shop." Ashton said.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell." Ashton said.

"Ashton come on. Please." I said.

"It's Harry. Anna and Niall are there too. Harry really wants you back. He looks horrible. Just give him a chance Heather come on." Ashton said.

"Ugh fine. I'll go and talk and see what happens. I'm not leaving though unless you force me too." I said.

*20 minutes later*

We arrived at the sandwich shop and Ashton walkes me to the table and I sat beside Anna.

"Hey Heather." Anna said.

"Hi Anna." I said hugging her. She hugged back.

"How are you?" Anna asked.

"I'm good. Been going walking everyday and stuff." I said.

"I love that skirt." Anna said.

"I bought it last week and I have more." I said.

"Cool." Anna said.

"Hello Harry and Niall." I said.

"Hello." They said back.

"You doing good boys?" I asked.

"Yeah. We're great." Niall said.

"That's good. Me and Anna have to go somewhere." Niall said getting up with Anna.

"Be careful guys." I said. They left and it was just me and Harry.

"Harry. What's wrong? I know there is something wrong." I said looking at him. Ashton was right. He looked horrible.

"I just miss you so much." Harry said looking down.

"I miss you just as much Harry." I said. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I know that you didn't mean to kiss Kendall. I didn't realize she just kissed you." I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything else besides I don't know. I was just shocked and when I saw you beating Kendall I just couldn't believe what was happening." Harry said sadly.

"It's fine. I'm over it Harry. We are friends and that's all that matters." I said.

"But I wanna be with you again. I'm broken. I'm not happy." Harry said.

"I'm not ready yet Harry. I'm trying to like be ready to do this and it takes time." I said.

"I know. I'm gonna wait unil your ready and then we can try again and see how it goes." Harry says standing up. I stand up and go outside and start walking home. I wanna be with Harry again ,but I'm scared something will happen again.


(A/N): This is just a filler chapter. I'm doing them alot to have chapters and then I'm gonna have a big chapter. Does anyone want their name in my story?

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