Ch.19: Staying At Home

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(A/N) Hi guys. I haven't been feeling well lately. Here is chapter 19.


Heather's P.O.V.

I have been home for the past three days. Harry has came to visit alot. I haven't gotten out of bed alot. I was in the living room at the moment. It was about 6pm in Australia. Harry was performing in Sydney again. As soon as I'm better Harry is sending Paul to come get me. Paul is like a dad to me. I was watching Ridiculousness. That's all I watched for a few hours. Anna is with Niall. I didn't want her to be sick.

Harry's P.O.V.

It was the Sydney concert. It felt weird without Heather. We leave tomorrow for a different concert in Australia. 5SOS are staying here. They are going back to their home. They said they would check on Heather for me. Paul is staying here so he can bring her back to me. The concert is about to be over.

Anna's P.O.V.

The crowd in Sydney is amazing. I see why Heather loves Australia. It sucks she is sick. I was wearing a cherry blossom patterned short dress. My shoes were white wedges. I sat on stage all night.

Niall's P.O.V.

The show is almost over. I really like this city. They had signs for Heather to get better. This was the only place continent that liked Heather. Anna and I had a great time of stage. I knew she loved this too.

Heather's P.O.V.

I fell asleep watching tv. My mum woke me up telling me to go to bed. I went to bed and fell back asleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

I left the concert and went to Heather's house. I knew her mum would be up. I got there about 10 minutes later. I knocked on the door. Heather's mum answered the door.

"Hello Harry. Come in." She said opening the door.

"Hello ma'am. How is she?" I asked stepping in.

"She is in bed. She is getting better. She can go back tomorrow." She said. I was so happy. My baby can come back on tour.

"Really?" I asked.

"She hasn't been sick today. I think she misses home. She cried last night." She said.

"She doesn't have to come back as soon as possible. I think she should spend some time with you." I said.

"She misses you more though Harry. She is in bed. You can go get her if you like." She said pointing to the stairs.

"Okay. Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome." She said walking back to her room. I went up the stairs to Heather's room. Her door was open. I walked in and she was asleep. I went to her bed and layed beside her.

Heather's P.O.V.

I felt someone get in my bed. I turned over and opened my eyes. It was Harry. I smiled. And he pulled me closer to him.

"Your mom told me that you're not sick anymore. She said if you want you can come back on tour." Harry said.

"Yeah. I do wanna come back. I'm sick of being here. Not being able to do anything." I said.

"We leave for London tomorrow." Harry said.

"I am coming. I already have my suitcase packed." I said.

"Okay baby. Paul is coming around 4 am. I told your mom already." Harry said.

"Okay. Let's go to sleep. I'm tired." I said. I fell asleep.

*next morning*

It was 4 am. Paul was at the door. I woke Harry up. We took showers. I put on my watercolor 5SOS shirt with my leather leggings and white supras. I put a black jacket from pink. I wasn't talking. My throat was hurting alot. I looked at Harry. He was wesring grey sweat pants with a white t-shirt and converse. We got our suitcases and left. Fans were there. My hair color was faded. My face was a little pale. I put the hood over my head. I put on sunglasses and held Harry's hand. He put his arm around me. The others were on the private jet the boys wanted. We found our way to the private jet and got on. I just layed on the floor. Someone handed me a cover. I fell asleep on the floor.

Anna's P.O.V.

I handed Heather the cover. She just took it and went to sleep. I was wearing sweat pants a a black tshirt. I didn't wear shoes. I didn't wanna put them on.

Niall's P.O.V.

I went to sleep on the jet. I got up at 3 am for this. We would be in London around 11 am.

Harry's P.O.V.

Heather was asleep on the floor. The others were in chairs. I picked her up and put her in a seat and let her sleep. I went to sleep after her.

*5 hours later*

We are in London. I'm so happy. I'm home. Heather is still asleep. I just picked her up and carried her out of the jet. People asked if she was okay. I told them she is just tired. They left me alone after that. We got out of the airport and went home. We arrived home after 30 minutes. Heather woke up sometime during the ride home. She looked out the window happy. We arrived home. Louis ran straight to the door and unlocked it and ran in.

Heather's P.O.V.

I went in the house and went to mine and Harry's room. I set my stuff down and Louis came in and handed me a shirt that said partner in crime with purple letters and Louis had one in orange. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks Louis." I said.

"Your welcome partner in crime." He said giving me a hug. I hugged him back. I went downstairs and layed on the couch. I fell asleep again.


(A/N) I'm sorry Anna and Niall didn't have alot of P.O.V.'s. I'm just not in the writing mood today. Bye. Inbox me for questions.

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