Ch.50: It's Time

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(A/N: Hey guys. As I said I will be updating until Saturday. The book will end on Saturday. I will then start the Liam Payne punk story. I will change the instagram account name and delete the pictures and change the profile picture. The page is Panamacity14. Here is chapter 50.


*4 months later*

Heather's P.O.V.

It's been 4 months now and Anna could give birth any day now. The boys have been doing interviews. That's where they are now. Anna is in her room. Her and Niall had move downstairs since Niall didn't want her falling down the stairs and hurt herself and the baby. I'm making her a ham sandwich.

Anna's P.O.V.

I was watching tv and my stomach started hurting really bad. I sat up and rubbed my belly. I got up and saw the bed wet.

"Heather!" I yelled.

"What?!" She yelled back.

"Um. My water just broke!" I yelled. I heard her drop something and she ran and got my bag of clothes.

"Oh my god. What do I do? Do I need to call the boys?" Heather said freaking out.

"Heather. Calm down. Go change and then on the way I will call Niall." I said calmly.

"Uhhh ok." Heather said running to her room.

Heather's P.O.V.

I ran to mine and Harry's room and changed into a v-neck with the ireland flag and said ireland. Anna got it for me. I put on my camo leggings and put on my grey uggs. I put my hair in a bun and ran back downstairs. I grabbed Harry's car keys and ran to Anna's room. I grabbed her bag.

"Come on. We need to hurry." I said. she waddled out the door and I locked the door behind me. Anna got in and i ran to my side and put the bag in the back seat. I turned on the car and started driving to the hospital.

*10 minutes later*

We arrived at the hospital and I jumped out and grabbed her bag. I opened her door and helped her out. She screamed in pain. I walked her inside.

"Excuse me. My best friend is giving birth." I said. The woman at the desk came out and got a wheelchair. Other nurses came out. I walked with them.

"Heather. Call Niall. I forgot to." Anna said. I nodded and pulled out my phone. I went to my contacts and called Harry.

"Hello." Harry said.

"H-Harry." I said.

"Hey babe. What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"A-Anna is g-giving b-birth." I said stuttering.

"We're on our way." Harry said.

"H-Hurry please." I said.

Niall's P.O.V.

Me and the boys were speeding to get to the hospital. We arrived and I jumped out and ran in the hospital. I ran to the desk.

"May I help you?" The nurse asked.

"Anna Horan. I'm her husband." I said out of breath.

"Down the hall. To the right. There should be nurses there." The nurse said.

"Thank you." I said. I ran down the hall and turn right. I saw nurses and and went up to them.

"I'm Anna's husband." I said. They handed me a outfit. I put it on under my clothes and took a deep breath. I walked im and saw Anna's mom. I went over to her and hugged her. I went over to Anna and kissed her forehead.

"It's fine baby. You can do this." I said. The doctor walked in.

"Are you ready Mrs.Horan?" The doctor asked. Anna nodded.

*2 hours later*

I was sitting in the chair holding our baby girl. Anna was looking at me.

"What do you wanna name her?" I asked Anna.

"I like Kiley Brooke Horan." Anna said.

"I like it too." I said.

"Hi Kiley Brooke Horan. Welcome to the 1D family and the world." Anna said. The boys walked in with the girls. The boys smiled and the girls were crying.

"What's her name?" Zayn asked.

"Kiley Brooke Horan." I said

Heather's P.O.V.

I was standing with Harry watching Anna, Niall, and Kiley. They were an adorable family. I walked to Anna's mom and hugged her.

"I'm proud of her." Anna's mom said.

"Me too. She is a very strong girl with a loving family and now a baby girl." I said.

"I'm a grandmother now." Anna's mom said crying.

"Yeah. I hope I can have kids and my mom can be a grandmother. I'm her only chance since I'm an only child." I said.

"If you can't have kids. I know someone who can carry a baby for you." Anna's mom said.

"I'll let you see Anna." I said. I stood up and walked back to Harry. We went outside and sat in chairs.

"Harry." I said.

"Yeah." Harry said.

"What if I'm not able to have kids?" I asked.

"We can adopt or find a carrier baby." Harry said patting his leg. I got up and sat in his lap. He hugged me.

"I just want a family like Anna and Niall have now." I said.

"We will." Harry said.

"You can take a nap. I'll be here when you wake up." Harry said.

"Okay." I say.

Anna's P.O.V.

I was laying in the hospital bed with Kiley in her bed beside mine. Niall was on the couch. I was watching tv. The boys were sleeping on the floor and Harry and Heather were outside the room on the couch in the waiting room sleeping. I started falling asleep and Kiley started crying. I sat up and picked her up. I layed back down with her kn my chest and fell asleep.


(A/N: Awww. They had a baby girl. 2 more chapter everyone. Then it will be and epilogue. Bye.

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