Ch.48: Anna and Niall's Wedding

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(A/N: Hello! I'm sorry I didn't update last Tuesday. I was on spring break and I was in Louisiana. Hope your all having a wonderful spring break or already did. Here is chapter 48.


Heather's P.O.V.

Today is Anna and Niall's wedding. Me, Anna, Eleanor, Perrie, Danielle, and Lou stayed at the house, while the boys went to a hotel. Liam and Danielle are talking at the moment. I'm so exctied my best friend/sister is gettin married today. We all had to take showers after Anna. I just got out of the shower. It was 10 in the mornkng and Anna was getting her make-up done. I dried my hair and started curling it. I laid out my short white lace dress and my lace heels. All the bridesmaids had the same thing. Anna had a beautiful wedding dress. I loved it. I know Niall will love it. I put in make-up and put on my dress and shoes. We were all in the living room. We're girls. We can change in front of each other. We are pretty much family. My mom and Anna's mom were at the place making sure everything was in place. Anna wanted her wedding on the beach. It was now 1 in the afternoon and Anna was putting on her dress. She looked beautiful.

"You look amazing Anna." I said hugging her.

"Thank you. You look amazing as well. All of you do. I'm just so nervous." Anna said.

"Anna. This is your day. Your mom will be there. Your dad is watching. My mom is even here for your wedding." I said. The other girls nodded in agreement.

"Well. What are we waiting for? Let's go." Anna said nervously. The other girls went and got in the limo.

"Anna. What's wrong? Why are you so nervous?" I asked.

"Please don't tell anyone. I don't want people to know yet." Anna said.

"Your scaring me Anna." I said.

"I-I'm pregnant." Anna said.

"Omg. When are you telling everybody? I'm so happy for you." I said hugging her.

"I'm telling them today." Anna said smiling.

"Does Niall know?" I asked.

"Not yet." Anna said.

"Well let's go. You can't be late." I said. We got in the limo and went to the beach.

Niall's P.O.V.

Me and the boys are at the beach waiting for the girls to arrive. I asked Harry to be my best man since Heather is Anna's maid of honor. Our theme color was all white. I'm so nervous. I can't wait to see Anna's wedding dress. I saw a limo pull up and I went to the restroom. Zayn came in there.

"It's alright to be nervous mate. Just remember to have a good time. It's time." Zayn said. Me and Zayn came out of the restroom and I went and stood by the man who was marrying us. The boys and their girls started walking down the isle. Anna's uncle was asked to walk her down the isle since her dad isn't here. The boys and the girls stood on their sides and the music started. Everyone stood up and out came Anna with her uncle. She looked stunning. She looked just as nervous as I was. I looked at the girls and they were all smiling and tearing up. Anna's uncle walked her to me and I took her hand.

"You look stunning babe." I said. She smiled.

"You look very handsome." She said.

*10 minutes later*

"Anna Elizabeth Taylor, do you take Niall James Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked.

"I do." Anna said smiling.

"And Niall James Horan, do you take Anna Elizabeth Taylor to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." I said smiling.

"I present to you Anna and Niall Horan. You may now kiss the bride." I smiled and kissed Anna. I held her hand and walked back down the isle and went to the ceremony.

Anna's P.O.V.

We were at the ceremony and I was sitting at the table with Niall. Heather was on my right. I turned to Heather and smiled.

"Hi Mrs.Horan." Heather said.

"Haha. Hi." I said.

"Are you gonna tell them now?" Heather asked.

"Yeah." I said. I stood up and Niall looked at me.

"Excuse me. Everyone can I have you attention please." I said. Everyone looked at me.

"I have some news." I said.

"What news?" Niall asked.

"I would like to say that I am 2 weeks pregnant." I say. I look at Niall and he is smiling.

"Are you serious?" Niall says smiling. I nod and Niall stands up and hugs me.

"I love you Niall." I said.

"I love you too and our little baby." Niall says.

"To Anna and Niall." Heather says.

"To us." Me and Niall say.

*3 hours later*

We were all at home. We decided to stay home instead of doing a honeymoon. We just wanted to be with the family. I took a shower and change into a black t-shirt and black yoga shorts. I layed on my back in bed and rubbed my stomach. Niall came in a few minutes layer wearing sweatpants and a tank top. He layed beside me and looked at me.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing. Just happy to be married to my love." Niall said. He startes rubbing my belly.

"Get some rest babe. Your tired and you need your rest." Niall said. I kissed on the lips and went to sleep.

Heather's P.O.V.

Me and Harry stayed up and watched movies. I was wearing Harry's black t-shirt and my camo leggings. Harry was wearing his grey sweatpants. He didn't have his shirt on. It was to die for. His head was on my chest and I was rubbing his back. We were weird. I looked at him and he was falling asleep.

"Go to sleep Haz." I said kissing his forehead.

"I don't want to." Harry said looking at me.

"Your falling asleep Harry." I said.

"Do I have to?" Harry asked.

"Let's both go to sleep Harry." I said.

"You looked beautiful today." Harry mumbled.

"Thank you Haz. Let's go to sleep now." I said.

"Okay. Night babe." Harry said falling asleep.

"Night." I said. I rolled onto my stomach and fell asleep.


(A/N: Omg! They're married and Anna's pregnant! Who's happy for them! I know I am. Bye. Have a nice day.

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