Ch.25: Last day in Australia

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(A/N) Wow guys 78 reads. That's awesome. This story is gonna be going on for a while guys. Here is chapter 25.


Anna's P.O.V.

Today is our last day in Australia. We have had fun. We just decided to chill in Heather's house and backyard all day. It was around 11 am. Everyone was up. Harry and Niall were watching tv. Me and Heather went swimming. My bikini was pink and purple aztec print. I loved it.

"Hey Heather why don't we hide from Niall and Harry?" I asked her.

"Sure. But we have to find a way to get them to come outside." She said swimming backwards.

"It isnt that hard." I said getting out of the pool.

"Let's climb the tree and call their names." Heather said climbing a tree. I followed her in the tree.

"Ready?" I asked. She nodded.

"Niall!" I yelled.

"Harry!" Heather yelled. We saw them come out and look confused.

Niall's P.O.V.

I heard Anna call my name. Where is she? Heather called Harry's name to. We looked around and didn't see them.

"Anna?" I asked getting worried.

"Harry what if she is gone. What if someone stole her!" I started yelling getting frustrated. I ran my hands through my hair. I just sat on the ground and cried.

"Niall calm down. We will find them." Harry said patting my back.

Anna's P.O.V.

"Heather. Th-they think we're gone. I have to go to Niall. He is crying." I whispered to her.

"Yeah let's get out of this tree." She whispered. We got out of the tree and I ran straight to Niall.

"Niall. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said starting to cry.

"Anna. I thought someone took you away." He said crying.

"No. Me and Heather were gonna play a joke on you and Harry." I said sitting in front of him. I sat in his lap and hugged him.

Heather's P.O.V.

I looked for Harry. I couldn't find him. I went to my room and sat on the window seat by my window. I started crying. I can't find him. He probably left me. I drifted off to sleep laying on my window seat.

*2 hours later*

I woke up on the window seat. I sat up and looked around. I got up and went downstairs. Still no Harry.

"Hey Heather. We came to check on you but you were asleep." Anna said.

"Where's Harry?" I asked standing in the middle of the living room.

"He went back to London." Niall said.

"What! Why?" I said tearing up.

"He got mad. He just left. He saw you in the tree when you were coming down it." Niall said. That's when I just went to my room and slammed my door.

*3 days later*

It has been 3 days. Anna and Niall went to London. I told them I was just staying home. My mom and step-dad said they were going to stay at my aunt's for a month. They left me a credit card. I took a shower and put on my ripped blue jean shorts with cheetah print on one side with a black v-neck my shoes were cheetah print converse. I scrunched my hair and grabbed a cheetah print and pink snapback and grabbed my cheetah print backpack and put my credit card and phone in it. I left and walked around.

*5 hours later*

It was almost dark and I was just sitting watching the stars. I have been sitting here for about 2 hours. I don't know if me and Harry are still together. My phone started ringing. I took it out of my bag and I was shocked to see that it was Harry. I answered.

"H-Hello?" I answered. I haven't talked much these past 3 days.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"Why does it matter. You left me here alone and went back to London just because of a joke." I said.

"I can't help that I thought someone took my baby." He said.

"Not my fault you can't take a joke." I said.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"In the city." I said standing up.

"I'm in Sydney looking for you. I see a girl standing by a lake." He said. I was standing by a lake. He see's me. I ran.

"I'm just gonna walk around." I said running.

"Heather. That's you running isn't it?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. You left me for 3 days. I haven't ate much. I haven't really left the house." I said crying. I tripped over a tree and fell.

"Heather. Are you okay?" Harry asked getting worried.

"I'm fine." I said. He hung up. I saw someone running. It was Harry.

"Heather. C'mon we are going to London. Let's go. You have a bunch of clothes in our room." He said picking me up. We went to the airport and I kept my snapback over my eyes. We got on the plane. I fell asleep.

*6 hours later*

Harry woke me up and we were in London.

"C'mon babe. I didn't mean to leave you alone for 3 days. You know I love you so let's put this past us and get home." He said helping me up.

"Okay. I'm sorry about the joke and I love you too." I said kissing his cheek. We went off the plane and walked to the exit. I saw Paul. We walked to him.

"Hey Paul." I said fist bumping him.

"Hello." He said fist bumping me.

"Hey Harry. You guys ready to get back home?" Paul asked.

"Yeah." We both said. We got to our car and went home.

*25 minutes later*

We arrived home. I ran inside and to mine and Harry's room. I jumped on our bed. I fell asleep.

Harry's P.O.V.

I knew Heather missed this house. I feel bad for leaving her for 3 days. I was stressed about the new tour. She is coming on tour with me. She went straight to bed. I went to the living room. I saw Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Anna.

"Hey guys." I said sitting beside Louis.

"Where is she?" Louis asked.

"She went straight to bed. She is really tired. I am cooking her food when she wakes up." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Go to bed mate. You look tired." Liam said. I nodded and went to bed. I walked to our room and Heather looked uncomfortable. I went over to her and shook her gently.

"Babe. Change into more comfortable clothes." I said to her.

"Okay." She mumbled stumbling up and grabbing one of my shirts and yoga pants. She went into the bathroom. I layed in bed until she came out. She walked slowly to the bed. She got in the bed. I pulled her closer to me. She turned over and put her head on my chest. I rubbed her back. I knew she was asleep. I fell asleep soon after.


(A/N) Hope you liked this chapter. It took me like 4 hours to think of what should happen. Goodnight benguins.

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