Ch.15: Shopping with the boys

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(A/N) I thought that Heather and Anna should go shopping with all of One Direction. It sounds fun. Here is chapter 15. Love you benguins


Heather's P.O.V.

Today we are going to the mall. I have had a cold and sore throat cause of winter season. I hate winter. We were getting ready. I decided to wear my dark hollister skinny jeans with a black v-neck shirt it was long sleeved. I had my black slouchy flat boots on. I had my black jersey sleeved hooded denim jacket.

"Babe you ready?" Harry asked.
"Yeah I just need to scrunch my hair." I told him. My hair is still sea green and teal blue. I let my hair down and brushed it. I grabbed my scrunching jell and put it in my hair. I grabbed my black and grey beanie and placed it on my head. I walked downstairs and everybody except Anna was down here.

Anna's P.O.V.

I couldn't decide what to wear. Heather walked in.

"Why aren't you ready?" Heather asked.
"I don't know what to wear." I said. My hair was already fixed.
"Here let me help." She went to my drawers and picked out a batman sweat shirt with leggings with white crosses on them and black uggs. I put them on and we went downstairs.

"Everybody ready?" Liam asked.
"Yes." Everybody said. We walked to the car. We got in a headed to the mall.

*25 minutes later*

We finally arrived. Me and Heather got out first. We ran inside because it was cold. The boys ran in soon after.

"Why did you two run?" Niall asked.
"It was cold." I said.
"Oh. Well let's go." Niall said.

Heather's P.O.V.

I walked to a shoe store. I saw supras. I ran to them. Somebody stole my grey ones.

"Niall! They have supras!" I told him.
"Awesome!" He said.
"Speaking if supras. Where did my grey ones go?" I asked him.
"I took them." He said.
"Oh. It's fine. I can buy new ones." I said grabbing a box of grey supras and buying them.

Harry's P.O.V.

Me, Louis, Zayn, and Liam went to jack wills. We all bought jackets and pants and shirts. Niall, Heather, and Anna came back with bags from aeropostale, hollister, and a shoe store. We all decided to stop at a food place. We got mcdonalds. Heather and Anna went to get ice cream.

Anna's P.O.V.

Me and Heather went to get ice cream when a couple of fans stopped to talk to us. They said rude things to Heather but they loved me. One of them slapped her. Then one punched her. The jumped her. They left and I stayed with her. She was knocked out. I called Harry off Heather's phone.

*ring ring ring*

Harry: Hey babe.

Me: Harry it's Anna. Come to the ice cream shop quick.

Harry: I'm on my way.

He hung up and a couple seconds later he saw me.

"What happened?!?!" He yelled.
"Some of you guys fans jumped her. But were nice to me. The slapped and punched her and kicked her. They knocked her out." I said.

Harry's P.O.V.

Fans hurt my baby. I picked Heather up and carried her to a restroom to clean her face up. I found one and sat her on the counter. I cleaned her up. I carried her bridal style to the table. I picked her and my bags.

"What happened to my partner in crime?!?!" Louis yelled getting mad.
"Our fans! They jumped her and I'm going to tweet about it. How messed up they are. They won't hurt Anna. But they hurt my baby." I told Louis. Everyone got up and we left mad. Louis got Heather's bag. I carried my own. We got to the car and I held Heather close. So she wouldn't fall over.

*skip car ride*

We arrived home. I carried Heather to our room. I got my phone out and tweeted.

@Harry_Styles: I can't believe some fans jumped my girlfriend. I am beyond mad. You are not a fan if you hurt my baby girl.

I put my phone away and changed into some comfortable clothes and went to bed.

Louis's P.O.V.

I can't believe some so called fans jumped my partner in crime. I found shirts that say that. I was going to give her the purple one. Well I am but. It will be when she wakes up.

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up hurting every where. It was 2:32 am. I started crying from the pain. Harry woke up.

"Baby. Are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly.
"No. It hurt's everywhere." I cried.
"I'll go get pain medicine. I'll be right back." Harry said running out the door and down the stairs. He came back up with medicine and a glass of water.
"Here babe. You'll be asleep in a few minutes." He said handing me the medicine and water. I took it and a few minutes later I was getting sleepy. I fell asleep and wasn't hurting.


(A/N) Wow. You guys are awesome. My awesome benguins. Bye.

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