Ch.17: Miami Concert

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(A/N) I really don't know if there is a stadium in Miami but let's go with it. And please message me for the comments. I can't view the comments on my phone. If you have questions please message me. Here is chapter 17.


Anna's P.O.V.

Me and Heather were going to the stadium in Miami for the stadium tour. I decided to wear my hig waisted destroyed denim shorts with 90's long sleeve white crop top with white supras. I let my hair down. It's naturally straight. It was 11 am we have to head the the stadium in 2 hours. I went to eat apple jacks cereal. But it was gone. So I made toast. Niall smelled it and came and ate some of my toast.

"Hey. That's my toast." I said.
"It's mine now." He said kissing my cheek. He left and went to the living room. I went after I finished my toast we watched tv.

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up and it's 12:30. I got up and took a shower. I picked out a white lace belted ruffle skirt with a we are young white flow crop tank top with white converse. I scrunched my hair. I came back into me and Harry's room. He was still asleep. And it's 1pm.

"Harry wake up. I'll throw cold water on you." I said to him. He jumped up and put some clothes on. He came out wearing the same outfit as always. White short sleeved v-neck, black skinny jeans, and white converse. I went downstairs and saw Niall and Anna on the couch watching tv.

"Hey guys." I said sitting on the couch.
"Hey." Anna and Niall said. Harry came down and went to the kitchen to probably eat something.
"Harry can you cook me some toast?" I asked him.
"Yes. I'll cook some toast." He said.

Harry's P.O.V.

I cooked Heather and me some toast and brought it to the living room. I knew she liked cold tea so I brought her some. We ate our food and drank our tea. The other 7 boys came down. Yes. 5SOS still live here with us. They were ready. They were gonna eat at the stadium back stage. We got in our 2 cars and left to go to the Miami stadium.

*15 minutes later.*

We arrived at the stadium. It was pretty big. We went to the back. Fans were already there. We walked in and went to the dressin room. Heather and Anna went to the stage. They always do that. Sometimes Heather, Anna, and Niall go hang out by the buses to see the fans and hang out. I watch them. I make sure she doesn't get hurt by a fan.

Niall's P.O.V.

Me, Anna, and Heather always go to the buses so the fans can see us. Heather didn't think straight so she can only watch. Who wears a skirt when she knows everytime we go hang with the fans. Me and Anna played hide and seek. The fans thought it was hilarious.

"Anna! I will find you!" I yelled trying to find her. I went to a fan. She was behind the bus. I walked behind one of the buses. I saw her. I went up behind her and picked her up and ran.
"I found her!" I yelled.
"Put me down!" Anna yelled.

Anna's P.O.V.

Niall finally put me down. I looked at her she was on her phone. She was just looking. She looked upset. I shook it off. Probably missing home.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was scrolling on twitter. I had hate pages with thousands of followers. People calling me, worthless, fat, ugly, a bunch of other names. It hurt to know why people don't like me. I saw Harry coming out of the corner of my eye. I couldn't stop scrolling through the hate pages.

"Babe are you okay?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said still scrolling through my phone.
"Why are you lookin at hate pages?" He asked.
"They are about me." I said to him. He took my phone away from me. I just looked at the ground.
"C'mon we are going inside. Lou has a outfit for you to wear." Harry said grabbing my hand. We got up and left. We walked back in and to the back stage. I went to the boys' dressing room and Lou gave me a outfit. I went to the bathroom to put it on. It was black ripped shorts. The shirt was a white tank top. I had white converse on. I came out of the bathroom. Harry handed me back my phone. I sat in the dressing room for 3 hours playing games.

Niall's P.O.V.

Me and Anna came back inside about 1 hour ago. I had to get ready. Anna was tired so she was staying backstage tonight. But Heather was gonna be by Harry's side on stage all night. I hope a fan doesn't try to fight her again. This is the first time Heather has gone back on stage since the the first time she went when that fan grabbed her hair and hit her. That was bad.

*2 hours later*

Harry's P.O.V.

It's time to go on stage. Heather is by our key board man. The music to Live While We're Young started. Liam started singing. We walked on stage. The fans went crazy. I saw Heather singing with our keyboard man. I went to her and brought to the boys. We all danced and had fun.

*1 hour later*

We were about to sing Little Things. I sat o the stage and I told Heather to sit beside me. The music started and Zayn sang his part then Liam sang his. Then they both sang. Now Louis was singing. Now it was my turn. I looked at Heather and sang. She was crying. I pulled her closer to me and rubbed her back. Anna walked on stage and sat by Niall.

Heather's P.O.V.

The show is almost over. The bous are about to sing Best Song Ever. I decided to go stand by Sandy. Harry started singing maybe it's the way she walked. He walked like a girl. It was hilarious. The song ended and I waved bye to the fans and left.

Niall's P.O.V.

That was a awesome concert Anna came during half the show. We left the stadium and went to our hotel. Me and Anna went to bed. The others went to dinner.

Harry's P.O.V.

Heather stayed at the hotel. I went with the boys. We went to Mcdonald's. the girl who took our order kept winking at me.

"Look. I have a girlfriend. Button up your shirt. Put pants on and take the clown make-up off you face. I don't like you. And I still won't." I said to her. She just took our order and left me alone. I took my food back to the hotel and ate in me and Heather's room. She was sleeping good. She didn't move she just looked like she wasn't comfortable. I finished my food and went to bed. Heather turned over and put her head on my chest and slept. I soon fell asleep. We were going to Hershey Park Stadium tomorrow. I went to sleep.


(A/N) I'm sorry. It sucks. I know. I'll try to do better on the next chapter. Bye.

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