Ch.22: Heading back to Australia

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(A/N) Hey. Sorry I haven't updated. Have y'all stopped reading? Please don't. Y'all keep me writing. Here is chapter 22.


Anna's P.O.V.

Me and Heather are going back to Australia for a month. The boys are coming during the month. My mum moved to Sydney next to Heather's mum. Heather is coming in 2 days. I haven't seen my mum in over a year. So I'm leaving in a hour. I was wearing zippered acid washed skinny jeans with a batman shirt. My shoes were black combat boots. I already said bye to Niall. It was really hard. I cried. I was sitting at the airport for a while. They finaly called my plane. I got up and went through the ticket handing before you go on the plane. I sat in my seat and waited for the plane to take off so I could text Niall.

*10 minutes later*

The plane took off. I fell asleep when we were going down the runway to take off. I slept the whole way. When I woke up. I got up and got my stuff and left the plane. My mum was here. I saw her. I walked up to her.

"Hi mum." I said. She turned around and smiled. She hugged me. I hugged back.

"Hi Anna. You have grown up. I love your hair." She said.

"Thanks mum. Let's go home." I said. My step-dad got my stuff and we left.

Heather's P.O.V.

I was laying in mine and Harry's bed. I haven't been able to sleep. It's 2pm. Harry isn't home. I got up and went downstairs to eat. I cooked bacon and toast. I ate my food and went to take a shower. I got out of the shower and put on one of Harry's black v-necks with a galaxy leggings. I layed in bed and tried to sleep. Which I did.

*3 hours later*

Someone was waking me up. I am tired. How do they not know that?

"Heather wake up." Somebody said.

"Who are you?" I said.

"It's Liam." Liam said.

"Liam. I have only gotten 3 hours of sleep the past few days. Let me sleep." I told him.

"Harry thinks something is wrong. He said he is sleeping downstairs." Liam said.

"Liam. I'm fine. It's weird without Anna here." I told him sitting up.

"Okay." Liam said.

"I'm coming downstairs." I said.

"Harry is asleep on the couch." Liam said walking out of mine and Harry's room. I got up and went downstairs. And sure enough. Harry was sleeping. I went to the couch and layed beside him. I fell asleep.

*next morning*

I woke up. I wasn't on the couch. I wasn't in mine and Harry's room. I'm in the guest room. I looked around. I got up and went out the guest door. Harry wasn't around. The others were.

"Where is Harry?" I asked getting mad.

"He went to go get food from Mcdonald's." Niall said.

"Why isn't he talking to me? I haven't done anything." I said to them.

"Apparently Harry said he saw a magazine of you with another guy a while back." Louis said.

"Guys. That was my step-brother. He needs help getting a girlfriend." I said.

"Harry doesn't notice who it is though." Zayn said.

"What am I supposed to do! He probably thinks I'm cheating when I'm not!" I said. I started crying. I just sat on the floor and cried. Somebody walked in.

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