Ch. 35: Lazy Days

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(A/N) Hey guys. I know it's been so long but I have been so busy. I'm free at the moment. So I'm writing a chapter for you guys and wow over 200 reads. That's amazing you guys. Here is chapter 35.


Harry's P.O.V.

I did not want to get up today. We flew back home 2 days ago and I have been in such a grumpy mood even Heather gets mad and stays in a guest room. I got up and took a shower and put on a t-shirt and sweatpants. I went back to mine and Heather's room. She was in the guest room again. I got mad at her because I saw a cracker on the table beside her side of the bed. I layed in bed and looked at the ceiling. I layed there for about 20 minutes before I heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in." I said. The door opened.

"Hey Harry. I don't know how to tell you this but Hea-." I cut Niall off before he could finish. I jumped out of bed and ran to the guest room.

"Harry. She is in the bathroom. She won't open the door. We tried. Anna can't even get her to open the door." Niall said standing by the bathroom door. I walked to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Go away." I heard Heather say.

"Heather. It's me. Open up please." I said leaning on the door frame. I heard the door unlock. I opened it and looked in. She was sitting on the floor. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"Why are you in here?" I asked squating down in front of her facing her.

"I got upset when you yelled at me and I have been in here all night thinking if I should just leave or stay." Heather said looking at the floor.

"I d-didn't mean to say anything baby. I'm still jet lagged and I didn't mean to get mad at you easily. Please stay." I said. She looked up and hugged me. I hugged her and rubbed her back. She stood up and pulled her sleeves down. I got up and took her hand in mine and opened the door and walked out.

"Do you wanna have a lazy day today?" I asked looking her. She nodded. We walked into our room and layed in bed. We watched movies. I fell asleep watching The Notebook with Heather.

*3 hours later*

Heather's P.O.V.

I woke up on the floor in mine and Harry's room. I sat up and saw Harry taking up the whole bed. I stood up and walked to the closet and changed into a sweatshirt that said I love Harry. I put grey sweat pants and walked out. I put my hair in a bun and walked downstairs. Everyone but Niall and Anna were not there. Harry was in bed still.

"Hey Heather." Louis said.

"Hey Lou." I said walking into the living room.

"Get good sleep?" Louis asked.

"Yeah. Where are Anna and Niall?" I asked stretching my arms.

"They went on a lunch date. They wanted alone time for a day or two." Liam said.

"Oh. She could of told me." I said sitting on the couch.

"She said she walked in and saw you on the floor." Zayn said.

"Yeah. I guess Harry pushed me off the bed." I said.

"Harry pushed you off the bed?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know it until I woke up and saw Harry taking up the whole bed." I said laughing. The boys stopped laughing and looked beside me. I turned my head and saw Harry. He looked mad.

"Hey Harry." Louis said.

"Hey." Harry said.

"You alright mate?" Louis asked.

"No. Apparently I'm being accused of pushing her off the bed." Harry said pointing at me.

"Harry we're not accusing you of anything. I don't know why your getting so mad about it. Chill out." I said. He came towards me and stared at me.

"SHUT UP!" Harry yelled. I looked at Louis and he looked at Harry.

"Harry. What is your problem?" Liam asked.

"HEATHER IS MY PROBLEM. GET OUT NOW." Harry yelled at me. I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and took the mountain dew and went to the back porch cried. Mountain Dew always made me feel better. I don't even know why either. I sat there and looked at the sky.

Louis's P.O.V.

"Harry. Stop! You scared Heather away when she did nothing wrong! What has gotten into you. Do you not love her anymore. She is like my little sister and I am not gonna let you make her cry every week! Now shut up and sit down! I'm gonna get Heather and let her stay in the guest room." I said to Harry. He walked back upstairs and slammed a door. I guess he went to his room. I went to the kitchen and saw the back door open. I walked out and saw Heather drinking mountain dew again. She looked at me and I just looked at her. She got up and went to the guest room.


(A/N) Sorry it's short. Bye.

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