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(A/N: Hey guys. I'm upset about the book ending but I'm glad I get to write a new book. I haven't gotten a name for the Liam Payne punk story. This epilogue will be short I know. I hate myself for making it short but 52 chapters and the epilogue are alot to me. Here is the Epilogue.


*16 years later*

Heather's P.O.V.

It's been 16 years since Logan was born. I had another baby. It was a girl. I named her Ashley Lynn Styles. She is 15. Logan is very protective over her. Me and Harry are still together. The 1D family have moved into houses right next to each other. We didn't wanna be away from each other. Anna had another girl. She named her Brianna Nicole Horan. The others had 2 kids each. We all wanted the same amount. Me and Harry were sitting in the living room watching a movie. I was 36 and he was 37. Ashley came down the stairs.

"Mom and Dad?" Ashley asked.

"Yes?" Me and Harry said.

"Can I please go over and see Kylie." Ashley said. I looked at Harry. Harry looked at me.

"Ask your brother to walk you over there please." Harry said.

"Okay." Ashley said running up the stairs.

Logan's P.O.V. (A/N: Omg it's Logan's P.O.V.)

I was in my room texting my friend Devin when Ashley comes in.

"Mom wanted me to ask you if you could walk me over to Kylie's house?" Ashley said.

"Yeah. I will. Let me put my shoes on." I said standing up and grabbing my shoes.

"Okay." Ashley said. Ashley had ADHD. She is constantly hyper. I walked to the living room and looked at Ashley.

"Ready?" I asked Ashley.

"Yeah." She said jumping up and walking to the door.

"Be careful." My mom said.

"We will." I yelled to her.

Anna's P.O.V.

Me and Niall were sitting at the kitchen table with Brianna. Kylie was in her room. Brianna is 14. Kylie is about to be 17. Brianna hasn't been a very happy child for a few weeks. She always ignores us and barely talks. Kylie is the happy go lucky. She came in the kitchen and sat down.

"Mom can Ashley come over?" Kylie asked.

"Yes." I said. As I said that the doorbell rang. Kylie ran to it and in came Ashley and Logan.

"Hey Ashley and Logan." Niall said.

"Hey Uncle Niall." Ashley said. Logan just nodded.

"I gotta get back home. Call me when your ready to come home unless your staying the night. I'm pretty sure you'll end up staying." Logan said.

"She can. We don't mind." I said.

"Have a good night." Logan said leaving. Kylie and Ashley ran up the stairs and I looked at Niall.

Niall's P.O.V.

I looked at my daughter Brianna. She just seems so distant from us.

"Brianna." I say to her. She looks up at me.

"Sir?" She says.

"What's going on? You don't talk to us as much or go out with us." I say.

"Nothing is going on dad. I just feel like staying home." Brianna said.

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