Chapter 9: New Students! So Far So Good!!!

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Josh P.O.V

4 Months Later...

I arrived to school. It was now the 4th month of school, the days have been going by surprisingly fast, Christmas is coming up. Time flies when you're having fun by running through the halls with your new friends causing a commotion, and wrecking shit. The school was falling apart anyways, people chipped up the loose floor tiles then threw them at each other. Even Barinua joined the new formed squad when everyone finally showed up. I told Vic, Jake, and Mario to call him Berry for short. Moving on, In 3rd period today we got two new students both of them were tall passed my height, African American males, and one of them had a Mohawk style haircut the other one with a mini fro. The one with the Mohawk name is Tony, and the other kids name is Raymond. They took a seat in front of the classroom, and sat there in silence occasionally giving each other a approval type of look. Ray slipped Tony a yellowish brown sheet of paper. "Those two dudes are acting a bit funny" Jake said, I told him to chill maybe there just nervous I said while chuckling. The intercom turned on to announce that Victor was being checked out of school, and to come down to the office now.

"Well guys I'll see you tomorrow," Victor said while walking to the door Jake and I waved goodbye, later on the bell rang which meant 3rd was over everyone stood up then walked to the door. I dropped my things by accident right next to Tony's supplies, my bad I told him. He just nodded then sat there. I picked my up stuff, and walked to my next class.

Narrator's P.O.V

Arriving to the next class by himself, Josh sat in the middle instead of the back this time. He sorta liked this teacher even though it was a math class. Jake has a different 4th period which was down stairs next to the cafeteria, so Josh was alone this time bored out his mind with now one to talk to. 15 minutes into math and chill, Tony barges in the class with a furious expression on his face looking for someone "YOU" he screamed out and rushed over to Josh.

Tony grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, Josh stood up and pushed him away. "Where is it?! I know you have it, I saw you take it you thieving bastard," Tony shouted, "Calm down what are you talking about dude I'm not a thief, and you need to watch who you're talking to bruh" Josh said, slowly turning aggressive. "The red binder you took that was on the floor, that was mine. Where is it?!" Josh thought to himself, then checked under his desk. "ooooooh my bad *chuckles* I thought that was my binder cause mine is red too. I'm sorry for the mixup" Josh said, with a nervous grin.

Josh gave Tony back his binder then asked "so what did you do with my binder then?" Walked away a bit before responding "I threw that trash away. Touch my stuff again, and you'll burn for it." Tony gave Josh a threatening look then walked out the classroom. Josh stood there embarrassed not knowing what to do next. He was shocked that some new kid treated him like that. Later on that day, Jake heard what happened and wanted to talk to Josh about the confrontation that took place in 4th period. Josh didn't want to talk about it he just wanted to forget about what happened today.

7th period the last class of the day, Tony is in Science class with Jake and Josh. Josh sat in the back kidding around talking about random things while getting good laughs out of it. Josh noticed Tony walking in, and eyeballed him, he was seriously thinking about fighting Tony for what he said and did to his binder. Jake told Josh to ignore him.

10 Minutes Later...

Josh noticed a yellowish brown sheet of paper down by his shoe he picked it up and.....well tried to read it but it was like a different type of language written on the paper.

Josh P.O.V

What the hell is this crap.

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