Chapter 76: Reputation! A Terrible First Impression!!!

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Josh P.O.V

This is way too much pressure already! Everyone keeps staring at me for no reason! Do I have something on my face? My shirt? Maybe my pants are unzipped!? Are my shoes the problem!? I should just hurry and try to find my class before I have a panic attack. How am I supposed to find my class? The other kids know exactly where to go like they've done this before....maybe cause they have thinking about it now.

Josh looked around and noticed five pieces of paper taped to the wall. On the papers it said "Homeroom List."

Oooh a list of everyone's name with their homeroom number beside it.

Josh inspected the pages for his name and homeroom, he was in homeroom number one-hundred and thirty six.

I wonder where that is. If I'm lucky I'll get a female teacher, now depending on how lucky I might be, hopefully she'll be hot too. Hey it's rare to get a good looking teacher these days, don't judge me.

While Josh was busy in thought of his fantasy teacher, he noticed the classroom numbers. He wandered around in square, cause the building was basically a square, to find his class. The up stairs classrooms were in the two-hundreds, so he came to the conclusion of the one-hundred classrooms being down stairs.

I should be getting closer by now...

Josh wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, bumping into a group of seniors.

Woops, mybad.

Narrator's P.O.V

One of the seniors pushed Josh into a locker with a aggressive shove. "Watch ya step youngling. You freshmens better not cause any trouble for us!" The group walked away making fun of him. Josh picked up his backpack slightly shaking. He looked around notice other students looking at him and whispering to each other.

"Hehehe hi..." Josh weakly spoke in a nervous tone. Some of the students gave him a nasty look then walked off. "Well there goes my first impression." Josh wandered around, until he finally found his homeroom. "Cool, an art class." The room was decorated with paintings, sculptures, and many other artsy things. The classroom had a couple of students sitting around chatting with each other too. "A festive looking classroom, nice."

Josh didn't bother to try talking with the other students, most likely they wouldn't be interested in hanging with a freshman. Well that's what he thought anyway. Naturally, he sat in the back of the class to avoid attention.
Josh laid his head down to take a quick nap.

Minutes Later...

The bell rang indicating the transition to first period. "Hey wake up. I need to know your name." A lady repeatedly tapped her fingers on Josh's back instantly waking him up. He felt chills go up his spine, he rubbed his drowsy eyes and turned his attention to the lady beside him.

" are you the teacher?" Josh asked still rubbing his eyes. "Why yes I am the teacher thanks for noticing. I'm Ms. Rice, nice to meet you Mr. Hardy." Josh opened his eyes to see an actual cute teacher. In his mind he celebrated, but on the outside he could barely speak properly. "Hi! I mean hi. So h-how do you know my name?"

"Teacher magic, ooooooh spooky. Just kidding, I have your schedule for the school year, and from the looks of it I'm your first period teacher." Josh checked out his schedule, "huh so I have you for art, algebra 1 for 2nd period, world history for 3rd period, music for 4th period, lunch, gym for 5th period, biology for 6th period, and English for 7th period."

"Tada welcome to art class!" Ms. Rice shook her hands to try and be exciting. "Wow this lady is so upbeat, I'm starting to get cheerful myself."

As seconds pass, the classroom starts to fill up with more students who also takes art. When the bell rang class began with Ms. Rice giving a long introduction about herself, along with some of the activities they'll be doing for the year.

"Ok now for our first activity of the day is a fun one, plus you'll be able to eat it if you want." Ms. Rice pulled out a large bag of Marshmallows and toothpicks. Some of the students in class got excited while others made jokes. "We're gonna make marshmallow art." She made the class grab a few of each to start their work.

The classroom was lively with laughter and genuine happiness in the air. Josh was having a good time too, managing to join in a conversation. Ms. Rice also worked with the students enjoying herself. Some students made some interesting pieces to stars, shapes, and a little marshmallow person that Josh made. He even took a picture of his work to remember later on since he ate it.

So far highschool didn't seem ad bad to Josh if he could enjoy moments like these

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So far highschool didn't seem ad bad to Josh if he could enjoy moments like these. Sadly good times must cone to an end cause bad times are a brewing today.

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