Chapter 23: You Missed! Josh Hardy vs Tony!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Tony was shocked to see what had happened, Josh was glowing blue creating a blast shield effect dissolving the fire surrounding him. Josh had his eyes closed with his arms covering his face like he was waiting for something, he opened one eye to see what was happening. "What's going on Tony? What did you do to me!?" Josh yelled, Tony told Josh that he tried to set him on fire earning a furious look from him. "You tried to set me on fire, you piece of shit!" Josh ran towards Tony to hear the lady in his head to tell him to calm down for sec.

"Josh before you charge him, please hear me out first; that boy isn't normal. He has the power of fire on his side so don't get burnt ok. Think of a good way to approach him, then you can attack." The lady dropped the shield. Tony saw Josh begin walking slowly around him with wide eyes like he was trying to scare him, Tony sparked a small fire on his finger tip waiting for Josh to attack.

Josh stopped to scratch his head thinking of a plan. "Fuck it!" He said then charged towards Tony with the bat in his hand. Tony yelled Pk Fire then shot a huge blast of fire making Josh stop in his tracks. He curved his body to dodge the fire and thought "Pk? I remember some dude saying something similar to that." He took off running again prepared for Tony to attack again. Tony ran towards Josh too with a PK Fire in hand, Josh threw a rock he picked up to create a distraction hitting Tony in the nose with it, while he was distracted Josh cocked the bat behind his back with one arm and struck him in the head with it. Tony staggered a bit dazed so he slammed his hand on the ground to create a small wall of fire pushing Josh away. He decided to run through it to keep the pressure on Tony swinging away with the bat. Tony managed to dodge the attacks, then punched Josh in the stomach with his fire fist knocking him out the fire barrier. He raised his hand in the air making his barrier swirl up to his hand creating a ball of fire, then he jumped into the air and threw it towards Josh.

Josh swung the bat knocking the fireball back to him, but Tony caught it then slammed the fireball on the ground, catching the floor on fire. Josh saw a nearby pillar and climbed on it "It's getting kind of hot in here don't you think?" Tony said hiding in the fire below. Josh looked around trying to find him while wiping sweat from his face. He turned around to get punched in the nose by Tony making him fall off to the fire below. Josh screamed out of fear, but to realize that he landed on his feet, somehow with a glowing blue aura on his shoes keeping him from burning...a little. "Hey lady you mind telling me about this too?" but no response. "OK whatever this stuff is, it's helping, but for how long though." Josh thought, Tony landed 8 feet away from him letting the fire crawl up his body. "I'm surprised you lasted this long for a normal kid, you've earned my respect... Joshua was it?" Tony asked in a guessing tone. "Yep, you remembered my name. You know we could've been friends right? It's not too late actually." Josh said while sticking out his hand with a smile. "Well maybe if we would've met under different circumstances then yeah I guess so." Tony spawned even more fire in his hand. "Wow you must really like that move huh? It must be the only one you know?" Tony extinguished the fire in his hand to say "Well yeah I only know this one, that's why I'm fighting for the stone I need it to help me grow and learn more PSI." Josh gave Tony a warm smile, "You know what I don't care what you say, we're friends now cause you never really seemed like a bad guy to me, despite you trying to burn alive, also I need that stone too so let's make a deal shall we."

"If you beat me, you can get the stone, and you don't have to teach me about PSI and how to use it. If I win, I get the stone,and your PSI abilities if possible, if not, oh well." Tony sat there in silence for a while thinking about the offer and deal. He said "You sure are an interesting kid. You know that I guess.... I can try to be a friend, but don't have high expectations for me ok?" Josh gave a big smile while hearing what Tony had to say. "Great, now since we're buddy buddy you mind telling me how to counter this fire." Tony told him no and that it's best for him try on his own. "Well you do have a point, and it might be more fun this way too so I'll use this tactic" Josh placed the tip of his bat on the ground so it could catch fire "I'll fight fire with fire.... Wow that's cheesy, anyway you ready for round 2?" He said while pointing the bat at Tony.
"Yeah you got me all excited now. Don't disappoint me."

( If this chapter seems rushed or bad in general I tried to write with writer's block enjoy anyways. )

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