Chapter 57: Hurricane Joaquin! It's A Trap!!!

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Last Time On EarthTale:

Well Good Morning Memphis today is gonna be beautiful outside so make sure you go make the most of it. Maybe with your friends or even go out with the family and enjoy yourselves, but be careful of the dreadful heat today. A solid 98 degrees today, now keep hydrated and be safe. For tomorrow's forecast a storm is heading this way to the mid south so be expecting that tomorrow.

Saturday 3:00pm

Josh woke up from his meeting with Ma to see that it was still dark outside. "How long did I sleep? It should be morning right now." Josh turned on the TV to check the time, 3:00 in the afternoon. "This is weird." Josh said walking to the front door. He opened it to see thick dark clouds covering the sky with the sound of thunder in the air. The feeling was warm with a slight chill to it making Josh shiver a bit. "This looks deadly...I should probably hide somewhere." Josh went back into the house, he heard his phone ringing in his dresser, so he ran to answer it.

Kim and Josh's Conversation

Josh: Hello?


Josh: oh crap! Where are you anyway? Did you leave me here?

Kim: No I didn't, I went to go pick up Kali and Vincent, but on my way to get you, officers blocked off the road and forced us into a bunker.

Josh: So if you're in a bunker, how are you getting a good phone signal?

Kim: They have a land line setup down here, my time just ran out please be safe b.....

*The call was disconnected*

Narrator's P.O.V

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