Chapter 11: Mystery Lady! You're Lucky You're Cute!!!

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2 Days Until Demolition...

As Josh got ready for bed, he heard his mom walk through the front door, usually Josh would go ask her "did you have a good day", but he wasn't much for conversation at the moment. He was eager for the sweet sensation of slumber. He turned off the lights then jumped face first onto the bed and instantly dozed off to sleep. That constant dream was different this time. The mysterious figure from before was there again except it looked like a woman with long flowing hair, it was a beautiful sight like staring at the stars in the night sky. Josh felt at ease just by looking at this thing which is surprising, cause when it comes to the unknown Josh doesn't handle things to well and is easily psyched out. Instead Josh rushed over to the figure and gave it a hug feeling happy to see it again not knowing why he did this.

"Well you must be happy with my presence for you to hug me like that Joshua I'll admit it, to be quite honest, I'm happy to see you too". The mysterious figure spoke softly while petting Josh on the head "oh I'm sorry I just felt the need to hug you for some reason, and how do you know my name stranger aaaand...... Are you a female cause you have a womanly figure with hips" he said while wiggling his hips. The strange entity began laughing at Josh's observation. "Why yes in fact I am." she said while giggling. Afterwards Josh asked a couple of questions but received no answers to why he was having these dreams.

"Ok I'll be glad to tell you who I am, but I need you to complete a task for me, there is a stone that you need to acquire. It's purpose is very important for you to grow." Josh had a clue on what she meant about a stone then again it's pretty far fetched so he talked about it anyway. "Oh I think I know what you're talking about. A rock with rainbow coloring right? I saw a piece of paper with something similar to your description on it, also it had this weird writing on it that I couldn't read for crap." The lady began glowing with excitement..... Literally she began glowing like an overcharged lightbulb. She floated over to Josh and grabbed his hands smiling. "Wow really! That's so great, it makes it much more easier on your part I'm so proud of you! How did manage to sneak it out of the cave?" The look on Josh's face was priceless when he heard that.

Josh's P.O.V

I'm sorry a cave? I said I found something similar at school, plus It didn't belong to me, some other kid named Tony, he owned the paper. We almost fought over it. I snickered a little remembering what Jake did to Tony. Her excitement died down a little but she was still pretty hyped up. "Oh well that's good too, maybe that Tony boy has some potential, anyway Josh that stone lies underground somewhere in your neighborhood. You need to retrieve that stone. Do whatever you can to find it please, it's very important."

So am I just supposed to go around my neighborhood with a shovel digging up people's yards or something, I bluntly said "Oh that's a wonderful idea, I wish I can help you with the searching, but I can't keep track of those type of things. I only keep up with important people." Sorry miss I don't wanna get arrested for something as silly as that.

Narrator's P.O.V

Her joyful expression faded away into a sad disappointed one, she turned away then looked over her shoulder. "It's ok. I understand you're not ready for such responsibility." she said while pouting. "oh my god she's cute." Josh thought..... aloud she heard him and gave him a devious look. "Heh heh heh wow that slipped out." After hearing that she got really close to Josh making him flustered "Are you feeling well Josh?" she asked placing a hand on Josh's forehead. He screamed yes then looked away embarrassed.

She responded with ok then turned back around Josh came up from behind then hugged her saying "I'm sorry I'll do whatever you want me to do." She turned around with a large smile on her face and yelled "YES! I knew it would work it's hard to resist someone that's beautiful as me."
Josh looked up like a confused puppy "Aaaaw aren't you just adorable," she said with in a baby tone of voice while squeezing his cheek and pulling it. "I feel used." Josh said in a monotone voice. "Great you can start searching today cause you're about to wake up in a little bit you're running late for school." Josh began to yell.

Josh's P.O.V


The Woman's P.O.V

Byeeee, I love you

Josh's P.O.V


Narrator's P.O.V

Josh woke up then saw something poking up from the covers he looked under his cover to see, he saw what it was then screamed out "FUCK". His mom heard then yelled at him.

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