Chapter 21: That Voice! Navigating The Tunnel!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Josh jogged through the tunnel at a fast pace taking in short breaths while doing so. He came to a fork in the road going left and right he looked down both of them to try and decide, afterwards he went down the left path, "sike I'm going right." He said making a u-turn.

10 minutes later, Josh decided to take a brake. "This place is depressing, I should've brought Jake with me or Berry. Either one would be cool I guess." Josh was interrupted by a voice in his head. "Awww am I not enough for you? I see how it is." Josh jumped up to look around slightly scared. "I'm sorry did I scare you?" The lady chuckled. "Oh it's you the lady of my dreams." Josh said sarcastically. "So you migrated to my thoughts now huh, anyways what do you want I'm kinda busy."

"Well I just needed something to do, plus I thought you should know that Ray and Tony is also in building" Josh felt his heart drop with this info, he started shaking out of fear with negative thoughts running through his mind. "Oh r-really! Hehehe well that isn't good."

"Josh are you alright? You seem frightened all of sudden." Josh felt a little lightheaded like something snapped. "Y-yeah I'm fine...just a little woozy." He choked on his words a bit. "You're not being truthful with me." Josh started taking deep breaths, then calmed himself. He wiped sweat from his forehead. "What do you mean by I'm not being truthful with you?" She huffed then said, "Well I just think you should start being honest with me is all."

"I don't see why I should be 'truthful' with you actually. If you   haven't noticed, all of this bullshit that's been going lately has almost gotten me and Jake killed! For all I know, you could be just like Ray, a damn parasite!" The lady started to get irritated. "Well fine then, since you can't trust me I don't need you anyway! I got someone else here to get the stone for me!" Josh's tolerance ran low. "Oh my god shut up, you're becoming annoying! Just get out of my head. I'm tired of hearing your useless banter!"

The lady whimpered a little, "Fine, you jerk jerk!" Her voice faded from his mind. "That could've gone better." Josh was about to turn back and return home, until a that melody from before ran through his mind. "Damnit I need to find out though." Josh limbered up, then took off running further down into the darkness.

A white light shined up ahead. "Finally, I'm almost there." Josh stopped running to talk to someone. "Hey lady you still there?" Josh said with a small smirk. "...Yeah I'm here, what do you want?" she said sniffling. "You never left didn't you?" Josh asked. she sat in silence for a bit then said "Y-Yeah..." Josh chuckled, "Awww you do care about." Josh said mockingly. "What!?" The lady yelled. "Hold on, before you blow your cool, I'm sorry. I should have more trust towards you, but when I normally meet new people of course I won't be able to trust them straight away. Trust takes time. Now I don't expect you to forgive me right away so take your time." The lady didn't respond...

Josh's P.O.V

I kept walking to the red light waiting for a response from the lady, until she told me that Ray is fighting another boy. I was shocked to hear that, "Maybe I should go back to help him, since it's two of us we might stand a chance right?" I said. She told me that he'll be fine, that she has faith in him, as much as I hate to, I trusted her about that situation. "Even if you did help, you might lose this opportunity to get the stone, you'll get crushed by all the rubble and die."

"Wow thanks for the positive outlook." I said "Awww you're welcome." she replied back. That was sarcasm by the way. Speaking of time, what is it?" I said. "No clue." she said. "You're lucky you're cute lady OK then do you know were Tony is?"

"LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU RUN NOW!!!!" She shouted.

Fear kicked in, so I ran as fast as I could to the white light, I checked behind me to see fire spreading fast on the walls with a shadowy figure running in the middle with it's hand sticking out.

Narrator's P.O.V

Josh entered the shrine room, then spun around to see who was following him, it was Tony. He was holding a fireball in his hand laughing at Josh. "What's so funny?!" Josh yelled out.

"I WONDER HOW YOU LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU'RE BURNING ALIVE, I BET IT'S FUNNY" Tony shot a huge wave of fire at Josh engulfing him.

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