Chapter 59: The Ruined Neighborhood! A Horrific Discover!!!

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Josh P.O.V

In his thoughts

I....feel so light and cold. This feeling of dread....did something happen? What was it? I can't..... remem... Oh I remember now.

Some Prick Named Floe Did This To Me...

Now I really need to find my dad. Everything that's been happening lately is probably because of his past mistakes.


Many Hours Later...

Narrator's P.O.V

Josh wakes up tangled in a tree high up, with blood dripping from his dangling limp arm. He grunts in pain and starts to realize were he is, "Oh shit!" He said trying not to fall. Josh raised his left arm to grab a branch, but retracted it in pain, he winced then looked down at his injury. A large deep gash that showed a rib bone, "Oh my god that's bad, ooooh that's really bad!" Josh's vision was a bit blurry from losing a large amount of blood, while trying to adjust himself, his bat was over on another branch barely hanging on. Josh tried to reach over to get it, but fell in the process. A large scream erupted from Josh as he landed on his wound, "Fuuuuck I think I just broke some ribs!" Seconds later, his bat fell down and hit him in the head.

"Oh my! Are you OK Josh?" Ma asked concerned, "No I'm not OK.... I can barely breathe." Josh grabbed the bat to pull himself up, now that he's standing he noticed that his leg was also messed up a bit. "Wow Josh you took a beating."
"Yeah I know, that Floe guy is something serious. For second I thought I could take'em, guess not." Ma gave a small smirk remembering their fight in the hurricane. "I also noticed you learned a new Psi too." Josh thought about it for a sec. "Oh yeah that fire I was using, it was helpful for the most part of the fight, until it wasn't." Josh closed his eyes then took in a deep breath, his mind blocked out every form of noise. Josh opened his eyes, and snapped his fingers creating a large ball of fire in his hand. "Cool Pk Fire, ya know that was your dad's favorite." Josh chuckled while staring deeply at the fire in his hand thinking of trying an idea. "I wonder if this will work." Josh raised up his shirt carefully and put the fire on his wound to try and sterilize it so the bleeding can stop.

Josh held in his scream. The smell of burning flesh along with visible smoke was heavy, when he stopped so did the bleeding. "You sure that was a good idea?" Ma asked, Josh just gave a "mhm" then slowly started to walk with the support of his bat holding him up. The neighborhood was ravaged by the hurricane, most houses destroyed, trees uprooted, cars turned over and crushed, streets poles and lamps bent and scattered across the area, even a couple of dead bodies were laying around.

"This is terrible." Ma said with a hint of sadness in her voice, "Yeah these type of things aren't the best, it even couldn't been prevented." "How....never mind." Josh rolled his eyes at her realization. "Don't worry everyone has morals even though some are kind of messed. I won't judge"
"right..." Ma's expression turned to a sad one. "Next time something like this happens, I wanna be strong enough to stop." Josh said in a trembling tone of voice. Ma noticed his sad expression to then gave him a warm smile. Josh kept walking around the neighborhood, until he came across a crying puppy that was pinned under a car door. "Awww poor puppy, do you think I should help it?"
"Of course I love dogs." Josh hurried over to lift the car door, once freed, the puppy hopped up on to Josh making him fall back.

The puppy began to lick him and bark occasionally. " is it a boy or a girl?" Ma asked. Josh lifted it up to see, "A boy." The puppy leeped out of Josh's hand doing a back flip landing perfectly, he started jumping and barking performing more flips. "Hey this dog knows some tricks, I wonder who it belongs to?" Josh said admiring his new companion, the puppy started to bite Josh's hand and pulling. "Hey! Bad boy no biting!" The puppy stopped then started barking again while running in the other direction for a bit and coming back to bite his hand again. "Josh I think it wants you to follow him." The puppy started tugging at his hand again, "ooooh OK little guy, I'll follow ya." The dog jumped again and started running down the street, Josh stood up to check out his leg to see if it was still aching. "Great now I can try to keep up with him." Josh followed after the puppy at a fast pace.

After a couple of minutes of running through the neighborhood, both of them arrived behind Overton High School with a large gate blocking the way. The puppy kept barking at the gate, "So is this what you wanted to show me?" Josh said petting him. The puppy barked once in response, he jumped up into Josh's chest, bouncing off it to make him take a few steps back. The puppy took a stance like it was about to attack the gate, he started growling. His teeth grew with a green coloring to them, they became sharp and twice the size of lion's teeth. The puppy bit the gate once, tearing an opening for them. ".....Of course the dog has some type of power, cause hey why not." Josh said to himself, "Awww his soooo cute I just wanna squeeze him!" Ma said. "I don't see how that's cute, it's death in puppy form." "Shut up and follow the puppy." Ma said.

Josh walked through the woods carefully with his bat ready to swing if something or someone jumped out. Since he wasn't paying attention to what was in front of him, Josh tripped on an object. The puppy started wimpering looking at the object, Josh sat up to look at the black figure on the ground, "What is that, it's all flakey."


A weak raspy voice was heard from the black thing on the ground. "Ma did you hear that?" "Yes I did, I guess this must be the puppy's owner." The puppy laid next to person's head, "Why does it look like he was set on fire?" Josh looked around to see some trees with burn marks on them. "Hey Ma what should we do, should know....'HELP' him out?" Ma sighed then said, "If you're talking about killing him then no, but I have a better way to help him." The ground started to glow blue underneath the burned body, then started to sink into the ground, along with the puppy. "Well are you coming too?" Josh was hesitant to step on the glowing circle, but when he did it felt like standing on Jello. He slowly sank with his eyes closed, holding his breath.

"Howdy Joshua, welcome to where I reside." Josh peeked to see where he was, "It's a house....weird I thought this would be more...bizarre."
"I'll show you around later, but for now I need to play nurse for a second so excuse me." Ma levitated the burned guy onto a table, "Now this should be easy" she said cracking her knuckles...some how.

Ma placed both of her hands over the body, sending out golden butterflies all over. "Now we play the waiting game, for the second important step that'll determine everything." Josh got a serious expression, "OK what is it I'll help." Ma floated away from the table to look out her window dramatically, "give me.....the puppy." "The...puppy?" Ma looked at Josh with a angry expression, "YES THE PUPPY DON'T JUDGE MY METHODS!!!" Josh got startled by the sudden yelling then grabbed the puppy giving it to Ma. She looked at the puppy with a serious expression, until..... "AWWWW HE'S SO CUTE I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH LOOK AT HIS WITTLE NOSE!" Ma yelled twirling with the puppy in a close hug. Josh just sat there embarrassed for taking her seriously. "I need a nap." Josh looked to his left to see Ma holding the puppy in his face, he barked then licked Josh's nose. "This puppy is so adorable it's a crime hehe, anyway Ma do you have a bed that I can sleep in?" "Yeah upstairs on the left is your dad's old bedroom." Ma said while still playing with the puppy. "My dad's old room?" Josh asked, "Well yeah he lived here at one point with your mom, it was pretty awkward sometimes but it was fun. I remember when.....Josh?"
Josh walked up into the room while she was talking.

"Uuugh finally! A bed. I wonder if my mom would be worried if she knew I was here...probably not."

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