Chapter 22: It's Over! The OverPowered Pk Power!!!

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Josh hopped out the window, his face was calm and composed, yet you could feel the darkness of the energy surrounding him. He held his eyes closed as he cracked his neck; he began to rotate each of his arms while nearing Ray. To Ray these steps where frightening. The murderous intent pouring from Josh was uncanny! Ray stood up slowly a purple blood like substance ran from his face.

He wiped away the substance, his face seemed deformed and lifeless. Yet he stepped away as Josh entered his personal space. Josh was in Rays face only separated by centimeters.
Ray stood a at least 6'4 due to his monstrous state. Yet Josh being only 5'9 showed no fear. Instead his hazel eyes shot straight through Ray's blank sockets. As if they saw his very mind state. "So monsters still sense fear eh?" Josh said while smirking. Ray cringed at Josh's words as he began to yell his thoughts aloud, "YOU LITTLE FUCK, I'LL  FUCKIN-"


Josh's four head slammed into Ray's face. Ray stumbled backwards holding his face. "DAMNIT!" Ray grunted. Looking up you could see Josh crashing down from the air, he cocked back his bamboo stick. Ray quickly sliced his arm off as it morphed into a sphere. Disgustingly, another arm grew back. Ray flung the sphere towards the air born Josh. Ray grinned uncontrollably as he felt the blood drip onto his face. Josh sat there, a gaping hole was where his gut should be. "I Win." Ray smirked. "Now to take this bastard's body as a vessel before it deca- " Ray stopped in place, the air around him grew extremely cold. Chills slowly crept down his monstrous spine.

Ray swiftly looked up to see the image of Josh was gone. "What the-" Posh smirked in limbo. "Afterimage." Josh replied calmly. Afterimage was one of the tricks Kaposh taught Josh in his dreams, so obviously he would be proud. There was a big gash across Josh's eyebrow it bleed to no end. Smirking Josh licked the blood leaking from his face and grinned in a evil manner. This caused Ray to panic uncontrollably. Yelling, Ray attempted to fling himself in the air in a panic.

Josh grabbed his leg pulling Rays body towards him. He looked at Ray. Josh's hazel eyes glowed in the night, cold, heartless, and empty. These where words to describe what Ray saw in those dark eyes. Ray was speechless. Josh's Eyes left Ray only to glance downwards towards his fist. This signaled Ray to do so also. Upon sight Ray's sockets widened. "PSI?" Ray said His voice trembling.

Josh fist was glowing in a golden aura.
Without hesitation Josh said...

A crater began to form under the two, it was as if time froze at this moment. "Wrong answer Raymond only the weak run... and you know what happens to the weak, RIGHT?" Josh face shifted into pure anger and hatred. All directed towards Raymond. Suddenly Ray's black sockets turned back into regular pupils. "Hey man don't you remember me, I'm RAY! You cant kill me right!!!?" Josh glared at him. His eyes where cold and menacing. The kill intent made the monsters eyes fill with tears He trembled uncontrollably.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER!!" The demon ironically yelled at Josh. "How does Josh-Kaposh sound?" Josh said with a straight face. "Kaposh? Wait-a-Min-"

*BOOM!* Ray was cut off from Josh's fist sinking into his face. Upon connection the school began to shake. Ray screeched, his voice was muffled. He crashed through the auditorium. Debris began falling from the ceiling. But this didn't stop Josh.
Josh stood over Raymond smiling. Raymond's face was unrecognizable. The punch created a crater implanted where his facial features where. Dark purple blood oozed from the crater in his face. Yet Ray began to twitch. "I- I'll fucking d-devour you." Tentacles began to shoot towards Josh's face from Ray's. Josh snatched them, rippin'em apart from ray. He stood up as he slammed his bamboo stick into Ray's chest. He winced in pain the screech was heard throughout the school. Josh looked at Ray smiling, the shadow of the broken pillar from the auditorium ceiling covered Josh's upper Face, only his hazel eyes and demonic teeth where seen. "Ready or Not Raymond...


The sound was repeated throughout the school countless of times. Josh repeatedly slammed his PK filled fist into Rays Body. The purple blood like substance splattered all over him. Yet, he didn't stop. Why? Because he was Blood Thirsty! "JOSH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!!" The building was slowly coming down. Josh slowly turned around only to have his gaze caught by a beautiful aura like figure standing before him. It was mother. "Oh?" he said with a smirk. "So now you know my name eh?" *Smack!* Josh held his face as if he's been smacked by a physical existence. Mother faded from his line of sight. He glanced up and sighed as he walked out holding his arm from previous injuries. Seems as if a Mother's touch is all it takes to turn someone back to normal. As the building collapsed behind him, Josh glanced down to see his headband lying on the cement right outside the building. The only difference was... It was red? "So not fucking worth it." Josh grunted picking up the headband.

He began walking towards the A building with a limp only using his bamboo stick as a cane. "Still too weak." Posh complained playfully. "Still kick your ass." Josh replied in annoyance. Josh pushed open the double doors to leave the A building only to be met by a wrecking ball coming his way. He swiftly lay down flat in order to dodge. *Crash!* it slammed into the A building with brute force. "HOLY FUCK KID, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT!? HOLY SHIT THAT WAS CLOSE!" The construction worker panicked. Josh glanced at his watch it was twelve o clock. Smiling Josh said... "Eat a dick I'm going home."


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