Chapter 47: A Normal Day! A Filler Chapter!!! (2)

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It was dark with the sound of birds chirping outside, the night sky began to gain color as the sun rose. People leaving their homes to drop off their kids and/or to go to work. Busses going up and down the street along with garbage trucks making their Monday run.

Another morning in the Hardy household. Vincent and Kali went to school while Kim had an off day today, so she decided to do a little cleaning.

Wake Up!!!

"W-what what I do." Josh was awoken from his sleep by his mom who was holding a broom. "Oh no" Josh groggily said and dropped his head back into the pillow, "Oh yes, get up boy it's time to clean since you're out of school for 3 months."
"Uuuugh I got all day to clean up let me sleep a little longer." Kim thought about for sec, remembering yesterday's events. She looked at her phone, it's 9:30am. "OK I'll let you get 2 more hours of sleep after that you're gonna have to clean the rest of the house, cause I already did half of it."
"Yeah yeah I gotcha." Josh said with slurred words swaying his foot in the air dismissively. Kim smacked it down with the broom making Josh give a low monotone "ow".

~2 Hours Later~

Time's Up!!!

Kim threw a bucket of cold water on Josh to wake him up, he began thrashing around in his bed then fell off confused and scared to death. "Whyyyyyy!" Josh yelled like a little kid. "I gave you two hours to sleep, that should've been enough time for you."
"OK but you didn't have to splash me with water, that was uncalled for." Josh whined. "Keep complaining I'll throw more on you." Josh gave a rude reply under his breath. "I heard that! I'm gonna go fill the bucket back up with ice this time!"

~One Water Fight Later~

"Ok first, clean the kitchen. It shouldn't take long so hop to it." Josh saw the massive pile of dishes and grunted in irritation. "Stop whining!" Kim said sitting on the couch watching TV. "I'm not!" Josh whined like a little kid again. While washing the dishes, Kim told him "I'll be back I'm gonna go to the store, you want anything?" Josh shouted out "Chips" as she was walking out the house. Minutes later, he finally finished the pile of dishes and proceeded to sweep the floor, in the living room the TV was still on and it started playing 'Bruno Mars Lazy Song'. Josh grabbed the broom and swept a little before he started dancing to the song. In the music video, Bruno Mars pulled down his pants and so did Josh since this was his favorite song. Josh spun around and struck a pose, he felt something lite hit him in the back of the head. He looked down to see a bag of doritos. "Oh my god..." he thought to himself, then slowly looked behind him to see Kim recording him, trying her best not to laugh.

"H-How much did you see?" "Enough" she said with a big smile.

~One Phone Struggle Later~

"Ok now I need you to do the laundry, hop to it."
"Meh meh meh" Josh said mocking her. Josh had to sort threw the clothes to find out what's clean or not, since the last load of clothes weren't put away properly.
While sorting the colors from the whites he found a large pair of underwear that belonged to Vincent, he was scared to find out if it was clean or dirty. He took a tiny whiff and passed out from the smell of must. Kim walked in to see what that noise was. "What the hell happened?" Josh could be heard gagging and coughing.

~Three Trails of Puke and a Motherly Hug Later~

"Ok now I need you to mow the front yard that should be easy for you right?"
"As long as I don't have to smell nutsack again." Josh grabbed the lawnmower from the garage and brought to the front yard. It took a few tries to start up, but he finally got it started. This seemed problem free so Josh enjoyed this, until the unexpected happen.....

"Kim you might wanna get out here, I done goofed!" Kim casually walked outside. "What" Josh somehow ripped a hole in space and time while mowing the front yard, yet he wasn't freaking out about it. "Huh...and I thought the writer of this story was gonna make this a normal chapter."
"What you say?" Kim asked, "Nothing." Josh replied.

~A Scientist and a ummm... I Don't Know A Miracle Later I Guess??? ~

"Ok now I want you to clean the living room. Josh? Jooosh? Where did he go off too?"

Josh was sucked into the rip, when Kim was busy beating up the scientist guy for being a nerd.

"Kim....Kim....Mom?" Josh called out slowly floating around.

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