Chapter 46: Dad's Unknown Treasures! Suspicious Past!!!

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Josh P.O.V

The closet started glowing like a faded rainbow, the melody was a familiar one too. I've heard it before. I put my hand on the closet the temperature felt like it was constantly changing from hot to cold. I open the door slowly to see what's causing the colors and the melody, but nothing was there, just a bunch of bent up hangers and forgotten shirts. "Maybe there's a switch of some kind I have to press?" I began touching random things in the closet to see if a reaction would happen. Minutes later, a large scream could be heard from the living room which means the monster roaming around finally located me, "Dammit, I guess I'll hide here for now." Footsteps could be heard throughout the house, they got louder when it went to the bedroom were I'm hiding in.

It started to approach the closet, I didn't know what to do at the time so I backed up as much as I could in the small space. I took a step back with my left foot then I heard a small click. The floor underneath me disappeared dropping into a dark space. While falling, I heard a crashing sound so I assume that thing broke down the door, "How long is this drop? This doesn't even make sense how I'm falling for this long when I was just on the second floo-"

Narrator's P.O.V

Josh face planted on the dark ground with a loud oomph. He moaned in pain then picked himself up dazed, he touched his under his nose to see he had a minor nose bleed. "Where am I now?" He started walking until he bumped his head into a wall "FUCK" he yelled. Josh turned around to try going the other way, he bumped his shin on a small object "MOTHER FUCKER" he yelled getting frustrated now. He took a deep breath to calm himself down a bit, with his right foot he took a small step and slipped on something "What the hell is this place!"

Josh started raging, kicking stuff and throwing punches that shattered unseen objects too. He kicked something into a wall cutting the lights on, revealing a spacious bunker that's underground. "Well well well I think I found what I'm looking for. Now where should I start?" Josh walked down a red carpet with shelves and pictures of a kid on each side with a medals posted on the walls, with a few trophies here and there. "This place is a bit strange, how and why does he have this many rewards?" Josh thought to himself, he went to a wall taking a picture down to observe it closely. The picture was very old and showed a kid shaking hands with the President of the United States. "This kid has a bat in his hand, have I seen him before?" Josh put the picture back then grabbed another that had a small gold plate on it that said "Charles Death Boyce The Worlds Special Gift" on it.

This picture had a bit of color on it and it showed the kid again, but he was older about the age of a teenager, with a green flash of light floating in his hand. "Is this supposed to be my dad!?" Josh put the picture back up and stared at the trophies that are on the shelves, one said "Hero" on it, another was a small gold statue of him with his hand raised and what looked to be a diamond in a shape of a snow flake. "That looks so real." He moved up ahead to look at another picture. This one had Kim in it holding a baby with Charles right next to her, everyone in the picture looked very happy, even the baby. "Woooooah is that me? So this place does belong to my dad... *chuckles* his middle name is kinda cool actually." Josh took the picture out its frame and put it in his pocket. When he reached the end of the hall, there was a small shrine with the bat from the photos placed in the middle of it standing straight up with no support. There was writing engraved on the wooden table that said, "A For Gift For My Greatest Achievement" Josh gave a warm smile and grabbed the wooden bat. It was smooth with a tiny fragrance too, with three large ovals near the tip of the bat. The handle part had black tape neatly wrapped around it, Josh fell in love with the bat instantly. It was so light that he swung it around for a bit.


He accidentally broke a glass case, he winced and said "Crap, I should probably leave now." A platinum plaque was laid out in the glass so Josh picked up to see what this reward had to say. "The Original PSI Kid." Josh put it back in the case and started looking for an exit. The room he was in had no door just a hole in the ceiling from when he fell. "Maybe there's another switch somewhere." Josh searched the bunker for a switch, the shrine looked like it could have a switch so he searched it. Josh pulled down one of the rods making a clicking sound, the shrine began shifting to the left showing a small wooden door that Josh had to crawl through. The door led to a dark hall with a metal door at the end of it, Josh hurried to the metal door and forced it open. "Man that door was heav-" BEEP BEEP!"
"Josh hurry yo ass up! I've been waiting here forever!" Josh finally made it back outside and next to the gate he entered from with Kim on the other side still impatiently waiting, plus it was now dark out. Josh turned around and saw the door he left out of completely vanished. "Hold on I'm on my way." He said jogging to the gate. "What the fuck is that!!!" Kim screamed out, Josh turned around and saw that monster from earlier behind him running.

"I guess it's time to try out my new gift." Josh spun the bat in his hand and took a offensive stance waiting for the monster to get closer. Once it did he swung for its head with great force, but before it made contact, a green light materialized on the tip of the bat were the three circles are. It connected with the monster and stuck to it expanding in size. "uuuh I didn't do that." The monster screams got louder until the flash exploded launching Josh into the gate breaking it. "Holy crap that was bright!" The monster was disintegrated in the blast only leaving the concrete ruined by the blast. Josh got off the gate and entered the car and stared at Kim with a smile. "What you lookin at ugly?" She said, Josh pulled out the picture from earlier and showed it to her. She became wide eyed for a sec then gave a smile, she looked at Josh who was still smiling too. "Let's go home I bet you're tired from all the rippin and runnin you did today." Josh leaned his seat back and took a nap enjoying the ride home.

Now he needs to have a talk with his dad who's been MIA recently.

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