Chapter 33: Jake's Weird Neck! More Puke Too!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Jake had a clue about what Josh said, so he asked, "That was the person you saw walking from the school, well he must have barely survived fighting Ray. I'm surprised he killed him though...that's...unfortunate for me actually." Josh gave Jake a questionable look like he was plotting something. "What do you mean by unfortunate for you, Ray was a monster that was after us and some use to be 6th grader offed him for us, so no blood on our hands just his." "Yeah whatever... hey Josh I'll talk to you later, I need some time alone" Josh asked if he was OK and got a positive response so he left to go to his math class. Jake's neck began to flare up so he went to the bathroom to see what's wrong, when he unwrapped the gauze from his neck he wasn't as surprised to see the problem. "Damnit this mark isn't getting any better it's getting even worse, maybe it has something to do about Ray when he died."

The Mark on his neck looked like a detailed blood shot eyeball tattoo with veins on the outer rims of it. Jake began touching it a little, then the veins surrounding the eye ball began to pulsate increasing in size and started to spread further down his neck almost reaching to his shoulder. The eyeball came to life, the pupil expanded making a black substance start running through the surrounding veins. Jake held in a scream to avoid anyone hearing him in pain. "I should stop messing with it for now, until then I need to find a way to stop this thing from spreading." Jake carefully wrapped the gauze around his neck and went to class, he took Mr. Adams for history which was right next to Josh's math class.

Josh's P.O.V

I take my seat in the back of the class cause why would I sit in the front screw that, anyway the class was full of people which was good for since I'm in the back, the teacher can't see me. 10 minutes later while daydreaming out the window, I get snapped out of it by two females yelling at each other looking like they're about to rip each other heads off. One of them had on a khakis and a polo shirt with a shiny looking belt with her hair in a pony tail, and I think her name is.... Stevie I guess? The other one was short kinda cute with short hair, she has on black pants and a navy blue hoodie. Her name is...... I don't know actually I think it starts with an A. I should ask her, when she's done getting beat up that is. Hey I didn't know Alex was in here too, aaaaand she threw up again..... that's just nasty. Oh my god Stevie slipped in it.

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