Chapter 44: Lucky Boy! Much Harm No Foul!!!

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Josh P.O.V

I don't even remember what happened but the officer wants to question me. I look at Kim and she gives me a reassuring smile like she has a plan, I start to panic thinking I'm about to go to juvenile for something I have no memory of. Since I'm handcuffed to the bed, it must've been bad. "OK Mr. Hardy, do you have any memory of the guy who attacked you? Any type of feature will help tremendously."
"What?" I ask confused not knowing what to say. "Yeah Josh give a description of the guy who attacked you." Kim said giving me a 'playalong' look. "OK well umm... He was tall, light skinned, bald, has a scar on his cheek, and ummm... He has a....beard?" The officer stopped writing in his notepad to show me a picture of the guy he drew. The picture was very detailed. "Wow *snickers* that's a good picture, did you ever consider becoming an artist?" "Thanks you know I've considered it but my dad doesn't approve of me pursuing my dre.... HEY we're getting off topic here!"

Narrator's P.O.V

The officer finished chatting with Josh then hurried out to search for the criminal Josh had described. When he left, Josh calmed down and wondered why was he still handcuffed. The officer rushed back into the room. "Sorry I forgot to remove the handcuffs! You must be one hell of a sleepwalker to need something to hold you down." "Sleepwalker?" Josh asked not knowing what he meant. "Your mom told me you're a sleepwalker and asked for you to be handcuffed to the bed." "Ooooook yup, anyway thanks for keeping me cuffed down now bye!" The officer left again in a hurry.

Couple of minutes later while Josh was getting ready to leave, Mr. Pettigrew walked in with a smile and with some news to give. "So Mr. Hardy, it looks like you're doing well. I'm glad to see you got away free from your actions."
"Yeah, thanks. What was all of that about anyway? My mom told me what I did, but the officer had no clue, did know one tell him what happened?"
"I did tell him, I told him everything, except I left you out the story so now the police are out looking for some fake guy." Josh was surprised that the principal covered for him, especially after ripping some guy's arm off. "Well thanks for covering for me, I guess we both got a troubled past now, I could've committed school genocide and you got caught snorting cra-"
"AHEM, lets just keep this a secret between us and the administrators that you harmed along with the teachers and students, which brings me to my next statement."

"As of now you are suspended from school for 3 months you will be able to return in November, I'll mail the suspension papers to your address." With that, he left the room. Josh had a dumbfounded look, when he turned around Kim was mad ready to start yelling. "Hold on now! I know you're mad, but at least I didn't kill anyone right?" Kali shook his head. "We'll be waiting at the car." He left out the room with Vincent following behind him. When the door closed, a bunch of yelling and clanking sounds can be heard in the room like a tornado is destroying it. A couple of hospital workers heard the noise then tried to see what was going on, the door flung open almost breaking off the hinges. Josh limped out as fast he can to the exit of the hospital trying to escape from Kim. "Out of all the people I dealt with, I'm not ready for this one!" Josh yelled trying to call for an elevator but it was talking to long so he took the stairs.

He struggled going down the stairs cause his messed up leg, but when he made it to the bottom the doors shot open making Josh turn around to look atop of the stair case. Kim was still chasing him. With one great leap off the stair case, she dropped kicked Josh in the chest sending him flying out the double doors, slamming into the wall.
People were shook at the sudden burst of noise. Everyone was just looking at him slumped on the wall as he flopped over on his stomach. Josh looked and saw a little girl looking at him with a curious face, Kim busted through the double doors then grabbed Josh by the leg to drag him away. "Little girl, help me! Help, don't let her take me! Nooooooo you're so adorable!" Josh screamed out while be dragged to the check out desk. The little girl just waved goodbye and skipped off to her mom. When the automatic doors opened she threw him out, scaring the lady at the check out counter when she saw him fly by.

Kim approached the counter with a smile and said "Hey how you doing? Did you see that kid fly by?" The lady shook her head slowly. "Good I'm signing him out." She slowly handed Kim the sign out clipboard. "Thanks, have a nice day." Kim said leaving out the front doors. Josh was on the ground laying there thinking about his life choices, until Kim helped him up. "When we get home, we need to have a serious talk about what you've done." "Yeah ok." Josh replied when walking to the car Kim said something rather interesting.

"I'm surprised that weird spirit lady didn't talk to you about this stuff yet"

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