Chapter 7: Butterflies! I ( Don't ) Know Pk Power!!!

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"A week!?" I exclaimed while looking at the calendar. Time flew by incredibly fast. "Maybe i should go back tomorrow." I thought while rubbing my chin. "I wonder what that kid is up to? He seemed like an idiot, also he was the LEAST bit interesting." I was lying to my self at the time. Actually it felt like I knew him all my life. I sat down at the table resting my head onto the palm of my right hand. I remembered everything that happened like it was yesterday, well technically it was. To me at least, Being unconscious for a week and all.

"Pk power." I muttered, I opened my left hand as my eyes glanced towards it. "What was that ?", I thought to myself. Closing my eyes I frowned In aggravation. I began to jitter in my chair for a little, before losing to temptation and trying it out for my self. "PK POWER !" I yelled, jolting out my seat...
The ceiling fan collided with my head full force...
I flew down as fast as i could jump up.

A Band-aid and 30- minutes later...

Feeling like an idiot I walked out the house grabbing some juice, wearing a white long sleeve T-shirt. My black head band hung around my neck with my hands behind my head, only holding my juice pouch with my mouth. Usually I go on these types of walks when i needed to think. This time, I went to learn about myself. A sparkling butterfly whisked over my head. I glanced up at it only To think about my own actions other than Dude's new power.

My seven day dream, These weird figures that constantly Ask stupid questions, "Will you do me a favor and die" Rung in my head. I cringed telling my self "In your dreams." Under my breath. But Ironically he was in mine. But all jokes aside. Walking down that street, I knew one thing. What ever is living dormant inside of me. Is getting tired of riding the back seat, but how would I know? I only have my own word for it.

I guess Being the only child was different. You have no one to talk to, fight with, and to reason with. All of those things are missing from your life. You only have yourself, your psyche, and your better judgement. Not like I cared. I had half brothers and sisters. They were a whole generation above me though. They had families to take care of. No time to put up with my problems. All my life I've been alone, but that was just the dice i rolled, I understood that. Its not their fault, I was mature for my age anyway. At least...when I wanted to be.

I began to cross the street. Cars flew past, the wind felt good. On the other hand, I wondered how I could get stronger. I walked down the street still in the same position as before. Only missing a juice pouch in a relaxing state. I replayed the fight in my head. Regardless of my bad eye sight I was a visual learner.. Its been this way since me and my cousins were babies. Dude and I on the other hand, grew up neck and neck. Me being the type of guy who would rather have fun rather than practicing fighting skills is evident to how he is stronger than me now, but he was never 'That' much stronger. Back in the day I could get a few good punches in without unlocking a dormant power or two. Seriously though, Dude was a hard worker with talent to boot. You can say I had talent but I could never become as good as dude or work as hard. Mine was always on silver platter. I see It I Learn it. That's just how it went No need to do any thing else. See Dude's difference was perfection. He was determined ever since he was little, it was like he was always looking at a bigger picture. like He was fighting for something. He never seen just the picture, he also saw the frame supporting it. "Like he was special."

I then was awoken by a barking dog in he neighborhood.. "oh I fell asleep. On a park bench at that." It was around nine o'clock. The sky was pitch black and the street lights were more of a white color than the usual yellow, but i didnt have time to think of that, getting home was my first priority. Running home the word "special" would ring in my ears. It hurt. Not like I wanted to be special, but because it was unfair. You could say I was jealous.

I began to run faster, as if I was chasing someone. As if I was chasing. "Dude."
The word slipped from my clenched lips smacking me in the face. I would then clench my fist yelling out his name. I had no shame. He wouldnt turn around. As if he was chasing something himself. No matter how fast I ran I couldn't catch him.
I then fell.. It hurt too... a lot.

The same butterfly once again flew above me. Getting up I opened my fist and began to reach out towards it. It was instinct. I reached as far and as long as I could, flying right past my arms it landed on my cheek, it felt warm and familiar. A flash back of the dream I had the night before occurred. The butter fly dispersed into particles. Right on my cheek.. I sat there for 5 minutes holding my cheek tears rolling down my eyes, I didn't know why i cried. In silence i turned and began to walk home. I still had school the next day.

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