Chapter 75: Wrong Story! You Jackass!!!

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(And yes I like undertale)

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Many Years Later. . .

                    MT. Ebott

Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.

...What? Excuse me what? The wrong story!? Hold on stop the fucking music! What do you mean by the wrong story.

...Undertale?! What the fuck is an Undertale, who writes this shit!!!

If I don't get the real story I'm gonna start fucking firing you cunts!!!





Thank you...sorry about that everyone, now lets get back to the real story of EarthTale.

The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it contin....aww Fuck You guys you're all fired!!!

Now back to the real story...

Josh P.O.V

Time sure does fly when you're trying to not get yourself killed by some wacked out thing. Ever since I got back from Nashville, things have been getting a bit more dangerous and by that I mean inanimate objects trying to attack people. Hey it rarely happens though which is the scary part cause you never know when a car or stop sign will try to ram into ya. And yes I know what you're thinking like, "inanimate objects attacking people what the hell". I think it's stupid to.

Even Ma can't explain why it's happening, she just laughs at how silly it is. Lately on the news, everyone is talking about some strange frequency that turns inanimate objects into sentient beings, and surprise suprise the frequency is coming from space too so that may be a problem. Also an old problem came back too. That melody from the cave is ringing in my head again. My thought on all of this weird shit going on is that I'm finally starting highschool!

Narrator's P.O.V

Josh was laying lazily in bed watching tv with a bowl chips in front of him looking very lifeless. It was 4:30 am in the morning on a monday, in a couple of hours he'd have to start getting ready for school. His eyes were droopy and red from staying up all night, "hahaha this episode is funny." Josh said in a raspy monotone voice. He tried to stuff a handful of doritos in his mouth, but missed. "Hahahaha dat's funn...." Josh face planted in the bowl of doritos, falling asleep.

An Hour and Thirty Minutes Later....

"Up and at'em! Time for school!" Ma yelled out appearing out of thin air. Josh jumped then fell off his bed, "5 more minzhours..." Josh slurred out dozing away on the floor. "Come on you gotta get up!" Ma grabbed Josh's arm, struggling to lift him up. "Come. On. You. Have. To. Wake. Up!" She lifted Josh to fast and both of them fell on the bed. Josh wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled into her chest. "Aaaaah now isn't the time for this!" a light rainbow blush appeared on her face thinking that Josh was trying to make a move, but really he was still asleep.

Footsteps could be heard coming down the hallway, "Josh wake up! Someone's coming!" Kim bust through the door to wake Josh up for school, until "Wake up bo-" Kim went silent at what she saw. Ma looked at her and gave a nervous chuckle, "Hey Kim hehe it's been a while huh?"

"Josh wake yo ass up NOW!" Josh hopped to his feet scared, instantly he got lightheaded so he sat back down from standing up to fast. "I'm up! I'm up! Stop yelling!" Ma moved over to the edge of the bed crossing her arms and legs embarrassed. "So why the hell is she in my house!?" Josh was still confused so he didn't know what was going on. "She? What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me!" Kim yelled. Josh had a questionable look on his face. He stretched his arms, then felt something soft. He looked to his left and saw Ma. "Hey what are you doing here?" Josh asked with a smile then ruffled up her hair. Ma started pouting making Josh giggle.

He sat there for a few seconds when he finally realized what was going on. He looked at Ma with a suprised expression, "Ooooooh ok I see what's wrong here..." Vincent and Kali walked in too because of all the yelling. Ma got nervous and wrapped herself in the bed sheets to hide.

Alot Of Explanation Later...

Josh walked out the house heading to Overton High School for his freshman year. "Uugh that was so embarrassing I shouldn't have tried to wake you up." Ma complained in Josh's head. "Hehehe well maybe next time you'll let me sleep longer, you make a nice pillow ya know?"
"Shut up! ...Hey why do you have your eyes closed?"
Josh started rubbing his eyes, "Well they still burn so I'm keeping them closed for a bit. Just make sure I don't get hit by a car please."

On path to school, a bunch of other teens were walking the same way with a few riding bikes or driving. One kid started getting chased by an evil mailbox which made Ma burst into a contagious laughter. Making it pass the crosswalk was difficult due to all the morning traffic, but Josh eventually made it across....well a stop sign sorta chased him across the street which helped him across. The weather outside was actually nice for August, not to hot, but like right in the low 70's.

Music from cars where blasting waking up the neighbor. When Josh reached the school, it looked kinda decent on the outside, kinda big though.

"Well I'm here..."

"Be careful ok talk to you later Josh." Ma's voice faded from his head.

"Ok new school, new grade, new pressure right?"

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