Chapter 15: Jake! What The Hell Happened!!!

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1 Day Till Demolition...

Jake trudged through the door barely able to stand then collapses "Jake what did you do? It looks like someone threw you in a blender!" Jakes clothes were covered in blood and shredded up with cuts almost everywhere on his body. Josh ran to get his mom so she can call the ambulance, but was interrupted by a cracked voice saying "I'm fine...just help me to the couch." It was Jake who was still surprisingly conscious some how. Josh lifted Jake gently and placed him on the couch "I'll be back with a wet towel." Josh rushed to the bathroom to come out with the towel, he cleaned up some of the scratches. Afterwards, Jake sat up regaining his composure. "You feeling better?" Josh asked with a concerned look "yeah I think. I'm still sore though." Jake answered back, Josh sat down next to him then asked in a stern tone.

"Who did this to you!? there's now way you did this to yourself, and why were you out so late?" Josh looked at the time it was 12:49...... Now 12:50am. Jake leaned back onto the couch to relax "Jeez mom!" Jake said jokingly. "Ok I'll tell you what happened. You might think I'm crazy after this though, so just have an open mind."

Jake's Story

Ok so remember that paper Tony kept wining about? Well that day when I fought him, I snagged the paper while he was distracted. Later that day, when I got home I decided to read it, I had no clue what it said so I went on Google to see what would come up when. I searched "colorful rock in ancient language." After hours of searching nothing popped up that was related to the paper.

With out noticing the time before, it was 9:39 so I decided to go to see if you knew anything about this. When I approaching closer to your street, I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around to see some guy looking at me. I just ignored him and kept walking. The footsteps got closer naturally I started getting suspicious, when I turned around again he was right in my face just staring at me.... his no ITS face.... that things face was melting then it touched me. Its touch felt so rough like someone trying to rip off your skin, my arm was going numb

Everything went black I was so scared I had no idea what was going on all I could hear was whispering like someone was in my head. I didn't notice it, but I was running it's funny really I must have subconsciously did that or something, I don't know. That speed was insane yet it felt like I wasn't moving from that exact spot. Instead of thinking, I just kept moving, eventually I ran to a street it was leatherwood road. I looked behind me to see if that thing was following me.

Of course I thought there's no way it could keep up with the pace I'm going at. To my horror, it was there just looking. This time it didn't even have a body, just a face. The street I was on became dark too, I began to panic so I called out for help... but no one came. Its face began to melt again, then started flowing towards me.

For some reason I couldn't move this time, in that moment, I thought 'well I'm screwed.' When it absorbed me I saw pure nightmares, it felt like I was in that creature for hours, until a door appeared in front of me it was white door too. I knocked on it for a while... You answered it... Now I'm here.

Narrator's P.O.V

Josh felt creeped out by this. Jake reached in his pocket for the paper, but it was gone "damnit I think I dropped it outside." With that being said, Josh put on his shoes and grabbed a wooden bat from the closet, it had a small crack on the tip of it. "I'll be back. I'm gonna go find it, stay here ok. I do need that paper it's important for something, if I don't come back in an hour wake everyone up then call the police." Josh walked outside to have Jake close the door behind him. It's now 1:00am.

Josh's P.O.V

The door closed behind me and I instantly felt a chill go up my spine. I started walking down the street looking around for that paper Jake was talking about, and for some reason I didn't bring a flash light which will make this a lot more difficult. So I searched my street. Maybe I should check out leatherwood road. It probably fell out there, plus I need to hurry. Tonight feels very ominous. I stare dark and eerie street to see a figure standing under a street lamp, so like a courageous person I am ( jk lol ) I call out to them "Hey stranger. Have you seen a yellowish brown sheet of paper laying around?"

Play audio on the right

The person responded with "Oh you mean this paper here? This must belongs to you, if that's the case come and get it." This person spoke in a calm monotone voice yet I recognized that voice. It was Ray. "Hey Ray is that you? I'm actually glad to see you, it's kinda creepy out tonight huh?" Ray responded with "Oh yeah I am Ray. How about you come a little closer? I can barely recognize you that much, it's too dark. Do you mind stepping into the light so I can greet an old friend?"

I told him OK with a smile, but in my mind I questioned what he said. "old friend" Ray and I barely knew each other yet he said that. I approach him slowly until the street lamp began to flicker. All of the bulbs in the street lamps exploded. Everything went dark so I took a few steps back gripping the bat tightly "Ray what's going on?" I say in a shaky voice.

Narrator's P.O.V

Ray began floating towards Josh slowly with his face melting and blood pouring out every hole on his face, he was laughing sadistically too. Josh started screaming and fell backwards. This was something straight out of a horror movie. Ray stood over Josh then started melting on him saying "I need a new vessel, and your body is just perfect for me" Josh couldn't move as the stars in the sky began to fade away he became tired knowing he fucked up.

But he refused...

The melted pile of Ray on the ground began jiggling then a bat rose up from it. Josh used the bat to pull himself from the mush, with one finally pull, he propelled himself out landing on his feet. Chills ran throughout Josh's body making freaked out. "Ewwww you're fucking gross dude! See now I'm mad cause whatever you did, my skin feel like it's on fire!"

Ray started screaming again then returned to normal "I'm so sorry Josh. You saw too much now I have to make sure you don't escape from me."
"Stop talking shit! You couldn't even kill Jake, some spooky monster you're supposed to be!" Josh said mocking Ray. "Now stand still so I can break this bat over that ugly mug of yours!" Josh said mocking Ray.

"Just give it some time I already left my mark on Jake. He doesn't have much time left, so try not to get attached." Ray stated then began melting again, Josh asked. "What do you mean by that?" but got no response. Ray shot out a piece of his body that was sharp like a knife, Josh used the bat to block which split it in half. He took the two pieces of the broken bat and charged towards Ray, jabbing it in what looks like a face, which was effective at making Ray scream again. He morphed a large fist then punched Josh in the stomach making him fly backwards.

Josh coughed up an alarming amount of blood, the impact of the punch was to much for him, he then noticed Ray's melted body was covering his left foot that flung him into the air and slammed Josh on a car windshield. Josh groaned in pain, rolling onto the ground. He knew this was a fight he couldn't
win, so he quickly ran to hide in a nearby bush. Loud clanking noises were sounding off.

This made Josh peek out the bush to see a pickup truck flying towards him, without hesitation Josh took off running away from the bush to dodge the truck. "You damn monster! I'll deal with you next time when I get more info on all this crazy shit that's been going on lately." Josh said while coughing a little with a stream of blood on the side of his mouth.

He began running towards his house hoping that he'll make back safely, but Ray wasn't about to let that happen forming more spear like objects to impale Josh. Luckily, the person who had a pick up truck crashed into his house came outside yelling about the destruction to his house. To avoid being seen Ray decided to back off and to return... well where ever he goes too.

Minutes Later...

Josh opened the door to his house, limping inside to see Jake asleep on the couch. Josh shut the door then locked it. He sat there looking at Jake sleep for a while thinking "You've been through alot so it makes since why you fell asleep on me but I could've died out there." Josh reached in his pocket to pull out the yellowish brown sheet of paper, then sat it on Jake's chest. He stood up to grab a blanket for Jake, afterwards Josh went to his room to collapse on his bed...... It's 1:59am.

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