Chapter 73: Josh vs Pam! I Was Right!!!

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Josh's P.O.V

While running around the holding facilities searching for my brother, the lights started to flicker with a buzzing sound. All of a sudden a loud eruption of thunder could be heard scaring me a bit. "We need to provide back up near the cafeteria, let's hurry it up!" A guard yells out storming down the hallway with five more behind him. "Oh crap!" I whispered, next to me was a vacant room filled chairs, so I hurried up inside and shut the door behind me carefully, as the group stormed by. "Haha that was a close one, but something isn't right here." Ma said. I walked over to the window to see what that sound from earlier came from.

When we first arrived here it was bright and sunny outside, but now the sky is covered with thick dark clouds, with intense wind shaking the trees. "This isn't natural weather, somebody caused this to happen." Ma said in a worried tone. "Aw fuck, now the swat team is here!" I shouted in frustration. A bunch of heavily armed soldiers hopped out the back of three black trucks, then breached the front door at the office section of the building. "What makes it worst is that the cafeteria is on that side!" I yelled then face palmed. "Wow that is bad huh, well good luck I'll tell you when I find out about this weather." Ma's voice faded out of my head. "Uuuugh this is already to much for a thirteen year old."

After hours of ducking, hiding, and occasionally knocking out a guard or two, I make it over to the medical part of the building that was just a very long hallway for some reason. It was suspiciously quiet, cause I felt a heavy presence like someone was standing right behind me. I check my surroundings to make sure no one is watching me, all of a sudden I feel a tug at my leg while walking. I look down and saw a wire, immediately I knew I had just fucked up. A bunch of thin needles poured down from the sky, I jumped out the way in time, and landed on what I thought was against the wall.

An arm grabbed me along with another one that jammed a needle in my neck. I broke away from the grasp then yanked the needle out holding the wound.


A lady with a smile walked out from shadows. "P-Pam?" I stuttered out trying to keep my balance. I was feeling weighed down and extremely woozy. Pam took off her black heels walking closer with no change in facial expression making it even more ominous.

I'm impressed that your still conscious. That drug usually gets the job done, so that means you're different....Interesting.

I looked at the needle and it was covered in a orange liquid. "I k-k-knew you s-seemed off" I fell to my knees barely able to stand.
Pam raised my head up seductively, then whispered in my ear.

Am I still your type?

Narrator's P.O.V

Pam kicked Josh through a door almost knocking him out. He laid on the ground covered in scratches, twitching with an empty look in his eyes. "Josh...Josh! Are you OK?!" Ma yelled in his mind. "N-no that kick shouldn't have hurt like that."
"Either I kicked you too hard, or you're crazy, hehehe why are you talking to yourself?" Pam giggled stepping over the rubble. "None of your damn business you douche!" Josh struggled to stand back up but Pam kicked him on his back then stomped on his chest. "Oh god that didn't feel good!" Josh grunted out with some blood, "why do I feel so weak?"
"It's another side effect that happens if people survive the drug." Pam grabbed Josh by the shirt and pulled him close, "also this happens."

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