Chapter 48: Known Fear! Tension Rising!!!

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It was another day of school, after the rampage. The school was cleaned and fixed, now allowing the students to comeback to class, but the memories are still strong lingering in some of the kid's minds. Many kept this to them self, but everyone was on edge looking over their shoulder just in case if something like the last time would happen. Joshua Harris is in Ms. Warner's class talking about some pretty deep stuff at the moment.

Josh P.O.V

Why do I exist? Well, the real truth, and I mean the cold hard truth is...I dunno. The concept of "Everything happens for a reason" never seemed to apply for me. Every person and event seemed to step into my life on... How should I put it.... An impulse, or better yet a Whim. A glimpse of his cousin flashed across his visual mind. He glanced at his hands. "Maybe that's an overstatement. But honestly I don't know. Have you ever had someone step into your life and tell you your existence was a lie? Not like it was shit to begin wit-". "Sit down Josh." Mrs Warner fiercely said glaring at me. My heart felt as if it sank to my gut as I ignored the laughter of kids walking to my seat. Little did Mrs. Warner know, it was my cry for help. I glanced at Hardy's desk, it was empty. "I'm pretty sure he is scared shitless after his little rampage the other day." I jokingly said out load. The class grew frighteningly quiet, only the ticking clock could be heard as the tension grew. Fear was written all over their faces. Only the small freckled girl stood out. She chucked a bit saying. "That boy need some help." I laughed her off and put my head down. "Does he know how I feel?" I thought to my self as I fell asleep.
"To an extent." I glanced over to see Mother smiling at me. Her face warmed the room. I looked at her with a blank face. "Is this depression we are feeling?" She said slightly as she walked towards me. She seemed light as a feather. "How the hell would you know?" I replied sternly with a smug look. "All you do is use people to your whim! Fuck! You're not even human!"


The words slowly slipped from her mouth as the atmosphere changed to darkness. She glowed there as she rose her hands to her chest. "Do you know how it feels to loose a someone?" Her expression seemed pained her smile was forced as she tilted her head slightly. I couldn't reply. The words wasn't directed towards me, that's why. Turning around Posh stood, glaring knives through her. The smug smirk he always had wasn't there . This time it was full blown anger.

* Tap * *Tap*

I opened my eyes slowly only to glance down the barrel of two black pistols. There a tall kid stood wearing red gym shorts & T-shirt, and a black baseball cap which had a red P on it. He adjusted the heavy looking duffle bag on he shoulders as he said. "Wake up nigga you got business to handle." As he talked he randomly flailed one of the pistols in my face. "I Moved my eyes around noticing the class was vacant. Sighing, I gently swayed my hand across my face to remove the loaded guns staring at me. Standing up I said.

"Nice to meet you too."

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