Chapter 72: This Bad Feeling! Go Find Your Brother!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Kim, Josh, and Kali was lead into an office building that held classrooms, dorms, along with jail cells below ground used for dangerous kids. "Now Ms.Hardy your scheduled meeting will be held in this room, as for these two, they can wait in the room across from here." Kim entered the meeting room with Pam following behind her, before she closed the door she gave a weird smile at Josh, who stuck his tongue out at her. "I don't trust her at all." Kali said. "Yeah me neither, come on I assume they mean this room right here." Josh and Kali entered the room expecting it to be trashy, but it wasn't. There was a flatscreen TV, recliner couches, and vending machines. "Damn I should've snuck in some quarters!" Kali jumped on the couched then pulled the lever on the side to lean back.

Josh sat at the table and kicked his feet up. The two just sat in the room in silence, except for the TV and loud ticking clock. Josh couldn't relax at all, he was filled with anxiety like something bad was about to go down at any second. "Josh you ok?" Ma's voice snapped Josh back into reality, "uhh yeah I'm just a bit nervous for some reason." A image of Ma appeared from Josh that Kali couldn't see. "Maybe cause you're about to see your brother after all this time? It's not like you two hate each other or anything right?"
"Yes we freaking hate each other he's the worse, I always had to cover for him which I got punished for whenever he got caught. He embarrasses me in front of everyone, and treats me like crap! Not to mention I can't win against him no matter how hard I try!" Ma placed her hand on Josh's hand, "That's in the past. I bet you can beat him hands down now, don't forget what you've been through."

The faint image of Ma faded back into Josh, "somehow that still doesn't make me feel better."

Ladarrius: Someone help! I need a doctor I'm bleeding out!

A guard ran over to his cell, "What's the matter with you?!" The guard noticed a knife in his stomach. "How did you sneak in a knife!?" The guard yelled. He called on the walkie talkie for back up and to open the cell. Before he could walk in Ladarrius pulled the knife out his stomach then slashed the guards throat. Blood shot out all over cell staining the walls and Ladarrius' clothes.


A sparkly aura poured from Ladarrius' pocket knife then healed his wound.

Ladarrius: Like that. Now all I have to do is track you down right?


Multiple guards came running down the hall in a hurry, when they saw Ladarrius next to a dead body, they instantly pulled out their guns.

Ladarrius: Those won't do you much good here!


Upstairs the ground started to shake, "did you hear that!?" Kali shouted. "Sounded like an explosion!" Josh left the table to look outside in hall, so did kim in the other room. Men dressed in suits poured into the hallway blocking doors and exit ways. More guards were running down the hall to get downstairs made a call on the radio, "Ladarrius Hardy is free, I repeat Ladarrius Hardy is free!" Kali heard this then decided to go out to find Ladarrius on his own. "Damnit grab that guy!" A Guard yelled, but Kali was too fast. Josh was about to go with, but two guys in a suit blocked the doorway.

"Hey move out the way, or get moved! My brother just ran off I need to find him!" While trying to squeeze past the two guys, he saw Pam leave out the other room with a devious smile. "Sorry kid but you're not allowed to leave, this is a serious situation." Josh backed away frustrated trying to think of a plan. "Hey Ma I got a plan." "What is it?" Josh turned back around to face the two guys and raised his hand, "this!" A Pk Flash was in his hand then he threw it at the two guys blowing a large hole in the wall. The two guys were severely hurt from the explosion, when Josh ran out the room other guards saw him and started to chase him. "Get that brat! He must be helping Ladarrius!"
"You guys got the wrong idea!" Josh ran down the hall taking turn after turn until he reached an emergency stairway. He kicked it open, then looked down the dark path below, instead of taking the stairs he jumped down the middle. He grabbed the railing before hitting the ground to slow down the fall.

Josh opened a metal door and slowly made his way down badly lit corridor. "Who's that uphead?" Ma said. "I don't know..." Josh approached carefully, until he noticed who was there. His mom was holding Kali who had a large gash in his chest, on her lap, also there were three guards there too. "Mom what happened to Kali? Did one of this stupid guards do this to him!?" Josh was about to set the guards on fire. "No no not them Ladarrius did this to him, something wasn't right about him the look in his eyes were empty, like he was dead."
"....ok I'll be back." Josh started to walk away, until his mom called for him. "Please stop your brother."

"I'm on it." Josh walked away, "so now we have to go stop your brother right?"
"Yup." Josh started trembling, "are you ok?" A smirk slid on Josh's face, "yeah just a little excited. I do get to see my brother again after all." Ma started to giggle, "I knew you cared for him."

"Yeah whatever just for this special occasion I do, now let's go find him!" Josh took off running in a hurry to find his brother before anyone else does.

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