Chapter 64: JB Carr! Zero Maturity!!!

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(I'll be referring Josh and Josh by their last names to prevent confusion between the two)

Narrator's P.O.V

"Jb holy shit I haven't seen you since 4th grade!" Hardy walked up to him, then they both fisted bumped. "Yeah it's good to see you too Josh, did ya miss me?" "More like I forgot about you actually, but it always felt like someone was missing." Hardy and Jb chatted away in the hallaway until Harris interrupted, "Damn Jb I see how it is."
"Oh mybad Harris it's good to see you too, you've grown." The three sat outside in the hall chatting, well more like they took turns chatting with Jb, since Hardy and Harris still had a bit of beef between each other.

"You two seem...distracted." Hardy and Harris were leaning on Jb staring at each other with eyes full of tension. "OK you two chill, before y'all try to kill each other. Come with me I need to show you guys something." Jb stood up walking towards the stairs that lead to the back exit, while keeping Hardy and Harris seperated. "Where are we going jb." Harris nonchalantly said. Hardy glanced over Jb's head to look at Harris snarling at him, he mimicked, "Yeaaaaah Jb, Where areeee we going" in a light girly tone. "What are you? Twelve?" Harris replied. "What are you? Thirteen?" Hardy mocked.

"Yeah I'm thirteen, but stop that's annoying." Harris grunted. "Stahp that's annoooying" Hardy cried. Harris sighed as Hardy mimicked after. "Man Hardy is such a virgin." Harris said dramatically. "Mannn Hardy is such a v- NO YOU WON'T MOTHER FUCKER!" Harris shot Hardy a smug look." I guess not all nerds are smart nerds." Hardy began to turn red despite his dark skin. "You think you are sooo fucking cool." Hardy returned. "Oh yea?" Harris smirked at Hardy challenging him. The two stopped in there tracks letting Jb pass them. Hardy glanced at Harris. Harris cold hazel eyes peered at Hardy's pupil, yet Hardy didn't advert his gaze. "Thats rare." Posh said to Harris. "Ohhh?" Harris said with a smirk. He ignored Hardy and followed behind JB to the football field.

Hardy stuck his tongue out at Harris as he walked past. "Ma, what's with this weirdo?" Hardy questioned." Well.. he's just like you, kinda. Maybe a bit of a special case." "How is this bozo special Ma? Look at him!" Mother sighed." No you look at him, you aren't paying close enough attention." Josh squinted his eyes at Harris' back as he walked away. Violet flames of psi roared deep inside his body. Screams and cries could be heard from the Dept's of his heart. Hardy's face grew pale as he took a step back. "What the fuck's with this guy!?" He said, panicking. Mother hugged him from behind, he blushed a bit as she whispered in his ear. "Don't worry about him, you're even greater." Hardy smiled countering. "Who said I was worried about that Bozo!? I'll beat him down like any other thug."


Harris' voiced seemed layered as If two people with the same voice where speaking.
"You know... you two are REALLY loud, mind bringing it down a notch? WE can't hear ourselves think!" Posh's signature grin flew upon Harris' face as Harris' hazel eyes shot daggers through Hardy.

"Thank you", Harris added.
"What ever. You won't live long with those manners." Hardy countered catching up with JB.

Harris sparked his fingers together as if they where a match. Violet embers floated around the violet flames on his finger tips.

"Don't you hurt him Posh!" Mother threatened." Harris glanced at her slowly stuffing the flames by clenching his fist. "Go away. Remember my name and I might consider." He placed his hand on her mouth blushing a bit. "Joshhhh!!!!" Defeated, she ran and tackled Hardy into a hug. "Bitch." Harris mumbled as he followed suit.

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