Chapter 52: Reunited! Please Don't Ever Leave Me Again!!!

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Friday Night 9:30pm

Narrator's P.O.V

Josh was home alone in his room enjoying the silence, everyone was gone for the night which meant Josh had the house to himself. He turned all the TVs and lights to sit in the dark. Josh was laid back in his bed with legs crossed in the air. The only source of light was the Pk Flash he was playing with like a toy, tossing it in the air and watching as it slowly floats back into his hand. Occasionally, he'll let it explode, just to learn more on how to control the burst a little. Josh learned how to expand it in size and decrease the size, he also knew how to materialize it with ease. The dark house was brightened up by the green light making it look like a rave party. Josh also tested it out on a couple of objects too in his backyard, he grabbed a piece of thick wood and placed his hand on it. He let a Pk Flash get absorbed into the wood, when he moved his hand, a green spot could be seen on the surface. He began expanded the flash watching the wood change color, it exploded shooting out small burnt pieces of shards.

"Cool this new power is deadly.... I wonder what would happen if....."
Josh materialized another Pk Flash, then let it float in the air, he held out his hand towards it to expand it. When it reached the expansion limit he tried to push further so it can grow larger than it already is. He kept pushing as the flash grew a bit bigger every second until it stopped, Josh noticed it then gave one more big push making it grow about the size of the tree in his backyard, before shrinking down and fading away.
"Shit that hurt! I guess I shouldn't break that limit yet." Josh decided to try the opposite and shrink the flash to a small ball. He materialized another one and let it float, he put his hand up and began to push to see if it would shrink, but instead it grew.
"Ok maybe if I relax it'll shrink?"
Josh took in a deep breath and let it out, he slowed down his heartbeat and focused on the green flash in front of him. It grew smaller and smaller until it was the size of a bouncy ball. He walked up to it and grabbed the flash. "It's so small. I guess this can be used for surprise attacks, then again it takes to much for me to get it this tiny. I might try this out If have an opportunity to." The flash in his hand started to grow brighter to the point were it started reacting weirdly.

The small flash started to unstabalize, Josh panicked a little so he threw it in the air. A enormous green explosion of light covered a huge part of the night sky brightening the neighborhood. Car alarms, and all the dogs in the neighborhood started going off at the explosion, a few people came outside to enjoy the view while others ran to cover thinking a bomb was dropped. "And that's my cue to go back inside." Josh entered the house and went to the kitchen to make a sandwich, after eating he went back to his room to lay down in silence, well minor silence cause of the still barking dogs. Josh's eyelids became heavy, he was tired from using Pk Flash back to back like it was nothing.

A whispering echo was heard in his head telling him to sleep, since he was barely awake he thought nothing of the voice and dozed off. In his sleep he was floating in a broken glass like area, as he was floating more pieces began to break apart. He floated to one of the broken pieces and saw a memory of his that he didn't remember having. It was him at colonial destroying the inside school and hurting students and teachers. "Where am I?" Josh said, releasing the piece of broken memory. He floated down to the black surface and looked around in the sky, many more of his memories were in sight playing out like a video. The memories began to crack and shatter, making Josh feel a something strange going on in his head. The feeling turned into a minor sharp pain, but went away for now.

"Hello there, you come here often?"

Josh recognized that voice, and turned around quickly to see a familiar entity. Josh's eyes widened in shock and a burst of anger, sadness, joy, and confusion overwhelmed him.

"*Giggles* This is the part where you say-"

"YOU'RE BAAAACK!!!!" Josh yelled running to the now returned spirit lady, jumped to her and hugged tightly laughing in disbelief.

"Awwww I knew you missed me"

Josh opened his eyes and quickly backed away from her trying to seem cool, "Yeah whatever, I knew you'll be back...." Josh turned away and started trembling.

"Are you OK Joshua?"

The sound of her saying his name gave him chills, "why....why did you leave me like that?" Before she could reply Josh cut her off. "Did I do something wrong if so I'm sorry, I should've never mistreated you in the slightest. I...I missed you so much, I always had you on my mind, with guilt eating away at me thinking that I said something to hurt you. I'm glad that you came around, out of everyone you chose me and I should be grateful. N-N-Normal life isn't for me." Josh started to shake uncontrollably. "I don't fit in nowhere and I try hard too. I needed someone to talk to and make me feel good about myself when no one else will. I know I have my mom, but she's basically obligated to tell me what I wanna hear. I-I-I try to b-b-be cool and all to show I don't care but it hurt so much to keep everything bottled up." Josh's old stuttering problem starts to happen again. "P-Please don't leave me again! I wanna be alone like that again!" All of the built up emotions from 7th grade finally got to Josh.

The lady floats over and gives Josh a soft, loving hug and says. "I promise I'll never leave you again no matter what happens. I'll be with you forever." Josh sniffles a little then snuggled into her chest even more. His small sad chuckle echoed throughout the dark area with Josh's memories floating above. The lady looked up and saw that the memories begin to shatter, as Josh grunted in pain from the loss of memories. The lady kissed his forehead. A blue aura began spiraling around him then it faded away inside his head, she gave a heartwarming smile while Josh was still snuggled up in her chest. She raised her hand sending golden butterflies to repair the memories. The pain went away calming him down.

At the Hardy Household

Josh was sleeping peacefully with a few tears on his cheek. The blue letters from the cave under colonial came through his roof and surrounded his bed. The words began spinning around Josh sprinkling blue dust on him that faded into his skin, the letters then came together and formed a blue sparkling dot that flew back out his roof. It went up to the sky and disappeared, forming light dark clouds that spread throughout the United States of America. Rains drops began to pour down everywhere, helping people have a more peaceful sleep. For the night time people, the beautiful rain changed them for this special moment. One guy gave his girl a kiss in New York City then proposed to her, earning an applause from other people watching. Another couple in Atlanta,Georgia were arguing until the rain calmed them down and they made up. Over in Los Angeles, a homeless man was caught in the rain and nowhere to take refuge, until a man in a suit with an umbrella came by and let him have it with some money for a hotel and food. He even offered him a job.

This PSI Rain brung peace to everyone in the USA.

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