Chapter 35: Boiling Point! No Calm Before The Storm!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

1 Day Later...

"Aye someone's fighting on the exploratory hallway let's go see for a teacher finds out", a random 7th grader said to another 7th grader, running pass Josh earning his attention. Josh got excited hearing this so he made his way down the stairs to the hallway. Way down the hall where the bathrooms are, were a bunch of 8th graders and couple of 6th graders watching the fight cheering in a low volume to not alert any teachers or administrators. Josh started jogging down the hall in a hurry to see who was winning, when he arrived he made his way through the small crowd to see a familiar face in trouble. Jake was booted in the stomach then punched in the nose which made him back away holding his face, while distracted the guy grabbed Jake by his hood to yank him backwards, and started hitting Jake in the head violently. Jake jerked his head backwards hitting the guy in the nose and elbowed him in the chin.

Josh started cheering for Jake to win against this dude, which earned him so ugly glares from the surrounding crowd. Jake hit him with a left and right hook then grabbed the dude to ram his head into the sink breaking a chunk off. The dude had blood coming from his head also a couple of minor bruises, while Jake looks like he's been through hell. The dude starts standing back up slowly, all of a sudden he tackled Jake into the wall making him give a loud painfully roar, the dude stepped backed and lifted Jake with one hand by the neck and started choking him. The dude punched him in the stomach to knock some air out of him, Jake coughed up a little blood from the punch. He started gasping for air trying to escape, so he started kicking the dude in his side to make him let go, but Jake was too weak at the moment for the kick can do any real damage.

"Screw this!" Josh said to himself in anger with a bit of a headache. "Hey let him g-" Josh was cut off by a short kid that was the same height as Jake, "OK they had enough chill before you kill them." The dude dropped Jake instantly and took off running towards the back way exit of the school, so did this other guy who was way in the back where the stalls are. Jake was hunched over on the ground coughing and taking in deep breaths, Josh hurried to his side to make sure if he's ok. "Yeah I-I'm fine *coughs* thanks."
"I'm sorry I didn't jump in to help. That dude was way to big for a middle schooler."
"You would've gotten yo ass beat too if you jumped in nigga, we don't do that jumping shit around here." Josh turned around instantly. "Who the fuck said that!?"

Josh's P.O.V

Damn Jake is banged up pretty bad I need to take him to the school nurse. "Who the fuck said that!?" I said then I saw some kid walk through the dispersing crowd to show himself. It was a black kid with blue cargo shorts, white Nike's, a Hollister hoodie, and a Tape ( type of haircut ). "And you are?" I asked waiting for a name. "Travis don't worry about my last name you don't need to know all of that."

Narrator's P.O.V

"So who were those two dudes and why did they beat up my friend?" Josh asked giving off a hatefully look. The rage was growing so was his headache. "Really they caused the problem for me, so I had my brothers from high school to set them right for me to keep from having more problems." Josh stood up to dust himself off. "You're a pussy if you had to get your brothers to settle a fight against a middle schooler. We could've been cool afterwards, but never mind now. I don't wanna be seen with a shaky ass kid!" Josh yelled. Travis only chuckled and gave a grin, "I don't care about that crap, I just don't like to get my hands dirty, plus I would've gotten jumped if I fought by myself."
"I wasn't gonna jump in, the reason why I was cause your brother nearly killed him."
"But I stopped him so you're welcome." Josh's patience grew thin causing him to make a bad decision that was uncalled for.

"I wanna make a deal, we should fight tomorrow after school, bring your brothers. Me and Jake against them, if we win, we get to fight you afterwards, and if we loose... Hmmm.... I got it, Jake and I will shave our heads completely bald. Jake heard this and got nervous. "You sure, bru you got to much confidence, it'll be cool to see that confidence crushed while you two are busy walking around the school lookin like shiny door knobs. It's just too funny thinking about all the meatchecks you two will get." The bell rang indicating it's time for 7th period, Travis said "I'll be waiting for tomorrow so be ready to get beat down." Then he disappeared in the crowd of students. Josh waited in the bathroom for the late bell to ring so he can deal with Jake while know one's around. 6 minutes later, the halls were clear so Josh picked Jake up to leave, but he had something to say first. "Wait, before we go, get Berry he's in the stall in the back." Josh was surprised at this so he went to check out the stall. Berry was passed out beaten and bruised with a bloody school shirt, Josh got upset with this sight so he closed the stall door. "Come on Jake, we gotta go to the nurse before she leaves." "Dude I'm fine, take Berry instead he needs it more." Josh started to get irritated at this point.

"No you're not, now shut up and hurry! I'll go back for Berry when I drop you off first!" Jake got startled and decided to keep quiet and follow Josh to the nurse's office.

Josh felt a small burst of pain in his head but it went away. For Now.

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