Chapter 60: Goofing Around! The Stranger Wakes Up!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Josh was sprawled out on his dad's old bed dreaming about lemons for some reason. The door opened showing a dark figure, then they closed it behind them. The person lifted up Josh's shirt to see the sterilized gash he had on the lower part of his chest. A small golden light illuminated the room. Josh started giggling at the tickling sensation, making him slowly wake up to see Ma healing his wound properly with her golden butterflies.

"*yawns* What are you doing?" Josh held out his finger letting a butterfly land on it. "Aaaaand done." Ma withdrew her butterflies then left out the room. "She can be so weird sometimes", Josh looked at his wound to see it was gone. "So that's what she was doing, I should go say thanks." Josh sprung up from the bed then sat right back feeling woozy from standing up to fast. Josh walked down stairs to see the stranger still laid out on the table. Most of the butterflies left from successfully healing their part of his body, but the rest of them were still at work. The puppy was asleep on the couch curled up in a ball, Josh still found it weird that Ma had a house...where ever this place is. He walked to the front door and opened it, his eyes widened along with his mouth at the view.

Outside was a beautiful site with bizarre purple flowers, some small some large. Trees that are scattered out making an open space were the house is. Somehow bunnies, deers, Eagles, Turtles owls, and many other animals were inhabiting the area, but ran off when they saw Josh. Fireflies, ladybugs, and sparkling butterflies were flying about with out a care. A butterfly landed on Josh's forehead then faded away, making him feel rejuvenated. A giggling sound was echoing through the woods, "I wonder if that's Ma giggling like that."

Josh made his way through the trees and bushes taking his time to observe the beauty of this place. A crescent moon was in the sky shining a pale white light creating a cluster of shadows from the leaves in trees. Josh reached the end of the wooded area and looked out from behind a tree. A waterfall was present pouring the most clean and clear water with shiny rocks spreaded across the water floor. Behind the falling water was a cave with crystals poking out the walls. The waterfall had a deep end and a shallow end where Ma was sitting with her feet in the water kicking slowly, with an animal on her lap. Josh recognized that brown color along with the tail, he started approaching slowly, until he saw a large puff of hair making him back away, "That's a fucking lion!" Josh thought to himself. The lion could be heard purring then stretched out more yawning while Ma was stroking its fur.

Josh started to approach more carefully, "H-hey Ma whatcha doing?" Ma turned around surprised, and so did the lion. It jumped up to its paws then stood in front of Ma to protect her. The lion roared then took a attacking stance, scaring Josh who raised his hand pointing a Pk Fire towards it. "Ma you better tell that lion to chill!" Josh said with fear in his voice. "OK ok calm down you two", Ma placed a hand on the lion making it instantly calm. It walked over to Josh then lowered its head to allow Josh to pet it. "Good boy hehehe..." The lion then wondered off into the woods. "Why do you own a lion?"
"I like cats too", Ma said snickering a little. "What's so funny?" Josh asked, "Before I toast this pussy *laughs* who says that? That was awful." Josh became embarrassed, "I thought it sounded cool in the moment." Ma's loud laughter turned into a soft chuckle, she turned around sat back down by the waterfall. Josh took of his shoes and joined her.

Ma looked to her left then smiled, making Josh give a nervous chuckle. She scooted closer without Josh knowing, but he saw her subtle movements, "Why are you getting so close?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Ma said denying the question. When Josh wasn't looking, she wrapped her arms around him then jumped into the deep end of the water. The two floated underwater holding each other, Josh opened his eyes then met the gaze of Ma, who was smiling brightly. Her majestic looking hair floated underwater as her eyes sparkled. Josh was speechless at how pretty this spirit is....and breathless. Josh couldn't hold his breath anymore releasing a cluster of bubbles, he started swimming to the top. Ma giggled then followed behind him afterwards. He reached the surface then pulled himself back on the ledge leaving his feet in the water. "That was intense..." Josh placed a hand on the left side of his chest thinking about that moment. Seconds later, Ma emurges from the surface with her hair covering her face, then she whipped it back. This scene felt like slow motion to Josh, she was just absolutely perfect.

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