Chapter 3: Fight! Don't Be Scared!!!

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Chapter 4 will be up tomorrow thanks for being patient. Listen to the music when the fighting starts. 😁 As you can tell by now I love video game music.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH I'm not ready I can't do this I just need one more week." The time has come for the first day of middle school yet Josh is kinda freaking out about the thought of it. His mom barged in to wake him up only to find out he was awake talking to himself, she backed away slowly and went back to her room.

"I got this no need for me to worry, I'm just over thinking this," Josh said with false confidence. " Shut yo ass up bruh go to school turn off the light when you leave out," Ladarrius shouted out. "UUUGH damn it fine I'll go get ready," Josh went to the bathroom. He showered, brushed his teeth, and picked out his fade (type of haircut ) then put on his new schools clothes that always had that new smell he hated/liked at the same time.

Josh's P.O.V

What can I eat that's quick to make..... Nothing I don't even know why I try to eat breakfast in the morning there's no type of breakfast food in here. Well I could make a hot pocket, but that could get messy so screw that. I got milk with no cereal..... Damn.

I stepped outside to see the light blue sky brighten as the sun is rising up. I slumped over a little cause the heat "it's burning out here," I said while yawning, I started walking down the street knowing that I had a long ways to go yet I kept a slow walking pace. On my way, I noticed a group of 4 people who looked like they where on there way to school too, but something wasn't right. One of them was on the ground curled up. "It looks like he's in middle school too", I said. The other three looked as if they were in high school. Why are they kicking that kid for. "What the hell you lookin at nigga?" one of the teens yelled to me. Aw shit they noticed me.

Narrator's P.O.V

The high schoolers started looking through the kid's belongings. Josh simply walked away, as a bitter feeling began to overwhelm him. He stopped and turned around to go help the kid. Troy picked up the kid to strike him in the face, but josh grabbed his arm in time to stop the punch. "What's your problem", before Josh could say anything else, Troy used his other hand and punched Josh in jaw. He flew back a few inches then said, "hey get out of here, you're gonna be late for school," without hesitation, he bolted the other way and ran as fast he could.

Josh took a fighting stance knowing that he would have to defend himself. The teens laughed then charged towards Josh, they began throwing a series of punches that Josh guarded against using his arms, Josh caught one their punches using his forearm then threw a punch that hit Marcus in the face after that, he rammed an elbow into Devin's nose. With those two distracted Josh, and Troy began throwing punches at each other blocking, dodging, and occasionally they land a hit on each other. Troy went for an uppercut, but missed Josh who countered him with two straight punches then an uppercut that knocked him off his feet. Josh jumped on top of him a swung away at his face, until Marcus and Devin yanked Josh off him.

Marcus had a pipe in his hand, and hit Josh with it twice, on the third swing Josh caught it and kicked Marcus in the stomach disarming him in the process then hit him with a strong right hook knocking Marcus out. Devin was the only one left he charged Josh again and pushed him away sweeping at his legs, making Josh fall on his back. Devin tried to stomp him in the face, Josh rolled over and hopped back up. Before Josh could notice what happened, Devin was already throwing punches at josh who couldn't block in time. Josh backed away dazed holding his head. Devin ran up again with a cocked back fist ready to throw the final blow. When Devin threw the punch, Josh simply shifted to the left. Before Devon could recover he was kneed in the stomach, dropping to his knees. Josh grabbed the pipe then bashed it over Devin's head knocking him out cold. Josh looked around with a confused look on his face. "No way did I just...... OH MY GOD YES YEEES! I JUST WON A FIGHT AGAINST THREE, NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT THREE HIGH SCHOOLERS. OH MAN I BET I LOOKED SO COOL."

As Josh was distracted with celebrating he didn't notice that Troy stood up, but something wasn't right. Josh looked up and saw clouds rolling in fast, he turned around to see Troy standing there flowing with a sparkly type of aura. With a strong voice he yelled out " PK Thunder," in an instant Josh was struck by thunder. A painful scream roared from Josh with his eyes rolling to the back of his head, the thunder stopped then Josh blacked out collapsing to the ground.

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