Chapter 25: Finally! I Found It...Uh Oh!!!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Josh began approaching the shrine while looking around the area, the walls had strange writing on it like the paper did. There are pillars in a straight line on each side making a path in the middle of it leading to the shrine. Josh wasn't focused and tripped on the first step of the shrine "damn it!" he said under his breath, and picked himself to climb the stone stairs. It started getting hard to breathe now not because of the stairs, but the lack of oxygen was getting to him, making it a bit harder to breathe. Once he reached the top, he looked around again since he had a better view now. "Woah this place is huge from up top I wonder who built it.... JEEZ I WONDER WHO BUILT IT....."

Josh waited for a response from the lady in his head. "Well she's unreliable sometimes, hey Tony do you know...." Josh shouted to Tony, but he was still unconscious smashed into the ground. "Well I didn't ask you anyway." Josh said turning towards the rock sitting on a small pillar.

Josh slowly walked to the stone with a smile on his face. "I've been through a lot these past months, I deserve this whatever this is." Instead of him grabbing the stone it flew to his forehead sticking to it, so he began looking around to make sure a trap didn't active. "Well that was easy and weird. I'm done here I guess, now I need to get out of here before I suffocate." He said rubbing his neck, Josh took his time going down the stairs holding the stone in his hand observing it. "It's... so cold and smooth, colorful too."

Josh heard a faint melody play in his head making him freeze on the stairs, he tried to focus on the melody in his head to try and remember it. He felt something run down his cheek so he touched it to feel that it was wet, a single tear streamed down his face, he used his arm to wipe it away and continued down the stairs. Josh observed the stone ignoring his surroundings as he walked past the pillars, another strange sound was heard making Josh turn around to see what's causing it. He looked up to see the weird writing on the wall begin to glow blue, it started to peel from the walls and float towards Josh. "What the hell is this?" The words began spinning around Josh with great speed, he tried to touch it to only get burned a little by the words. The words finally stopped to say these very important words to Joshua, something that'll help him.


A voice whispered that to him riding on a strong chilled breeze that sent chills up his spine. "No crying until the end.... That's silly." The words dispersed back to the walls covering them again with the strange writing. "Wow so much is being revealed all of a sudden, this feels like a final episode of a anime." Josh put the stone in his pocket walking over to Tony. He pulled Tony out the ground to try and wake him up. "Hey wake up, you got a promise to keep...heeeey... did you die on me?" Josh slapped him making Tony jump up, but he started screaming cause of the broken arm. "Damn Josh, you didn't have to go pro on me that was unfair!" Josh looked at him in confusion. "I don't remember going pro... I think." "What do you mean that you don't remember? You broke my arm with your bat over there." Josh looked over at the bat. "I did? But I don't.... Tell me what happened."

After a long explanation Josh still didn't understand what fuck happened, but pretended like he did. "So I said I have a secret move?" Josh said with a guilty devious look on his face. "Yeah I guess your secret move must be a strength and speed boost" Tony said chuckling. "....Tony to be honest with you when I said that.... It was the biggest bluff I ever made in my life.... I just thought you should know that. I'm just a kid swinging a bat who watched to many action movies." Tony gave Josh a blank look "So...... who's gonna fix my arm?" Tony said letting it dangle. "Those nerds at the hospital of course your arm is fucked up, it looks like an L" Josh said laughing, Tony sparked a PK Fire on his finger tip and put to Josh's arm burning him again. "Ow you bastard!" Josh said making Tony laugh too.
They both sat there on the ground enjoying a good laugh instead of leaving the cave but.....


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