Chapter 55: The Explosive Conclusion! In The Heat Of The Moment!!!

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*BOOM!!"* My head latched backwards as if it was a slingshot. Slowly my body began to lean backwards, my legs shook as I fought my fall. My senses began to dull as blood leaked from my ears and mouth. The BB still rotated on the surface of my forehead head slowly falling to the ground.

"Hey kid what's your last name?" Fu- fuc... F-F" the words wouldn't form from blood overflowing in my mouth. He walked behind me crouching down looking up at my name written on my back pack. "What the Fuck! You aren't Joshua Hardy! Dude keeps sending me on these wild fucking goose chases!" He grew silent standing up he began to unzip his duffle bag. "Oh well I'll just kill'em once I get the stone any way." He causally said.

*SLAM* My foot crashed into the dirt catching my fall. I struggled to straighten my posture as I clenched my fist. Slowly looking up, I noticed Pop gained more distance. Suddenly he flung a life sized RPG towards the front of him. He rested onto his shoulders pointing it directly towards my direction. "But you my friend, are a waste of my time, so I'll rather..." He stopped to think for a second. "OBLITERATE you!" An twisted smirk suddenly grew onto his face. My hazel eyes didn't flinch they only glared at him only surrounded by the blood on my face. Hunched over shaking from the pain, the red substance dripped from my left fingertips. My right fist remained clenched. "By the way. This isn't a fucking BB, its the REAL DEAL!" He yelled as his smirk turned into a scowl. I only glared at him, my eyes piercing his.

Without words, he fired the rocket as it twirled towards me. The rocket made it centimeters away from my face. "Die." The words left my mouth as I intensely looked up clenching my teeth. As the rocket collided. The explosion shot out flames engulfing a large portion of the forest. Pop began to laugh uncontrollably as he walked a bit closer to the flames. A minute passed and there was no sign of me. The flames covered the trees. As Pop laughed, a flaming ember landed on the brim of his hat burning a hole through it. He looked up as he saw the rocket explosion engulfing the upper area of trees "What the..." Suddenly emerging from the flames I yelled. " Psi INFERNO!!!" I slammed my fist into his chest at full force. With roaring flames roared from his body exits, Slowly he fell, smoking, burnt into a crisp.

Staring at the body my hands began to shake. "N- No NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" Before I knew it my feet where running away from the scene. I hopped over the gate. Tears and sweat streamed from my face. "Oh my god. I didn't...I swear I didn't try to..." I fell into my door dashing to the bathroom. I hunched over the toilet as I begin to vomit.

"So that's what you did. You punched the rocket upwards with Pk Power. Only to use a Pk Fire on the ground to create a distraction. Then used the Rocket above him as a Distraction itself. Basically a double distraction if I do say so myself. Finally to deal the finishing blow, you mixed Fire and Power giving it an explosive effect, except it was from the inside... Pk inferno was it? That was pretty decent kid. Posh complimented "NO!" I sternly replied. "Fuck that! I didn't mean to kill him! I blacked ou- UURGHHHHH!" I began to vomit again.

"Too late for that kid. Shit, if you ask me...People die every day."

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