Chapter 56: Little Chatter! Ease Droppers!!!

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"So that's what you did. You punched the rocket upwards with Pk Power. Only to use a Pk Fire on the ground to create a distraction. Then used the Rocket above him as a Distraction itself. Basically a double distraction if I do say so myself. Finally to deal the finishing blow, you mixed Fire and Power giving it an explosive effect, except it was from the inside... Pk inferno was it? That was pretty decent kid. Posh complimented "NO!" I sternly replied. "Fuck that! I didn't mean to kill him! I blacked ou- UURGHHHHH!" I began to vomit again.

"Too late for that kid. Shit, if you ask me...People die every day."

There we sat in the white void. "Not like you had any problem killing Ray."
"Ray wasn't fucking human!" I swiftly countered Posh's words. He only chuckled a bit. "You'll have to get use to it if that's the case. Do you really think this is gonna end?" That signature devilish grin arose on his face. "Its killed or be killed in this world kid! It either you get to them before you they get to you!" Posh said reaching towards his head band only embarrassing himself cause it was gone. "Well... anyway... 'PK Fire' eh? When did you learn it?" Posh questioned. I glanced at the palm of my hand. "I don't know. It just happened. Soon as he threatened my cousin my whole body grew to a boiling point. Then...It just happened." Posh tilted his head a bit. "Anger as a catalyst huh? Seems affective." I glanced in the distance only to feel sick in the gut. "I held my mouth gagging a bit as I said. "Posh come look at this shit bro!"
"I'm not your br- holy fuck..." Said posh as he began to crack up laughing. What we saw was Hardy hugged up against mother. My eyebrow shrugged in curiosity. "Well that explains his rampage the other day. "The corny little bastard can use Psi." Hardy walked out of the void from what seemed to be a door. "What the fuck there's an exit in this shitty dump?"
"More importantly." Posh countered. Posh's signature grin grew upon both our faces As we said, "INTERESTING!"

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