Chapter 28: A New Grade! A New Start!!!

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2 years have passed since we last heard from Josh, last time we saw of him he had a snowball fight with his brothers looking somewhat happy. While his life progressed through the 2nd semester of the new Colonial Middle School everything was...normal, no strange happenings, no voices in his head, and no people/monsters in disguise trying to kill him, for some odd reason he wished that weird stuff would happen again.

Lately everything has been depressing cause of the lack of action he came accustomed too. Many people would be glad to not have this type of activity going on in there life, but Josh got a since of thrill from it all and he wanted it back in his life. Josh finished the 6th grade passing flawlessly with the help of his friends of course. At the the end of the day, he got checked out of class to go home early, he said his goodbyes to Victor, Jake, and Mario then left to the office. During the summer, he spent most of his time with his dad at his house since he was the relaxing type of dad, which made Josh pretty chilled mentally and literally. This summer was burning hot. Something business wise came up, so his dad sent him back to his mom then he left to Atlanta, Georgia to deal with the issue that strangely lasted all summer making Josh suspicious.

Really anything at this point made him suspicious he was just eager for some creature or magic using human to start a problem with him, and Josh would accept that fight with open arms. He got a taste of the fantasy life that was hiding on this planet now he wants more of it.

The start of 7th grade came around, so did the thought of new students possibly having a strange secret to them that Josh would love to see. Weeks went by and already he wasn't enjoying himself for many reasons, He didn't take any classes with his friends the only one who did was Jake, but he had to move when his dad got a new job opportunity in Kentucky. The new people in his classes seemed a bit too...... ghetto especially since a new gang was started K.O.S (knock out squad which was a real thing at the school) which grew larger as the days went by. At certain points, random students would bully Josh since he was the lonely weird kid who had no friends, instead of telling them off, he ignored it trying to avoid anyone who made fun of him since everyone may be a potential threat or he's just over thinking the problem. Whenever he walked home he would see groups of students walking together laughing, playing around, and having a good time making Josh envious.

Like I said before, 2 years have past now he was in 8th grade maybe this time things will be better. We now see Josh peacefully sleeping in bed as the sunlight begins to shine threw the window on to the walls, he turns over in his bed to keep from the bright light. Birds can be heard outside chirping flying by as the wind gently blows rustling the trees making a peaceful type of noise. The sun rays shined through the trees creating shade with a few spots of sunlight outside, with grass damp from the morning dew. A lady bug can be seen flying from a bush to land on stick below in the grass. Josh's alarm for school went at 6:15am but he threw it across the room, this is the 2nd week of school in August and already he's acting lazy towards it cause nothing interesting happened yet to catch his attention.

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like these teens like him should be.....


The door to Josh's room shot open on the other side of it was his brother Kali. He made that loud noise to wake up Josh for school, normally he wouldn't but Kim ( my mom ) is making him do it, since Vincent left for school early. Ladarrius is temporarily living with his dad now in Germantown cause of school down there, he went to Colonial for a short period of time until he got kicked out for fighting too much. "Aye wake up nigga you gotta get up for school!" Kali yelled tapping on Josh. "I don't feel like pulling out any clothes, can you do it for me?" Josh asked. "Why didn't you do it last night then!?" Josh pulled the cover over his head "I was too tired to do it last night just help me out this time." Kali became frustrated on how Josh was acting so he yelled. "Get up before I smack you!" Josh didn't like what he heard so he gave a simple response. "Now I'm definitely not moving since you said that!" Kali yanked the covers off Josh and grabbed him by the shirt holding him close with his hand cocked back ready to smack Josh.

Josh gave him a calm try me look with a smile, this made Kali more mad then he slapped Josh who wasn't fazed by it. "Ok I see how it is." Josh said with a angry smile then he headbutted Kali in the nose.

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