~Chapter Two~

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It had only been a day, and Honoria had forgotten entirely about the strange visit with a wizard in front of their home the other day. She moped around the hole, while her cousin was out getting groceries. The woman was growing restless staying in the house, and finally she couldn't stand it any longer and left out the door.

Honoria went for a brisk walk down the path that led to the Lake. She sat on a rock near the water and stared at her reflection that was looking back at her. There you could see her elf ears, long wavy hair and normal size feet. The half-breed was in deep thought when suddenly something occurred to her she never thought of before. She never knew who her actual father was? But then again she never even had the slightest desire to find out who he was, or if he was still alive or if he even knew of her existence. She wasn't even sure if she wanted her father to know of her; encase he wouldn't accept her because she was only half of what he was.

The young woman began throwing rocks as far as she could across the Lake, feeling mad and flustered that this thought had even occurred to her. She loved her father, Erling. He loved her like she was his own. It was getting dark out and she was sure her cousin was wondering where she was, by now; he was always so paranoid with her safety. And she was getting hungry. The half-breed walked back to her home, knowing she would be yelled at as soon as she walked through the front door. Her home on the hill came into view, she saw there still were lights on. She walked through the gate and closed it and stopped when she heard several voices coming from the other side of the door, and she wondered if her cousin had planned a get together and forgot to inform her. Being part elf, she had incredible hearing and could see things that were further away. She opened the door and peered around it and saw no one in the living room. The gruff and raspy voices were coming from the kitchen.

"Bilbo!" Honoria yelled, making her way into the kitchen. And instead of finding her cousin, she found thirteen dwarves squished around their tiny table having a meeting or discussion of some type. "Who are you?" She questioned.

"That depends. Who are you, lass?" A dwarf with no hair on top of his head, except for his sides, demanded. But before she could reply to this snarky dwarf that was questioning who she was in her own home, someone had interrupted.

"Honoria! Where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere." Bilbo snapped abruptly to his cousin.

"Don't call me Honoria! You didn't look hard enough." The woman snarled at him. Her cousin was treating her like a child in front of these strangers in their home.

"Do not tell me you were down at the Lake again."

Honor looked at him and then turned away before answering. "Okay, fine, I won't tell you I was there." The woman retorted sarcastically, and Bilbo looked at her in disappointment.

"How many times have I told you not to go down there?" Bilbo hissed at her. She let out a low chuckle as she answered. The half-breed knew her cousin was just concerned for her safety. The hobbit's feared that lake. They believed some evil creature lived in the water and snatched you before you even knew it was there.

"I lost track a long time ago, but I'm sure ill be hearing it at least hundred times more. Just like you didn't tell me you were having a bunch of dwarves over."

The dwarves didn't have a clue who this young woman was, but found her entertaining, as she squabbled with the hobbit. "Is this you wife, laddie? She's quite the funny one. Your one lucky hobbit." A young-looking dwarf with dark hair asked as he chuckled to himself, taking another gulp of ale. The hobbit and half-breed stopped arguing and turned to the dwarf that had said the most ridiculous thing.

"Why is an elf here?" Another dwarf snapped. He was sitting at the head of the table. He had long black hair with grey strands throughout and looked at the woman in disgust and wondered why she was so short for her race. She was shorter than a dwarf, but yet had the beauty of an elf and all their abilities.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now