~Chapter Nine~

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The dwarves held their weapons pointed at the man that was now looking at them all weary, realizing he was surrounded. Honoria didn't have to look at him twice to see that he was some kind of wizard. He carried a similar staff like Gandalf. "Radagast." Gandalf stepped forward towards the other wizard, knowing they had nothing to worry about. " Radagast the brown. What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf questioned.

" I was looking for you Gandalf." Radagast insisted. The other wizard waited patiently for him to tell him why. " Something wrong, somethings terribly wrong."

" Yes?" Gandalf said encouraging him to get to the point. The uncanny wizard went to speak but nothing was said. Honoria narrowed her eyes when she watched him repeat this action a few times as he tried to remember what he wanted to tell Gandalf.

" Oh, I had a thought, now I've lost it. It was right there on the tip of my tongue." Radagast assured the other wizard, pointing at his tongue when it hit him. " Oh, it's not a thought at all." Gandalf pulled something small and moving out of the shorter wizards mouth. Some of the dwarves and the woman cringed in disgust seeing this. The two of them had wandered off to discuss things further in private. Honoria walked over, passed Thorin who was chatting with Dwalin and Balin and went to see how her cousin was doing. Ever since the wizard had given him his own sword he had grown more tense. He didn't want to fight and now he was having his doubts for coming.

Suddenly their was a howl in the air and the dwarves heads snapped up, all knowing to well what that was. " What was that?" Honoria asked, looking at the dwarves.

" Was that a wolf?" Bilbo stuttered.

"Wolves? No. That's not a wolf." Bofur informed as the dwarves searched for where the source had come from. Their fears were confirmed when a giant beast was coming at them from behind, launching itself at the company. Thorin used his new acquired sword: Orcrist, he had found in the troll cave and killed the animal instantly. Suddenly another one had shown up from the other side. Kili aimed his bow and arrow, knocking the beast to the ground struggling and Dwalin put it out of its misery with his axe.

" Warg scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind us." Thorin pressed looking at the wizard as he removed his blade from the wargs head.

" Orc pack?" Bilbo panicked. Honoria looked around, their didn't seem to be anymore coming for the time being.

" Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" The wizard protested.

" No one."

" Who did you tell!" Gandalf barked again.

" No one I swear!" Thorin snapped. The wizard huff in annoyance. He had hoped this quest wouldn't have reached the ears of the enemy. "What in Durin's name is going on?"

"You are being hunted," Gandalf stated to them all. Honoria felt her heart racing inside and wondered what they were going to do now.

" We have to get out of here." Dwalin insisted, from behind the leader.

" We can't!" Ori called out from above and everyone turned to look at the young dwarf. " We have no ponies, they bolted!"

" I'll draw them off." Radagast offered and Gandalf looked at him as if he had completely lost his mind.

"These are Gundabad Wargs. They will out run you." Gandalf argued.

" These are Rhosgobel Rabbits." Radagast informed the other wizard, with a slight smirk on his face. " I'd like to see them try." With that said. Radagast hopped onto the back of his sled and he made hast out of the forest to give the wizard and the company time to get away. "Come and get me! Ha ha!" Radagast yelled and soon enough he had all the wargs and orcs chasing after him.

Gandalf and the others peered around from one of the giant rocks just in time to see the wizard disappearing over the hill with the wargs closely behind him. " Come on!" Gandalf urged them. and they ran the opposite way down the hill.

The dwarves used the rocks to hid behind when they would hear the wargs and orcs coming. Thorin was leading the way when he came to a halt and the elf knocked into him falling to the ground, she looked to see the wargs not far from them still chasing the wizard. " Stay together." The wizard whispered at them.

"Move!" Thorin ordered.

" Come on lass." Balin shouted pulling the woman back to her feet and she ran to catch up with the others that were now running in a different direction. The were running along side a rock when they all stopped, except for Ori who was about to keep on going.

" Ori no!" Thorin yelled pulling the dwarf back by his clothing.

"All of you, come on! Come on. Quick." Gandalf hissed at them all to continue on. Thorin and the wizard were last to follow with Thorin demanding where he was leading them, but the wizard remained silent and the dwarf was not pleased but he had no time to argue with him.

It didn't take long to spot the wargs again and they used the rocks to hid against. Honoria hid beside her cousin and Thorin, holding in her breath. They heard approaching foot traffic and sure enough when they looked up a warg was on the platform just over them sniffing the air. Thorin looked at his youngest nephew and nodded to him. Kili slowly grabbed an arrow from his quiver and got it ready and ran out and the warg saw him and he released the arrow knocking the warg to the ground along with the orc. The warg and orc let out screams as a few of the other dwarves finished them off.

The suddenly heard a number of howls in the distance coming in their direction. " Move!" Gandalf yelled. " Run!" The dwarves, Honor and Bilbo were running once again. They were no longer around the giant rocks and had entered into a grassy plain. The warg's were getting closer coming at them from all ends.

" There they are!" Gloin shouted, seeing them coming from where he stood.

" Quickly!" Gandalf yelled at them to keep running. They didn't get much further when few of them showed up in the direction they were running causing Thorin to stop.

" There's more coming!" Kili yelled, seeing more coming from a different direction. Thorin looked around seeing more coming from all direction, surrounding them.

" Kili! Shoot them!" Thorin ordered. The wizard was frantically searching around for something and he vanished from the company.

" We're surrounded!" Kili began to firing off arrows at the orc riders and wargs killing a few and they realize they were out numbered as they slowly closed in on them. An orc rider aimed an arrow at Ori the youngest dwarf that was launching rocks at the wargs from sling shot. Honoria noticed and ran over to him and pushed him out of the way as the arrow went flying and it grazed the woman's arm and she fell to the ground letting out a harsh scream. Thorin witnessing the whole thing was surprised the elf would risk her own life to save one of his own.

"This way you fools!" Gandalf shouted and the dwarves looked to see that he hadn't abandon them after all. The dwarves began running towards the crack in the rock. Thorin dashed over to the woman and pulled her up by her unhurt arm and held his sword in front to protect them both from the approaching wargs.

" Honor go!" Thorin ordered as he pushed her in the direction of the crack in the rock and she slid down just as a warg tried to attack Thorin from behind but the dwarf swung around just in time to slice the warg's throat. Thorin shouted for his youngest nephew and he and the two brothers were the last to enter just as the wargs approached the crack.

Just then a horn sounded and chaos began to happen above them and a dead orc was flung into the crack and rolled down coming to a stop at Honoria's feet. Thorin grabbed the arrow out of the orc. " Elves." and he tossed the arrow to the ground in disgust and glared at the wizard and the woman glared at him.           

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now