~Chapter Fifty Two~

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 Thorin and Honoria took out as many orcs as they could as they charged through them. Balin, Dwalin and the two younger brothers were forced to change course when trolls ogres tried to take them out. Thorin and the elf followed nearby encase they needed help. They continued to cut down more orcs. The chariot was sliding all over the frozen water and to make things worse they were being chased by dozens of warg's. The warg's launched themselves at the goats, making it too much weight for the remaining goats to pull and slowing them down. Dwalin, Fili and Kili climbed onto the backs of the remaining battle rams and with their weapons they broke the chains that were mounted to the chariot and they continued on. Balin staying behind to kill the remain warg's.

Honor and Thorin were just crossing the bridge that would lead them to Ravenhill. The elf looked over and felt relieved to see Fili, Kili and Dwalin unharmed. "Onward!"

"Lead on!" Dwalin shouted as the three of them followed behind their King.

As they climbed the hill, Thorin saw approaching orcs coming at them. "Take the reigns!" Thorin said. Honoria took the reigns and the dwarf swung his blade, striking the orcs down. An orc was running at them with a spear, Thorin grabbed it, impaling the orc with it, sending the beast over their heads. Another one was quickly approaching and with great force he threw it right into the orcs head, killing it instantly and he grabbed the spear from the orc's head and they ascended the stairs before them with the others close behind.

They continued to take out any beast that tried to engage them. The dwarves and elf were nearing the top. " Get ready to jump when I say." Thorin told her. Dwalin was right behind them as they ascended the last stairs, the brothers taking another flight of stairs. "Now!" Honoria jumped off the goat at his command, knocking an orc to the ground in the process and slamming her blade into its chest. A few orcs came at them from out of the hidden passageways. The dwarves made quick work of eliminating the orcs.

The elf was breathing heavily as she plunged her blade through the orcs chest, looking into its eyes as she yanked it out and beheaded it, letting out a battle cry. Kili and Fili struck down the last two orcs as Thorin dashed over to the edge of the platform, panting heavily looking across the frozen water, at the towers where Azog's command post was set up but it appeared to be empty. Honoria joined beside Thorin looking over at the towers to see if she could even seem him with her sight but their was nothing. Just the wind blowing the snow down over the towers.

"Where is he?" Kili asked. "It looks empty."

"I think Azog has fled." Fili pressed, but even Thorin didn't believe this to be true. Azog was here somewhere, he was sure of it. His archenemy wouldn't make it this easy for them.

"I don't think so." Thorin finally muttered. He turned around to face his nephews. "Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something, report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?" Thorin instructed the two boys. They nodded.

"I'll go with them" Honor declared, walking passed Thorin when he grabbed her by the arm. He looked at the woman, not wanting her to be out of his sights but then he looked at the two brothers. They would protect her , he had no doubt about that. His nephews had already expressed to him that they accepted her as part of the family and would protect her no matter what.

"Be careful Honor. All three of you." Thorin begged them as he loosened his grip on her arm. It was clear, it was hard for him to even think about letting her go.

"You too. Thorin when this over. There's something I have to tell you." Honor pressed to him as she kissed him on the lips.

"I know." He agreed. He had things he wanted to discuss with her as well.

"We have company." Dwalin interrupted, coming back from scouting the area they were in to see if they had been followed. "Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred." He informed. Thorin stepped in front of the half-breed as dozens of goblins came charging over the wall.

"We'll take care of them. Go! Go!" Thorin urged them. Honoria and the brothers made hast down the stairs as the goblins came dashing at Dwalin and Thorin.

"Come on!" Fili hissed at the two of them. The elf and the two dwarves were under the ledge where Thorin had stood earlier and when it appeared no one seemed to notice them, they started making their way across the frozen water. They made it safely to the other side and began scouting through the towers. Fili peered around the corner and thought it would be better if they split up, they could cover more ground. when all three of them heard snarling in the distance. Kili wanted to charge right it, when his brother stopped him. "Stay here. You two search the lower levels. I've got this."

"Fili no. We should stick together." Honor hissed quietly. Not liking this at all. Splitting up wasn't a good idea.

"Honor come on." Kili said, pulling her arm.

"Fili. Be careful." She said placing a hand on his shoulder. He nodded to her and began heading in the opposite direction of them. Kili pulling on her arm for her to follow him and the two of them headed for the lower halls.

"Where is that orc filth?" Dwalin growled. They had taken care of the goblins and now waited for any signs of Azog or the return of the woman and his two nephews.

"Thorin." Bilbo called as he catches his breath.

"Bilbo." Thorin said, happy and surprised to see the hobbit was still alive.

"You have to leave here. Now." Bilbo stated, nearly out of breath. Azog has another army attacking from the North. This watchtower will be completely surrounded. There'll be no way out."

Hearing this, Thorin's mind immediately thought of Honoria and his two nephews. They were over there outnumbered and unaware of the danger that was coming if the hobbit was correct.

"W-where's Honor?" Bilbo asked, when he noticed she wasn't amongst them and neither were the two brothers.

"I-I let her go with my nephews." Thorin stuttered, now realizing what he had just done. He should have never let them go over there, they should have stayed together.

"We are so close. That orc scum is in there. I say we push on." Dwalin declared.

"No! That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in. This is a trap." Dwalin and Thorin both looked in the direction of the towers. " Find Honor, Fili and Kili. Call them back." Thorin pressed.

"Thorin, are you sure about this?" Dwalin asked.

"Do it. We'll live to fight another day." Thorin stated. Dwalin was about to head over there when they suddenly heard the sounds of a drum.  

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