~Chapter Five~

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The dwarves were up at dawn, starting to pack everything up and get rid of any evidence they were there. Thorin was strapping his satchel to his pony when he noticed the half breed was still sleeping. He grumbled under his breath wondering if this was his opportunity to leave her behind and he wouldn't have to worry about having an elf influence in the company or around his nephews, who had already seem so found of her.

The dwarf prince stomped towards the woman, knowing he was probably going to regret this soon rather then later and he nudged Honoria with his boot. She turned around to see the dwarf looking down at her, with an annoyed expression. "It's time, we leave." Thorin growled.

" Sure thing, grumpy." Honoria grumbled back, getting up off the ground, and looking at Thorin.

" Do not call me that." The half breed gathered her stuff and walked passed the prince, smirking as she walked over to her pony. Thorin huffed, already regretting that he decided to make sure she wasn't left behind.

" I see you two are getting along, just fine." Balin, stated jokingly. Thorin turned to look at the older dwarf, wondering how he thought this was amusing.

"She's going to be a major pain." Thorin snarled as they watched the half breed talking to the hobbit. Balin just walked passed, laughing to himself, and Thorin cursed under his breath. The company left and continued on their way to the Lonely Mountain. It had begun to rain, which didn't lighten anyone's mood, especially the dwarves or the hobbit. The elf on the other hand loved the rain, the feel of it as hit her skin.

" Mister Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori whined, not impressed with this weather. There supplies was drenched and made for a boring ride.

" It is raining master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done!" Gandalf snapped. "If you wish to change the weather of the world, I suggest you find another wizard." Honoria rolled her eyes, when she was approached by Fili and Kili and her cousin continued to talk to Gandalf about other wizards.

" Honoria, are you alright?" Kili asked, looking at the half breed with concern.

" Please it's just Honor and yeah, I'm fine." Honor insisted, wondering what they were so worried about.

" Our uncle shouldn't have done that to you." Fili added. Honor, realized that they were talking about when Thorin sliced her cheek.

" It's nothing, just a scratch." She insisted.

" You should let Oin, take a look at it." Kili insisted, but she just shook her head.

" No. I think I'll wear it with pride." The half breed chuckled, and both Fili and Kili looked at each other in surprise. This woman was one strange lass to them. " Oh, Kili here. I'm sure you want these back. I don't need "grumpy" thinking I'm a "thief" amongst you all." Kili widen his eyes.

" How did you know that?" Kili wondered, forgetting entirely what she was.

" Elf. Remember." Honoria stated. Pointing to her ears.

" Grumpy?" Fili repeated, looking at her confused.

" She means uncle." Kili interpreted, thinking that was the perfect nickname for their uncle. He looked at what the elf was holding in her hand and smiled and pushed her hand back towards her. " Keep them, I got two spear ones in my bag." Honoria smiled and continued to chat with the two brothers. The rain finally lightened up and the sun came out, turning into a beautiful day.

The dwarves supplies, soon dried, in the heat that radiated from the sun above them. Thorin glanced behind him and couldn't stop looking at the woman as she chatted away with the two boys and shook his head about the very thought he had dared let enter his mind.

They continued through the woods for most of the day, until it crept closer to evening and Thorin decided they would rest in an area that had become overgrown by grass, surrounded by runes and what seemed to be left of a home. " We'll camp here for the night." Thorin shouted. " Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them." Thorin insisted and the bothers groaned, thinking their uncle was punishing them for associating with the elf.

Honoria looked at their surroundings, thinking of course the leader would pick a creepy place like this to find rest. She dismounted from her pony and walked over to her cousin. The dwarves were setting up camp, removing their gear off the ponies. " What's wrong cousin?" Honor asked.

" N-nothing. I just have a really bad feeling about this place." Bilbo insisted. Honoria scanned the area and let out a chuckle.

" I am sure, we will be safe here for tonight Bilbo. Don't worry so much. " The half breed insisted. Thorin walked passed the two cousins over towards Oin and Gloin.

" Oin, Gloin." Thorin called out

" Aye."

" Get a fire going." Thorin order, walking over towards the wizard that was standing underneath of what was left of the home.

" I think it would be wiser to move on." The wizard pressed. Honoria turned to the side so she could listen to their conversation that they thought was in private. " We could make for the hidden valley. "

" I have told you already: I will not go near that place." Thorin grumbled.

" Why not? The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice." The wizard insisted.

" I do not need their advice." Thorin snapped.

" We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us." Gandalf explained but the dwarf wasn't going to go crawling to the doors of the elves for their help.

" Help? A dragon attacks Erebor. What help cam from the elves? Orcs plunder Moria, descrate our sacred halls. The elves looked on and did nothing. And you ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather. Who betrayed my father. Thorin snapped. Honoria looked at the ground, at least now she knew why he had despised her race.

" You are neither of them. You proved that, when you made sure Honoria didn't get left behind this morning." Gandalf pointed out. Thorin sighed as he looked at the ground.

" My nephews seem to like her, and I have come to trust their judgement, but doesn't mean I trust her. " Thorin growled, glancing at the woman who was talking to her cousin.

" I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past." The wizard snapped.

" I did not know that they were yours to keep." Thorin snarled back. The wizard had enough of the dwarf's stubbornness. Gandalf groaned and shook his head in anger and stormed off towards the others.

" Everything all right?" Bilbo asked, looking worried as the wizard stomped passed them. " Gandalf, where are you going?"

" To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense." Gandalf growled.

" And who's that?"

" Myself, Mr. Baggins!" Gandalf shouted as he disappeared into the woods from the others grumbling to himself. " I've had enough of dwarves for one day."

Honoria turned around to look at Thorin, who could care less the wizard was abandoning them because he wouldn't seek the elves in hopes they would solve their problems. He was too proud for that.

" Come on, Bombur, we're hungry." Thorin grumbled.  

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