~Chapter Twenty Eight~

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Thorin starred off in the direction that Honor had disappeared in. This was exactly what the elf king was hoping for. He had given her only two options, knowing exactly which one she'd go for. She would have to stay here in this cursed kingdom in exchange for their freedom. It was silent for the longest time. Thorin slumped back against the wall, with his face in hands; infuriated the king would go this far, because he wouldn't agree to his deal.

"I'll wager the sun is on the rise." Bofur muttered. "Must be nearly dawn." he added.

"We're never going to reach the mountain, are we?" Ori asked, talking to no one in particular. Thorin listened to his companies murmurs of doubt.

"Not stuck in here, you're not." A familiar voice answered out of nowhere. The dwarves all ran to the doors of their cell's to see the hobbit was alive after all.

"Bilbo!" Balin cried. The other's cheered as the hobbit rattled the key's that would set them free.

"Shh!" Bilbo hissed. "There are guards nearby!" Bilbo unlocked Thorin's first and then continued to free the others. Once he saw that all the dwarves were accounted for, he noticed they were one other short. "Where's Honor?" He questioned, but none answered. because they didn't even know. "Where is my cousin?" Bilbo asked again, but they all noticed the prince was no longer among them and Bilbo again, was left confused as to what he had missed.

Honor was walking slowly up the last flight of stairs. Convincing herself this was the right thing to do. She couldn't let them be imprisoned, even if it meant she wouldn't see Thorin for a long time, at least he and the others would have a chance to get their homeland back. Her cousin was still missing, and she didn't know if he was dead or not. She could hear the cheering and laughing of the other elves coming from behind the door she was approaching, it was slightly open and she could see Thranduil talking with his son. She took a deep breath and started to reach for the door when she felt something clamp around her mouth, muffling her gasp that tried to escape as she was pulled away from door and out of sight behind a pillar.

"Honor..it's okay." Thorin quietly spoke, hoping his voice wouldn't travel to the elves just behind the door. He felt her form relax against him and he slowly removed his hand from her mouth and she turned and looked at him, surprised that he was out.

"H-how?" She practically mouthed.

"There's no time to explain. We have to go now." He begged her, knowing they had very little time. He would explain things to her later. He pulled her by the arm and the two of them made hast back down the stairs to the dungeons. Honoria listened in to make sure the elves were still unaware of what was happening. Thorin continued to lead the way, still clutching the woman's arm and he was relieved the others hadn't left without them. As two of them came up to the others and it was then when Honor noticed someone she didn't think she would see again.

"Bilbo." She gasped as she ran over to her cousin and hugged him, like she hadn't seen him in years. Bilbo returned the embrace just as tight, but wondered why his little cousin was dressed, like she was late for a party. He knew there was no time for to explain, he would have to get an explanation another time.

" Down here. Follow me." Bilbo ordered as he began running down some stairs that led into the lower levels. Thorin and Honor followed closely behind the others. They soon figured out where the hobbit was leading them into and saw two elves passed out at the table.

"I don't believe it. We're in the cellars!" Kili hissed

"You were supposed to be leading us out, not further in!" Bofur growled, quietly at the hobbit.

"I know what I'm doing!" Bilbo demanded and he continued to lead them through the cellar, until they came upon a number of empty barrels that were stacked on top of each-other. "Everyone, climb into the barrels, quickly!" Bilbo whispered and Dwalin quickly approached him thinking the hobbit was out of his mind.

"Are you mad? They'll find us!" the dwarf hissed.

"No, no they wont. I promise you. Please, please, you must trust me!" Bilbo pleaded and when they wouldn't budge he turned to Thorin for help.

Thorin didn't need to think about this. The hobbit had gotten them this far. They'd be still in the dungeons if it weren't for him and he wouldn't had been able stop Honor from trading her life for there's. He had to trust him, he owed the burglar that much.

"Do as he says!" Thorin ordered. Everyone started climbing into an empty barrel. Thorin and Honoria made sure the others were in one and she stopped when she noticed their was only one left and there was two of them. " What are you waiting for, get in." He demanded.

"We both wont fit in there together." She pressed.

"Yes we will." Thorin insisted, she rolled her eyes and backed into the barrel and Thorin climbed in after her. He was right they fit but it was tight.

" What do we do now?" Bofur asked, and every single one of them poked their heads out of the barrel to see Bilbo stepping towards a lever.

"Hold your breath." He pulled the lever before anyone could protest and the floor began to open and they all rolled down, yelling and letting out startled gasps as they hit the water and before the hobbit could join them the floor closed up and he hobbit was unsure of what to do next.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now