~Chapter Forty Two~

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Thorin has been down in the treasure room for almost a week now. He only slept for a few hours, only ate enough to keep him going and then he would be back at it, searching for the stone. The elf was in worse shape then the dwarf. She was restless, constantly worrying about Thorin and what that room was doing to him. She barely would eat anything, she didn't want to leave Thorin alone. Balin and Dwalin have tried to talk some sense into him, but he finally told them both not to disturb him unless it regarded updates and the two brother's finally gave up on the matter, not wanting to know what he would do if they enraged him.

Bilbo watched as his cousin and the others try to protest with the king but he failed to see what the saw. The hobbit was growing worried for the half-breed he saw the dark circles forming under her eyes and she was only getting worse with every day that passed and he didn't know what to do to help her. He even attempted to reason with Thorin but he was shrugged off.

Honoria woke up abruptly. She was breathing heavily. She rubbed her eyes; not meaning to fall asleep. The elf just wanted to sit for five minutes to think. The half-breed looked around to notice she was in the feasting room and she had almost forgot why she had come in here in the first place. Honor knew she hadn't been eating as much and her cousin's concern for her was clear. She was going to attempt to eat something. But she decided it was going to have to wait. Knowing she had to try and make Thorin see what was happening to him. Trying to speak to him, while he was in the treasure room was useless. She needed to catch him before he entered it. She would have a better chance trying to convince the real Thorin, rather then the person he was turning into when he was surrounded by all that gold.

The elf got up from the ground and only took a few steps, when she had to place a hand on the table to brace herself. She stood back up, ignoring her exhaustion and started heading down one of the hall's that led towards the treasure room. As if her prayers had been answered. She spotted Thorin from the other end of the hall. "Thorin wait!" Honoria shouted, causing the dwarf to stop in his tracks. She got to his side and took in his appearance, he looked worse than he did the last time she saw him, she had to get him away from this room, even if it was for a night. "Thorin we need to talk." She pressed urgently at him.

"I don't have time for this Honor." Thorin stated flatly. The two of them were unaware they had an audience watching them down from one of the adjoining halls. The dwarf started for the entrance of the treasure room when the elf stepped in front of him. " Honoria I mean it. I have a lot of work I need to do." Thorin barked.

"It can wait one day!" She growled at him, not realizing how much energy it took her just to say that. " Thorin please. The Arkenstone, isn't going anywhere, can we just go talk." She pleaded at him, grabbing him by his hands. Her sudden movement startled him. Her touch was starting to become so unfamiliar to him at first she thought she was getting through to him when he yanked himself away from her.

"Out of my way." He sneered, his eyes flaring at her. The elf didn't budge an inch from in front of the entrance and the dwarf suddenly grabbed her and shoved her against the side of the wall, ignoring the gasp that escaped through her lips. Balin was about to interfere before their King tried to hurt the elf but Dwalin stopped him. Thorin took in the fear that now filled the woman's face. He had only seen that same look once and that was enough to make him realize what he was doing and he instantly let the elf go and he backed away from her. " Honoria, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that." Thorin started apologizing as he looking down at his own hands. Honor hadn't moved away from the wall, still watching the dwarf and he looked back up at her and for the first time he noticed the dark circles under her eyes; she looked so exhausted. Why he hadn't noticed this sooner, he was still wondering himself. The King slowly walked back over to the elf, he felt as if he hadn't seen her weeks. The dwarf held out his arms for her to come towards him and she slowly walked over into his arms and he held her against his chest. He pulled away from to look at her and he placed a hand on her soft cheek. " Honor I never meant to do that. I'm sorry--" He repeat over and over when she placed a finger against his lips.

"Shh, I know." She stated. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Once Balin and Dwalin saw it appeared their King was somewhat back in his own mind they left.

"Come with me. You need to rest." Thorin pressed to her taking her by the hand.

"As do you." She pointed out. He nodded to that thought. He was exhausted more than he realized. Thorin started to lead the elf down a different hall when she nearly collapsed at her exhaustion and he caught her.

"Honor are you alright?" He asked her. She nodded and he held onto as they walked down the hall. Thorin came to a stop in front of a door.

"What's in here?" She asked in tired voice.

"This used to be my room." He admitted as he opened the door. He was surprised to still find it intact from all these years. Thorin got the elf to sit on the ground while he shook the sheets that were covered in layers of dust. He pulled back the covers and went back over to the young woman only to see she had passed out. He removed her boots and picked her up and placed her on the bed and covered her up. He removed his own boots and a few of his top layer of clothing and crawled in beside the elf. The dwarf pulled the half-breed up against him, her head resting on his chest and he wrapped his arm around her to keep her warm. "Rest my love." He whispered as he kissed her forehead and he finally allowed his own exhaustion to take over and he rested his head against hers.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now