~Chapter Three~

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Morning slowly crept over the Shire. Honoria was sleeping in her chair when she stretched and let out a shriek as she fell onto the floor. Heavy footsteps came running around the corner. Bilbo looked down at his cousin, wondering why she was on the floor.

"Honor, what are you doing on the floor?"

"It looked more comfortable." Honoria groaned, getting off the floor. She looked around the room and noticed how clean it was. " Bilbo were you cleaning last night?" She asked her cousin. He gave her a strange look, but then noticed too that their home was oddly enough back to the way that it was before it was taken over by dwarves. The furniture had been put back in their spots. The floors were spotless. It was as if they never even had visitors in their home last night.

"No, I was not cleaning." Bilbo finally answered, wondering If the dwarves were the ones that cleaned up, or if the wizard cast a spell to clean the mess for them.

"Glad there gone." Honor snarled. Bilbo turned and looked at her. He could hear the anger in her voice as she said it, but he couldn't blame her. The leader of the company of dwarves had been very rude to her, as well as some of the others. The half breed walked over to the window, staring outside when she heard her cousin shuffling over to the table. She turned around to see him re-reading the contract that they had left him. " You are not thinking of going on this quest now, are you?" The hobbit looked from the contract to the woman. She could tell just from his expression he was already having second thoughts about last nights occurrence.

"Honor. This could be an adventure of a life time for us." The hobbit stated. The woman was shocked this coming from his cousin.

"Who are you and what have you done with my cousin?" Honoria joked sarcastically. Bilob laughed. His cousin could be a handful sometimes, but she always knew how to put a smile on his face.

"You're coming too. Aren't you?" Bilbo asked, suddenly feeling concerned, wondering if she even would after how the dwarves treated her, but he hoped the Took inside her was stronger and wouldn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Well we are both "Took" after all and who else is going to keep you out of trouble." She giggled. Bilbo cocked his eyebrow. He never caused trouble, it was usually him trying to keep her out of trouble. "Come on we need to pack quickly if we are to catch up to those dwarves." The half breed shrieked, excitedly. The two of them went to there rooms and started packing only what previsions they needed. Honoria was already at the door waiting for her cousin. " Bilbo! Come on, lets go!" She shouted. The hobbit quickly ran down the hall and grabbed the contract from the table and shut the door behind him and the two of them began running through the Shire to catch up to the dwarves and wizard.

"Mr. Bilbo! Where are you off to?" A neighbour called out to them.

"Can't stop, were already late!" Bilbo shouted as the two of them continued down the path, running.

"Late for what?"

"Were going on an adventure!" Honoria exclaimed, as they left the Shire, leaving their neighbour standing there wondering what had giving them that sudden idea to do such a ridiculous thing. He assumed it was the strange child of Leena Took who had brought this on. The two of them continued to run through the forest. Honoria could hear the dwarves talking not to far from where they were. " Come on. Their not that far away now." The half breed called behind her. She saw her cousin trying to catch up to her, panting almost out of breath and she hadn't even begun to sweat. They ran a little further and they saw the dwarves and the wizard on their ponies.

"Wait! Wait!" Bilbo yelled. The dwarves begin to stop at the sudden shouts behind them. The wizard turned around not looking shocked at all that they had finally come. Thorin huffed when he saw the half breed had come with the hobbit.

"We signed it!" The two of them chimed together. The older dwarf smiled at the hobbit, but was a little hesitant about the elf.

"Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, Master Baggins and Honoria Took, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin stated, rolling up the contract and putting it in his satchel. Thorin was not impressed at all and got off his pony and stomped over to the half breed.

"I will not have the she elf join us." Thorin snapped.

"To late. I already signed the contract and there's no way I'm leaving my cousin out in the wild alone." She snarled back at him. The dwarf prince was a little surprised by this woman's attitude. He was not used to having woman of any race stand up to him. Honoria did not speak like any elf he knew, she had the attitude of a dwarf in his opinion, which made him a little curious about her as the two them stared at each other.

"Fine. But don't think I wont be keeping a close watch on you. I don't trust you." Thorin pressed. She didn't say anything but continued to stare into his ice blue eyes. " Give them a pony." He grumbled as he walked back over to his and climbed on. Honoria was given a pony and she climbed on no problem and began riding along beside the dwarves, hearing her cousin behind her freak out.

"No, no, no, no, that won't be necessary, thank you, but I'm sure I can keep up on foot. I-I-I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know. I even got as far as Frogmorton once--WAGH!" Bilbo shouted, startled as he was lifted into the air by the two brothers.

The half breed kept to herself, while the wizard and her cousin talked. The woman was looking down at the ground when she saw two shadows approach her on either side and she saw it was Fili and Kili. The three of them had a long conversation, which had them all laughing a few times. Honoria started to think that not all these dwarves were as bad as she thought. Thorin would glance back behind him, annoyed. He didn't want his nephews being associated with any elves. It was bad enough he had allowed one to come with them on this quest, which he was sure he would be cursing himself later for it. One thing was for certain though, he wouldn't be trusting this elf lightly. If she was really different from her kin, like the wizard had said she was, he had to see it for himself.

The company traveled across many beautiful areas of Middle Earth, including forest, hills and plains. The company decided to set up camp for the night, near the edge of a cliff. They all waited patiently for supper to be served, as they were all hungry from a long days journey.

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now