~Chapter Twenty Six~

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Honoria stood there, frozen in her spot. All her life she had wondered who her real father was but she never expected this. "Honoria." Thranduil began. "Look at you. You've grown since I last seen you." She looked at him confused. He knew about her. He waved for his guards to release her.

"It's Honor." The woman corrected.

"Honor. I've wondered when this day would come." Thranduil stated as he stood on the platform of his throne. The woman was at a lost for words. She had so many unanswered questions running through her mind and she didn't know which to ask first.

"Hmm." Was all Honor managed to escape from her lips. The two looked at each other in silence. Legolas starred from the side, noticing the two of them had a similar look on their faces.

" Please step forward child. Let me get a good look at you." Thranduil insisted but Honor didn't move and he's calm expression fell and the guards shoved her closer. "You look so much like your mother, Leena."

"You know nothing about me." Honoria snapped

"On the contrary, I know everything about you. I have watched over you for most of your life." Honoria didn't know what too even say to this. The elf watched her shift uncomfortably until her eyes met back with his. "Honestly, did you think I didn't know of your existence?"

"How is it, you came to know my mother?" She questioned.

"Son. Please leave us." Thranduil commanded. Legolas looked at his father confused. How could he hid this from him for so many years. He had always wondered what happened on that trip but he never questioned it.

"But father--"

"NOW!" Thranduil roared.

Legolas let out a huff but did as his king ordered and left the throne room and disappeared down the stairs. Honoria looked back at Thranduil. Wondering if she really wanted the truth. How bad could it be, if he sent his son away? The elf king came back down the stairs to be on the platform to look his daughter in the eyes.

" Your mother was quite the adventurous one. It appears she passed that trait onto you I see. I discovered Leena on my travels, she was badly injured; orcs had attacked her on the road, but she managed to get away from them, but her wounds were deep. We were near Rivendell at the time and I brought her there to recover. I had full intentions to leave her there and carry on my way back home, but she begged me not to leave. I found myself drawn to this woman. Once she was fully recovered I escorted her back to the Shire and bid her farewell and told her I'd never see her again." Thranduil explained. Honor continued to stare at the elf, not sure how she felt about this.

" When I came back here. I thought of nothing but her for the longest time. It had only been a year since I last saw Leena and I decided I would go down and see how she was doing. When I arrived in the Shire. I saw that she had clearly moved on. She had found someone else, and she had you. It was too early to tell if you were mine. I came back a couple years later and my suspicions were answered. You were mine. The elf ears, silver blonde hair, you wore boots, it was clear you weren't all hobbit. I decided to keep a close eye on you as you grew up. I learned your mother died when you were eight and you were adopted by her sister and husband and now here we are."

Honoria was beyond surprised, this made no sense. Surely she must of seen him at some point skulking around the Shire. Or why hadn't her mother never told her about him? Was she ashamed of what she did? " All this time you knew about me and you didn't say anything."

"I couldn't. You think it would be wise for me to say I have a child living in the Shire that was half hobbit. You could never be an heir to this kingdom, it has always been ruled by peer elves for generations." He told as he watched her take a few steps back away from him. "Do not take it personally Honor, I did what was best for you. Now, I know the dwarf mentioned you bare the mark of my line, but I rather see for myself." He stated.

"Or what? Your son's word isn't enough for you to believe that I have the birthmark?" Honor growled. feeling the anger boil inside her. He was talking to her like he did her a huge favor that what he did to her, her whole life growing up, would have no affect on her.

"Do not make me do this the hard way Honor. I am asking nicely. I demand to see the birthmark." Thranduil ordered. She looked at him for a brief second, when she suddenly dashed towards the stairs. The two elf guard had her by the arms in an instant and flung her to the ground hard. She let out a harsh grunt as she struggled against them.

"Get off of me!" She screamed as they held her down.

"It's for your own good child."Thranduil pressed as he strolled towards the struggling half-breed. The elves had her pinned, so she could barely see anything. He pushed the clothing aside just enough to reveal the mark  on her shoulder. His eyes widen and a smug grin formed as he had an idea. He remembered the dwarf seemed quite protective of her. The leader clearly cared for her greatly and probably wouldn't leave here without her, which disturbed him deeply that his own child would return those feelings for the dwarf. He would use him against him, if she didn't want them to rot in the cell's of Mirkwood for the rest of their lives, he would agree to let them go, in return that she stay in the kingdom.

"Get away from me!" She yelled at him. Thranduil let her clothing go and stood back up to his full form and looked to his guards as they pulled the half-breed back up on her feet and she only struggled more with them.

"Show Honor to her room and get her some clean clothing. It's time you learn the ways of your kin. You've been with these dwarves, far too long. I am your father and you will do as I say." He declared and with that he waved his hand and the two guards began dragging Honor down the stairs.

"You are not my father! You can't decide what is best for me!" She argued.

"You may not accept it now Honoria but you will learn. "Thranduil stated and they disappeared from the throne room, and the guards led her to a room that was down the hall.  

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