~Chapter Forty Four~

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Another week has passed and they still hadn't recovered the Arkenstone and their King's madness was only growing. Thorin stood before the king's throne, starring at the damaged engraving that laid above it. Honoria glanced up at it, noticing it once held at a time, something in the middle where it was demolished by the dragon. The elf remembered the inscription Balin had explained to them when they first entered the mountain.

"It is here in these halls. I know it." Thorin muttered quietly.

" We have searched and searched." Dwalin informed.

"Not well enough." Thorin hissed, still not looking at them.

"Thorin, we all would see the stone returned." Dwalin pressed but he was cut off by the king.

"And yet, it is still not found!" Thorin roared, his voice echoing off the walls of the mountain. Bilbo and Honoria stood on the platform that Thorin was on, the two of them silent as he questioned his kin on why they hadn't found the stone.

"Do you doubt the loyalty of anyone here?" Balin questioned, causing the king to turn around in surprise, walking passed the cousins who still had their heads down. He stopped just before the steps, outraged his kin would even dare question him about anything. "The Arkenstone is the birthright of our people."

"It is the King's Jewel. AM I NOT THE KING?!" Thorin thundered. The elf jumped at his voice. She had never seen him so angry with his kin as he was now. Did he really think one of his own would keep the stone for them self? Honor looked to her side to see Balin letting out a sigh as Dwalin and Thorin glared at each other in silence. The king turned away to look at where the arkenstone once sat, before looking back at the two brothers. " Know this. If anyone should find it and withhold it from me...I will be avenged." He sneered and walked away down the hall. Leaving Honoria starring after the dwarf. Dwalin stormed off, his older brother leaving moments after. It was now only Honor and Bilbo in the throne room.

The elf looked at the stone floor and then back down the hall the dwarf disappeared in. With determination Honor started to make hast down the hall when she was grabbed by her clothing. "Where are you going Honor?" Bilbo questioned.

"I have to talk to Thorin." She stated firmly before letting out a harsh cough.

" Honor, Thorin is not himself. What if he hurts you?" Bilbo pressed.

" I can't give up on him now and he wont hurt me." She muttered hoarsely and before her cousin could protest she quickly ran down the hall, leaving Bilbo standing there worried what would happen if she confronted Thorin. The hobbit had seen Balin disappeared in a room and he wandered over to the room to ask the dwarf if the arkenstone were found if it would help Thorin in any way and hopefully bring some piece of mind to his little cousin.

Honoria got to the entrance to the treasure room and walked in. She scanned the area only to see Thorin wasn't anywhere in sight. She was sure this was where he was headed, he could never seem to leave this place. She slowly turned around only to jump when she saw Thorin standing there. "What are you doing here?" Thorin growled.

"Thorin, please listen to me. You have to snap out of it. This is not you. You would never doubt the loyalty of your own kin." She pressed, only to have him narrow his eyes at her.

"This doesn't concern you Honor, now get out." Thorin hissed.

"Thorin, please your scaring me. This room is changing you. I don't want to lose you." Honoria pleaded, stepping closer to him. The elf slowly lifted her hand and placed it on the dwarf's face. She starred at his tormented face, watching him think real hard. Thorin glanced at the ground, the elf couldn't understand what he was muttering under his breath and he slightly chuckled.

"Your pathetic."

"What?" She gasped slightly, not quite hearing what he said. He looked back at her, his face was emotionless.

" I said your pathetic." He repeated harshly and she stepped away from him. Her face covered in pain at his words. And he left and wandered down another hall and the elf slid against the wall to the ground, hiding her face in her hands as she tried to muffle the cry's that came out of her.

Thorin continued down the hall, he was heading for the great hall when movement from around the corner caught his attention and he came quickly around the corner just to see the hobbit quickly stuff something in his pocket and it made him suspicious.

"What is that? In your hand!" He questioned.

"It's--it's nothing." Bilbo stuttered as hid his hands behind him.

"Show me." Thorin demanded. Thinking the hobbit had the arkenstone. Bilbo slowly lifts his and and opens it to reveal an acorn in the palm of his hand. Thorin glanced at it, somewhat surprised.

"I picked it up in Beorn's garden." Bilbo admitted.

"You've carried it all this way?" He asked, no longer sounding outraged like he was with the Balin, Dwalin and Honoria.

"I'm gonna plant it in my garden. In Bag-End."

"It's a poor prize to take back to the Shire." Thorin stated.

"One day, it'll grow." Bilbo began, slightly chuckling. He was glad to be talking to Thorin, for once the dwarf seemed to be himself again. " And every time I look at it, I'll remember. Remember everything that happened. The good, the bad...and how lucky I am that I made it home." Thorin let that sink in and couldn't help but smile at how the hobbit always seemed to see the good in everything. Thorin looked to the ground, part of him remembered the conversation he had with the elf and what he said and he couldn't believe he actually let those words come out of his mouth so harshly at her and then he just left her there. "Thorin, I--"

"Thorin." Dwalin called from at the other end of the hall. "The survivors from Lake-town--they're streaming in to Dale." Dwalin informed approaching the two of them. "There's hundreds of them." Thorin face changed as he heard this. They were here for his gold.

"Call everyone to the gate." He told Dwalin.. "To the gate! Now!" He ordered and he headed for the great hall. Dwalin had gone to inform the others.

Meanwhile, Honoria whipped the last few tears from her face. The elf pushed herself up from the wall. She didn't make it passed five steps when she suddenly felt dizzy. She staggered her way a little further only to collapse to the ground, landing on her side.  

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