~Chapter Thirty Eight~

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The door hit the mountain, coming too a stop to reveal the inside of the ancient Kingdom. "Erebor." Thorin breathed as he stood right in the door way of his home.

"Thorin." Balin's voice broke from behind the prince. Thorin turned for a moment to look at his friend and he placed a hand on his shoulder. The elder dwarf still feeling so overwhelmed that they were actually here. The prince entered the hall, his hand tracing over the cracks of the wall. Every memory he ever had in the mountain.

"I know these walls...these halls....this stone." Thorin lowly spoke as he walked further down the hall. "You remember it, Balin. Chambers filled with golden light."

"I remember." Balin said as he entered behind Thorin. The rest of the dwarves made there way in through the door. Honor and Bilbo following in behind. The two of them looked around, it was nothing like either of them had ever seen before and Honor was even more anxious too see what the rest of this kingdom looked like.

"Herein lies the seventh kingdom of Durin's Folk. May the heart of the mountain unite all dwarves in defense of this home." Gloin read. The cousins joined the rest of the dwarves; who were looking at the inscription. Thorin was standing at the end of the hall, his mind was only focused on one thing right now.

Balin saw the confused look on the elf and hobbit's faces and came over to their side. " The throne of the king." Balin explained. Honoria looked back at the inscription and wondered what the jewel was above it.

"And what's that above it? Honor asked, pointing to the object.

"The Arkenstone."

"Arkenstone....and what's that?" Bilbo questioned as he looked at the elder dwarf.

"That, master burglar...is why you are here." Thorin declared from behind them. Bilbo looked around, as the dwarves gathered around him, he had almost forgot why he was brought on this quest. And for the first time in awhile the hobbit was scared.

The company one by one said some encouraging words to their friend before leaving out the door to stand outside, they didn't want the dragon if it was in fact still alive to catch their scent. The dwarves had grown quite fond of the hobbit and hoped he would return to them safely. The elf was the last one to say a few words to her cousin, but when it came to doing that, no words came out of her mouth and she hugged the hobbit tightly, she didn't know what she would do if her cousin didn't return. The hobbit was a little surprised by this, and he returned the embrace just as tightly. They had been together so much together, he didn't know what he would do without her.

Thorin was growing anxious by the minute and he saw the elf hadn't left the hobbit's side and he walked over to her. "Honor come on. You're cousin will be fine." He whispered as he pulled her arms away from the hobbit gently when she pulled herself out of his grip.

"I'm going with you." Honor pressed, but Thorin grabbed her by the arm and she looked at him. "Let me go Thorin."

"You are not going in there. I won't allow it. The dragon will catch your scent before you even get passed the second hall. You'll be dead before you even reach the treasure room" Thorin argued

"Honor. I'll be fine. I promised I would do this. And I think I should at least try." Bilbo interrupted, making the elf look at him.

"Bilbo you don't have to do this alone. We can do it together." The elf said but the hobbit shook his head.

" Honor, Thorin is right. Gandalf said the dragon isn't accustomed to the scent of hobbit. I have to this myself." Bilbo said.

"I'm a hobbit too." Honor protested.

"You're also an elf, Honor. We can't risk it and I could never forgive myself if something ever happened to you. Your my little cousin after all." He chuckled lightly giving her a smile. A slight smile formed on her face and she hugged her cousin one last time.

"Just be careful Bilbo and promise me. You will come back out alive."

"I promise." The hobbit said and with that Thorin led her outside and Balin and the hobbit continued down the hall, the dwarf explaining the few things he would need to know and how to get to the treasure room. It didn't take long until Balin had returned outside to the platform where the rest of them were and now all they could do was wait, and hope their burglar wouldn't wake the beast and return to them unharmed and with the arkenstone.

The sky had grown darker. It's been hours since the hobbit had gone into the mountain to search for the arkenstone and it only made the dwarves and the half-breed more anxious, wondering if their friend was even still breathing. Honor was standing at the very edge of the platform peering over. The dwarf prince was talking with Balin when he glanced over to see the woman near the edge and he grew nervous.

"Honor, please step away from the edge." Thorin demanded as he walked over.

" It helps me think." She growled

"I would feel better if you standing away from the edge to think." Thorin stated as he came up beside her.

" Why? You think I'm going to fall." Honor pressed. As she spoke the ground under her boot gave way, causing her to lose balance and she let out a shriek, when Thorin grabbed her by the arm pulling her away from the edge. The half-breed could feel her heart racing. The dwarf saw the scared look she had and he pulled her into his arms.

"Honor I know your worried about Bilbo. But he'll be alright. I promise." Thorin whispered against her forehead. Just then the mountain shook violently, causing Thorin to release the elf as they looked around nervously, wondering what that was.

"Was that an earthquake?" Dori asked.

"That, my lad...was a dragon." Balin informed them all seriously. The company grew silent as their worst fears had been realized, the dragon was not dead after all. The dwarf prince was no longer standing near the elf and was now over by the edge of the cliff, starring off into the the distance his mind was on only one thing.

"What about Bilbo?" Ori cried, as he saw the orange glow emitting from inside the tunnel.

"Give him more time." Thorin hastily answered.

"Time to do what?" Balin questioned. "To be killed?" Thorin turned to the dwarf, slightly annoyed.

"You're afraid." Thorin stated.

"Yes I'm afraid." Balin admitted. "I fear for you." He pointed at the prince, stepping closer. "A sickness lies upon that treasure hoard. A sickness which drove your grandfather mad."

"I am not my grandfather." Thorin sneered. Honoria was listening in, She could hear the anger in Thorin's voice as he argued with Balin, which she didn't understand. Thorin had never argued with Balin, ever on this journey. If anything he always went to Balin for advice when needed and Balin was like a second father to him after his father went missing.

"You're not yourself." Balin argued. He had feared this would happen when they got closer to the mountain. Nothing else seemed to matter except for the king's jewels; that was now burning inside his mind. The dwarf attempted to talk some sense into him." The Thorin I know would not hesitate to go in there--"

"I will not risk this quest for the life of one...burglar." Thorin hissed, causing Balin to stumble back in surprise and the elf let out a low gasp.

"Bilbo. His name is Bilbo." Balin said sternly.

"Is that really what you think of my cousin Thorin? Has he not proved himself enough on this quest that he is willing to follow you. What more do you want?!" She snapped but he ignored their words. Honor shook her head in disbelief, this wasn't happening. She glanced at the doorway when she saw light up again and her eyes widen, fearing for her cousin's life.

The dwarves began to protest against their leader. Trying to convince him that they were all willing to go in their to find their friend but Thorin wouldn't hear of it. He wouldn't risk his kin's life. Honoria had been shoved out of the way and she stood before the entrance starring down into it. She took one more look behind her, they were all still arguing and she made hast down the hall with her sword drawn.

A few minutes had passed and the dwarves had backed out of Thorin's way. The prince couldn't seem to understand why his kin would risk their own life for one simple burglar from the Shire.

"W-where's Honor?" Nori spoke up, when he noticed she wasn't anywhere to be seen. The dwarves went silent and looked around but the elf wasn't there.

"Honor?" Dwalin called out, wondering if they had just missed her in the bunch, since she was shorter than them. Thorin seemed to have snapped out it when he heard the woman's name twice. He looked around but she was gone. He turned to the entrance when he saw it light up again. He couldn't believe what he done. He had basically said the hobbit wasn't worth saving, that he was worthless and now the elf had gone in after him, herself.

Thorin pulled out his sword and looked to the others and they nodded. The dwarf prince charged through the entrance with determination. His focus was on one thing to find the elf, before she get's killed and he yelled out for her. "Honor!"  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now