~Chapter Thirty Six~

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Thorin approached the half-breed, letting out a sigh. He never meant to get angry with her and he stood beside her. She could feel his presences but didn't look and she continued to stare at the lake. "Honor....I know your worried about them, but trust me; they will be fine. They have Oin and Bofur with them." Thorin assured her, but all the half-breed could think about is Kili. That arrow had done more than just wound the young dwarf; she was sure it had poisoned his blood and if he wasn't healed properly soon, he would die. "Honor....Honor?" Thorin repeated her name twice before she looked at him and he cupped her face in hands and half smiled at her. "Don't worry, the four of them will be with us soon." He declared, before leaning in to kiss her softly and he pulled away to look her in the eyes. "I promise." Honoria looked at the ground and then back at the dwarf and finally nodded. He pulled her into his arms and held her close. Thorin looked up over the elf's shoulder to see the others were now heading in their direction and he pulled away from the half-breed remembering they had to find the door before sundown.

Thorin had taken lead of the group, the company climbed over the rocks, through the fog that had surrounded the area; making sure they all stayed in pairs so one would not wander off and get lost in the haze. Bilbo and Honoria were searching the land for the possible entrance into the mountain. The cousin's were quiet as they continued to look around and follow the others. The half-breed was still angry at her cousin for telling the dwarf; it was something she never wished to have to tell anyone, it was a memory she tried so hard to forget about but it just never seemed to disappear. " Honor? Is everything alright?"

The woman stopped and let out a sigh. "You told Thorin, after you promised me, you would never tell anyone Bilbo. How could you do that to me?"

"Honor, I know your mad at me, but I told him; cause I know he cares about you." Bilbo explained but the half-breed put up her hands for him to stop.

" You didn't think I would tell Thorin, when I was ready?" She hissed at him.

"Honor I'm sorry...."

"No. You had no right to do that!"

Thorin was with Dwalin when he looked behind him to see the elf and hobbit had stopped and he watched as the half-breed waved her hands about getting angry with her cousin and he caught bits of the argument and wandered over to them, coming up behind Honor. Their conversation was becoming clear and he now knew what she was yelling at him for and stepped between them. " Bilbo, why don't you go on a head. Your cousin and I need to talk." Thorin ordered and the hobbit looked at his cousin, his face; clearly filled with guilt for betraying her trust and he continued up the hill. " A little hard on him, weren't you?" Thorin pressed as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"He had no right to do that." She growled lowly.

"Honor, if you want someone to be angry at, then be angry with me. I was the one that pressured your cousin into telling me." Thorin admitted, making the elf look at the ground around her. Thorin lifted her chin so she was looking into his eyes. "It's time you forgive your cousin, he didn't do it to hurt you." Honoria let out a final sigh and nodded and the two of them continued on to catch up to the others.

As the company climbed higher, the silence only grew. Their seemed to be no sign of life anywhere. The elf couldn't remember the last time she heard the sound of a bird.

"It's so quiet." Bilbo finally broke the silence, as he scanned the area thinking no one had heard him.

"Wasn't always like this." Balin admitted, as his memory, filled his mind, of the way these lands once looked before the fire-drake from the north came. "Once, these slopes were lined with woodlands. The trees...were filled with birdsong."

The hobbit got distracted when he heard the sound of a bird 'chirping' over his head as it landed on a nearby rock and Bilbo looked at it curiously as if he had seen this bird before.

"Relax, Master Baggins. We have food, we have tools, and we're making good time." Thorin assured the concerned hobbit as he and the elf came up behind him and Balin. Bilbo formed a smile at his cousin, but she just looked away from him. The dwarf prince suddenly ran passed them till he got to the very edge and starred at the sight below him. The others soon joined his side and looked at the ruin city.

"What is this place?" Honor whispered, feeling a chill go through her.

" It was once the city of Dale." Balin answered. " Now it is a ruin. The desolation of Smaug."

"The sun will soon reach midday. We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets." Thorin proclaimed, he did not want to waste anymore time starring at what has passed and cannot be changed. "This way."

"Wait!" Bilbo said. Causing the dwarf prince to stop and look at the hobbit. "Is this the overlook?" He questioned. Thorin still said nothing but began to fum in his mind that their burglar was questioning his order. " Gandalf said to meet him here. On no account were we to--"

"Do you see him?" Thorin rudely interrupted. He did remember the wizard's strict orders not to go without him, but the wizard was no where in sight and the prince couldn't wait any longer.

"Thorin...? Gandalf said to meet him here!" Honor pressed but the dwarf was acting strange, it was like his mind was somewhere else.

"We have no time to wait upon the wizard." Thorin declared. "We're on our own come!" Honor watched as the other dwarves started following behind their determined leader. The elf taking one last glance at the ruin city, feeling a pit in her stomach growing. They shouldn't be doing this without the wizard.

They continued to climb over rocks and outcroppings, searching for the hidden door. "Anything?" Thorin called out to the others.

"Nothing!" Dwalin shouted back from higher up on the slope. The two cousins were still paired up, but didn't speak to each other. The hobbit could feel the tension growing and he finally couldn't go on any longer.

"Honor..." Bilbo sighed and the half-breed looked at him. "Honor I'm sorry I betrayed your trust, you were right I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry."

"No...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry with you like that. I know you were just trying to help out. It was time that I told someone the truth..." She admitted. The hobbit looked at her and smiled and she smiled back at him and hugged him.

"If the map is true..then the hidden door lies directly above us." Thorin stated as he looked at the map. Honoria continued to look around. It had to be in this area.

"Up here!" Bilbo cried triumphantly. He noticed the strange formations on the side of the mountain and followed it, and came to a stop, taken at the sight of an impressive set of carven stairs leading to the top of the mountain.

"You have keen eyes, master Baggins." Thorin praised as the elf joined them and shook her cousin by the shoulders, excitedly. They were so close to the door, all they had to do was now climb up the stairs.  

A Long Way From Home[Thorin Oakenshield] RE-EDITING! 2/60 DONEWhere stories live. Discover now