~Chapter Forty Three~

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It was the next day when Honoria's eyes slowly fluttered open. She was laying on her side facing a window and she had to blink a few times before her blurry vision became clear for her to see it was morning. The elf slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and looked to her other side; where Thorin should have been, but was no where to be seen. The young woman looked around, a little surprised she hadn't heard the dwarf get up when he did. She had been so worn down these last couple of days. Without realizing it, she rubbed her stomach before climbing off the bed. She put her boots back on and left the room and headed down the hall.

Last night's rest was well needed, but it wasn't enough to relieve the stress that still consumed her. Reaching Thorin had been more difficult that she thought. The elf looked at her wrist, remembering what happened by the treasure room entrance. Thorin had grabbed her by the wrist so tightly when he slammed her against the wall; it was enough to leave mark's. The half-breed knew deep down the dwarf never meant to hurt her like that; it was the gold, poisoning his mind. For the first time in month's the elf was actually scared. She saw what happened when she confronted the king the other night and what he was capable of. What would happen if she were to approach him again only to have him do something much worse? Honor saw how much it took for him just to realize what he was doing, what if the next time he didn't realize until it was too late?

Honor shook the disturbing thought from her mind. This was Thorin, she shouldn't be afraid of him, he would never hurt her? Somehow she doubted her own thoughts. The dwarf was changing, things he had valued dearly to him when she first met him, seemed of little importance to him now. She wondered if the Arkenstone would really help ease his mind, if they found it, or would it make him worse? The elf slowly walked towards the treasure room when saw Thorin coming from another hall. He was no longer wearing the ragged clothing the bowman had given them. He was wearing clothing dressed for a king. Honoria quickly hid behind a column before the dwarf spotted her as he walked by. The elf watched as he enter the treasure room and she let out a sigh of despair before the woman approached the entrance and watched as the king stepped foot on the gold and started speaking; as if he was talking to someone.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow...and grief." Thorin spoke with such longing in his voice when the half-breed noticed something had caught Thorin's attention. Honor moved passed the door and stood on the bottom step before the mounds of gold. The woman looked in the direction Thoin was still looking at and she couldn't believe it, they were alive; all four of them. " Behold the great...treasure hoard of Thror." The dwarf suddenly tossed something through the air and his eldest nephew caught it. "Welcome my sister-sons...to the kingdom...of Erebor."

Honoria hid back in the shadows, hearing the way Thorin was speaking in there made her feel helpless and she left and walked back down the hall to the feasting room. As she walked in, she failed to notice Balin and Dwalin talking at one of the tables, but they noticed her. They watched as the young woman leaned against the stone wall and then slowly slid till she was on the ground. The elf was lost at what to do. Getting him away from that horrid room the other night, didn't phase him one bit. And she wrapped her arms around her legs, starring at the ground.

"Lass are you alright?" Balin asked. The elf slowly lifted her head and looked at the dwarf and he saw the pain that covered her face.


Balin and Dwalin both looked to the side to see it was Bofur. Oin was right beside him; along with Fili and Kili. Dwalin hurried over to the group and hugged Bofur.

"Kili!" Nori shouted as the two of them hugged. Balin glanced at the elf and smiled, he knew how worried she had been when they got left behind but it didn't seem to easy her mind.

"Thank Durin, you're alive!" Balin proclaimed as he approached the others.

"Bombur!" Bofur cried, hugging his brother.

"You're alive!" Ori stated, excitedly as they all rejoiced to have the company all back together once again. The two younger brother looked around for one person they had yet to see and sure enough, through the passing dwarves; they spotted the young elf sitting on the ground and they approached her, but once they got to her. The youngest: Kili noticed something wasn't right about her.

"Honoria, is everything alright? You don't look so well." Kili pointed out, taking not of her exhausted she seemed to be and if he didn't know better, how pale she suddenly looked.

"I'm alright. It's good to see you boys again." She stated, as she got up from the ground and hugged them both. She had missed them dearly. The reunion however was cut short when a certain dwarf came into the room.

"What are you all doing standing around, we have work to do! Their will be time enough later to welcome back the four of them. To the treasure room, all of you!" Thorin barked, before storming back to the room himself. Honoria starred at the hall for the longest time; Thorin was unreachable, his mind was taken. The elf still had so much on her mind that she didn't hear Fili asking her if she was joining them and she didn't say anything but slowly followed behind them with the rest of them, realizing there was nothing she could do. Thorin stood on a platform that looked over the mounds of gold. He watched as everyone searched for hours, for the missing arkenstone. "Any sign of it?" He finally asked.

"Nothing yet." Dwalin informed from his section of the hoard he was searching through.

"Nothing here." Ori stated as well.

"Keep searching!" Thorin ordered them.

"That jewel could be anywhere." Oin pointed out, seeing no end to this search anytime soon. Bilbo had walked into the room, he had been reluctant to search for the stone, he had been dealing with his own guilty of not tell any of them sooner that their was no Arkenstone to be found. He looked over at his cousin, watching her struggle to search the mounds. He could tell she had gotten somewhat of rest, the circles under eyes weren't so dark but she was still exhausted and he glared at the king for not noticing this.

" The Arkenstone is in these halls. Find it!" Thorin demanded.

"You heard him. Keep looking."Dwalin encouraged the others. They were all growing tired, from the long hours of searching.

"All of you! No one rests until it is found." Thorin declared and the hobbit left, knowing if his own cousin couldn't even get through to the dwarf, their was no way he could get through to his friend.  

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